
Chapter 42 Training Begins()

  This military academy is indeed the best-paid military academy in the Navy, but it is also the most demanding elite concentration camp.

  Just like now, the morning exercise that is just a physical exercise is a 25-kilometer long-distance run, which causes many students with poor physical fitness to suffer, and can only follow their lives with gritted sweat.

  "Alan, I can't do it!" Qin Ge kept running with Robin, and after ten laps of running, Robin's physical strength was obviously unable to keep up, and he was breathing heavily and his face was sweating. .

  Seeing that they had gradually distanced themselves from the troops in front, the instructors on the side were staring fiercely. What Qin Ge did not hesitate was to put a tired little Roli on her shoulder.

  "Qin Ge Allen, what are you doing? This is training. If you want to help Nicole Robin, you will be punished by 50 laps!" The instructor saw Qin Ge's actions and sang suddenly.

  When Robin heard this, he immediately struggled to come down and said anxiously, "Allen, let me down quickly, or you will be punished!"

  Qin Ge, who watched as Little Loli started to speed up, ignored the instructor's reprimand, patted the little Luo Li's ass, and ran away, saying, "If you increase the punishment, you will get better punishment. You're too weak , Too barely will only increase the burden on the body, be honest on your stomach! "

  "But ...!" Xiao Loli also wanted to refute, and did not want to involve Qin Ge in punishment because of herself, but it was obviously impossible for Qin Ge to leave her alone. No matter what she said, she did not let go, but instead It was the student who overtook the army in front.

  Others who were sweating and rushing to see Qin Ge even looked at him with a surprised look while running, but Qin Ge ignored it and instead ran at full speed and rushed directly to the forefront of the army.

  Running at the forefront of the army are Qin Ge's most outstanding students in this session, such as the long-legged girl, the rusty fruit capable person, and so on.

  After the entrance ceremony, the students of the same session have all been familiarized with their introductions. For example, those who are familiar with the demonic fruit ability in the selection are the navy elites in the future.

  "This guy....!"

  After seeing Qin Ge carrying a person chasing him up, and even getting faster and faster to surpass them, these people naturally reluctant to show their weakness, and began to fight desperately.

  It is in this way that you chase after me and lap the lap, until you finish the morning exercise of fifty laps.

  After 25 kilometers, even Qin Ge, who was full of energy, had some shortness of breath under Robin, and sweat was faintly visible on his forehead.

  Although other people's morning exercises are over, Qin Ge has not yet, because he helped Robin in violation of the rules, so he was naturally punished next. The instructors were severely punished by 50 laps, and they needed to complete a thousand. Push-ups.

  Regarding such punishment, Qin Ge executed it without saying a word, and ran on the runway of the training ground alone.

  Of course, Qin Ge's punishment is also not enough to move Xiao Luoli. If it wasn't for Qin Ge to let her take a good rest, and to welcome the formal training afterwards, I'm afraid that she has already run with Qin Ge.

  Although he was punished in the morning exercise, Qin Ge still maintained a vigorous energy in the formal training after breakfast.

  In addition to the training in strength, the training of this military academy also has various aspects of knowledge transfer, such as survival in the wild, explanation of the key points of the human body, etc., all to enable students to become excellent navy after graduation, better Perform tasks.

  The six-level system of the military academy, the first and second-level students mainly receive physical training, especially after Zefa served as the chief instructor, which is extremely severe, because he is like Karp, who specializes in physical fitness. Strong.

  The third and fourth students will begin to teach skills, such as whether the navy six is ​​taught from the third or the third.

  As for the fifth and sixth graders, they will start actual combat, and they will form internship units to go to the four seas and the great waterways to arrest the pirates.

  The morning training at the beginning of the first day is so strict. The formal training is naturally more demanding. Anyway, the instructors are trying everything to squeeze the students' physical strength. Only when the students are exhausted are they willing to stop.

  Students like Qin Ge who are physically strong are fine, but students who are more inclined to compete like Robin are miserable. After a day of training, Robin was sent back to the dormitory by Qin Ge. Yes, she has lost the strength to walk.

  Similarly, for other students, after the day's training, you can take a good rest at night, but for Qin Ge, his training has not ended.

It can be said that it has just begun.

  After dinner, Qin Ge came to Zefa's residence on time, and then saw the other party who was already prepared.

  "It seems that the daytime training has not made you very tired. UU reads www.uukanshu.com. But the old man is not as kind as those instructors in the military academy. Next, I will let you feel the hell-like experience!" After looking at Qin Ge thoughtfully for a while, then a terrifying smile of "He" was revealed.

  Qin Ge jumped in his heart, and suddenly had a bad feeling. Compared with the people in front of him, the instructors in the military academies were only considered to be little sheep, and the tigers in front of them were cannibals.

  But all have come, and in order to become stronger, Qin Ge is not possible to shrink back, full of resolute words: "Mr. Zefa, the students are ready to accept all the tests!"

  "Okay, let's get started!" Zefa grinned, his expression suddenly abrupt, even severe.

  However, after a while of work, Qin Ge's body had an extra piece of armor-like clothes on it. This was obviously a custom-made load-bearing equipment, with a full weight of 100 kilograms. Even Qin Ge's body was far more than ordinary people. Feeling heavy.

  "From today onwards, you will have to change your weight-bearing equipment every day after coming here, and I will increase your weight every ten days, so I do n't want to be overwhelmed, so I can adapt as fast as possible!" Zefa Said lightly.

  Although there is weight-bearing training in the military academy, compared with Zefa's training, there is obviously no way to do this. This is simply squeezing Qin Ge's potential.

  I can't help but swallow my saliva. If it is only a hundred kilograms, it will cause pressure on the body, but it is still within the scope of Qin Ge.

  However, increasing the load every ten days is more terrible. If he cannot adapt, I am afraid that he can be tortured by light weight alone.

  But now obviously there is no effort to make Qin Ge think more, because Zefa's special training has begun after putting on weights.