
Pirate kingdom

Trying to write this once but tried to be too unique and finally gave up. Now I'm back and realize I love kingdom building because I like seeing the mc bring technology in bull**** way through a system or unreal genius and seeing how the people of the world s*** their pants. In that note I want the mc to be a menace to the rulers and what better then starting as a pirate and becoming the rulers of the sea *Do not own image message if you are the own and wanted taking down

Alejandro_Perez062 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

A Kidnapping?

Wolfhard arrives in front of a proper carriage, not the wagon owned by the village head. The older knight moves up, "Lord we have brought that woman, son, sadly the woman herself has passed on". An aged man got out of the carriage, "So you are the child that woman gave birth to, rejoice, boy, I have come to restore your birthright, take to the other carriage we set off at once".

Wolfhard found himself alone in a carriage leaving the village, 'TF birthright my foot isn't this just a kidnapping, what does that cold face noble want with a country bumpkin like me'.

They finally reached their destination, poor Wolfhard wasn't allowed out of the carriage unless it was for the restroom and the noble didn't visit him once. 'How someone acts so righteous when picking someone up and then giving them the abandoned child treatment is beyond me'.

"Ethan arrange for the boy to live in a quiet area". "Yes my lord, young lord please follow me to your new living area". Wolfhard wouldn't know this was the last time he would see the lord's face for years. 

'Sir Ethan may y.., "just Ethan young lord I'm a commoner", 'ok Ethan what is happening?

'Young lord, my lord has taken you under his tutelage until you are old enough to inherit your passed father's titles. The Baronary of Gilhil, a remote area under the vassalage of my lord Marquis Steffen Goldwell'.

'We are here the most remote annex in the estate, to keep you protected from those who desire your inheritance, you will live, train, and study all the basics a noble is expected to know until you are old enough to be revealed to the vassals'.

Wolfhard was alone in his room, as Ethan went to organize his schedule for the next few years. "A lost noble son huh, then why was my mother living in a village alone? Was it really cuz she feared those who desired the barony title? Even if Mother had no support, why did a marquis hide me, surely he had enough power to deal with the branch families of a remote barony".

"None of this is making sense but maybe I something judge the aristocracy world with my modern point of view, hopefully, he just waiting for all the troublemakers to surface before revealing me, to stabilize his realm".

"Even tho I don't believe it, maybe I'm wrong, hopefully, I'm wrong".

Wolfhard went to sleep that night praying he didn't become a pawn in the Marquis conspiracy.

Life slowly became mundane, poor little Wolfhard, even though on the inside his an adult still had the body of a child. it should be child abuse for how much they are working him, only the minute of going to sleep is truly his everything else is under Ethan's control.

"If it's not training the imperial knightly sword style in the morning, it is etiquette classes and every other day I have reading and math classes. The writing system is one I have never seen before, it is a pain in my a** lucky the math is the same but I decide to act slow in case they increase my workload".

After Wolfhard finished complaining mentally he got off his bed and went to the training area, before his master punished him for being late. Walking through the corridor, the servants bow down to him but never once have they talk to him, even when he speaks first. Once again Wolfhard found himself alone except when he was in training or classes.

Even though they are strict, they are truly the only people Wolfhard had a long conversation with, not even with his mother as she was mostly sleeping.

A year has passed, Wolfhard is now 8 years old, and no matter how much he tries to hide his intelligence it's hard pretending to be an uneducated village child without having a comparison.

Head Butler Ethan had to rework the schedule he set up, originally he gave Wolfhard 3 years to create a foundation of writing, basic math, and the expected etiquette for a noble of his age. After all, he was just a village child, and his mother was just a mother who didn't know his place.

'Mm it seems once again I have to update the schedule, incredible he finished the basics in one year, it is still too early to call him a genius but closer observation will be required'.

Once more Ethan went to the lord's study to update him on the new schedule, and how he would react to Ethan's suspicion, will not be known until years later but Wolfhard will find himself with shorter classes but more of than.

WolfHard happily went to his new history class, eager to answer if this was the past or another world by using the map but sadly they only used the kingdom map and won't teach world history until next year, after Wolfhard got scolded for asking about off-topic question the class startled. 

WolfHard didn't get a clue about the world until halfway through the year. 

Trying to finish the background setting quickly to get into the fun part

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