
Pirate King in Orario

A mortal soul died and met R.O.B.. The R.O.B. granted the soul 5 wishes and used the Wheel of Reincarnation, which landed on Danmachi World and R.O.B. picked 9 years before canon starts or Bell arrived to Orario. Alex, a One Piece fanboy, he wished to have One Piece have; Knowledge, All Haki, All Martial Arts, All Swordsmanship & All Devil Fruits. He wished to have a strong special body that can use multiple devil fruits without their shortcomings. His last wish is to reincarnated with his wishes but without needing to be R.O.B.'s offer as it feels uncomfortable, restricting and not free. WHAT THE FU?!!!!! Meaning that Alex used his last wish to be reincarnated and be free from becoming R.O.B.'s MC Novel. The R.O.B. already knows the mortal's wishes but accepted them all but the mortal have to succeed the 4 years Hellish Dungeon Mania trial created by the R.O.B. What and When trial? Find out by reading this story. What will the mortal do in the world full of monsters, deities, different races? What he will do to prepare forthe trial? What would he face? The mortal kept his old name and added a new one, Alex D. Ravencroff / Ravencroff D. Alex Alex doesn't want to waste his new life and will do whatever he wants. Come and read this story. Alex watched the Danmachi anime only, thus he had limited canon knowledge. He's in for world of danger, chaos and surprises of how deadly, far and wide the lore/world of Danmachi really is. Nevertheless, the world, Orario, the dungeon, the familias, and even the gods will be awed, astonished and shocked because they will witness the freest man in the world, the Whom? Let's Find Out!! Hello Dear Readers, If you stumble upon this story and seems like it. I ask are to add this in you collection and maybe gift me some Powerstones. Cause why not? They're free and can easily be done within few seconds. Besides, having a Powerstones may help me continue create chapters lol. The Fan-fic's cover photo, and all photos used as materials were created and edited by me. The materials used were free to use but can be deleted upon valid and legal reasons. This is just a Fan-Fic for fun Danmachi Fan-Fic No System Fan-Fic Read this Fan-Fic when it is 25 chapters and above or you'll regret it. This Fan-Fic doesn't have extreme scientific, theorically, logical, magical, long information or explanation like the cultivation novels cliche or Xianxa novels cliche(no offense) This is not a Cultivation nor Xianxa Fanfic(no offense) Don't expect the MC to be Prideful, Arrogant nor Weak. No lemon scene but MC gets laid lol Goals before holes lol MC is a goal-setter Harem=Maybe? Familia=NO Wish Fulfillment ______________________________________________________ *Hello there noobie Author Here!!* WARNING: I'm new in writing novel so there will be many flaws but i will improve as much. Don't expect much. And i only posts whenever i want and for fun. DISCLAIMER: ONE PIECE AND DANMACHI IS NOT MINE, THEY BELONGS TO THEIR RESPECTIVE OWNERS. I ONLY OWN FEW OCS THAT I CREATED, AND NOTHING ELSE. I DON'T OWN ANYTHING BESIDES MY OCS I USED IN THIS FANFIC. ALL THE SOURCE MATERIALS USED IN THIS FANFIC BELONG TO THEIR RESPECTIVE OWNERS.

Jane_Park_2563 · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs


-(3rd POV)-





=LOCATION: Dungeon=

A terrifying labyrinth filled with floors, traps and monsters. A complex place where even gods cannot determine their children's safety whenever they explore the dungeon. The dungeon have multiple floors & different monster types.

At evening, somewhere on the Dungeon's 18th floor, Many pubs in Rivira town serves foods & alcoholic beverages to adventurers that recuperates from explorations.

The town is a safezone and yet its filled with multiple adventurers with unknown backgrounds & motivations whether they're criminals or not.

This Rogue town have unwritten rules; 'you should never show your weakness to others and what matters most is your strength.'

There's a wooden pub that serves all mortal races called the 'Feline Fang pub' owned by 1 strong adventurer family from a medium-sized Familia found on the food district of Rivira town.

Inside the pub, there's customers from different familias currently onguard and some are holding their weapons, which are all customers are focused to on a specific table.

There's commotion caused by a group, named the Blood Rain, scowling the one tall man whose eating.

The drunken 16members of Blood Rain are raging inside. While their 2members are unconscious on the floor.

Why won't they be angry?

Their pride for being strong & fast enough to react to attacks from years of dungeon exploring was quickly crushed by the tall man named Alex whom they considered to be weak because he's alone and falnaless.

The Blood rain stood still.

They're angry at Alex but they acknowledge his speed and what he did to their unconscious companions.

They also realized Alex to keep anticipating for their next moves despite currently eating calmly.

The Blood Rain Team began re-evaluating Alex, throwing away their former thoughts of him. All other adventurers and pub servers did too.


Alex finished chowing down the pub's signature soup and began eating another.

They all reached the conclusion that Alex is strong as Leister Lancer, level 4. With few elders thinking he's even more stronger than the whole team.

Despite the danger Alex displayed,

The drunken team simultaneously decided to still not retreat because their pride at risk but also the alcohol in their system has affected them strongly on this decision.

'He's fast. I could intercept his speed if I use that 'skill' now that I drank enough alcohol but is he worth it more than Amphisbaena?.' Drunk logen thought.

The blood rain team is still surrounding Alex.

*Chew* *Chew*

"I don't belong here?! Of course D******s! I'm a human adventuring in the birthplace of monsters. The only thing that doesn't belong here are you and your team's drunk a***s. Again, You guys need to return to your table and mind your own damn business." Alex told the team.

"What can you do? You're all alone while we are outnumbering and surrounding you right now, Squid face." Logen reminded and insulted.


The blood rain team and most drunk adventurers are laughing at the insult while eating and drinking meads while few didn't laughed.

Those few kept watching and anticipating for some actions.


Instead of being offended, Alex found the insult funny

"Haha! Squid face. I'll let you have that one. But listen here!" Alex said as he points onto Logen.

"I think there's still some confusion. I'm not the one in trouble here. There's only 16 of you, You'll need more to defeat me. Now go the f**k away!" He confidently warned still attempting to solve this without any problem too much.

How useless his efforts

because there's a fact that adults knew that Alex forgotten.






is that alcoholics are irrational beings.

Most of the Team didn't accept the warning nicely.


Drunk Logen angrily shouted as his clenched fist swung to Alex with all of his might

A quick as someone clap



A sound they heard as every people witnessed Logen punching Alex to the chest.


"Take that! You weak supporter!"

"OH! SHIT!!!"

*Jiggle* *Jiggle*


"Woah! It's still jiggling. Ha-ha-ha!!"

"I wish they were boobs jiggling instead."

"I couldn't agree more!!"

"Cheers to that mate!"


"Yuck! Vulgars cretins!"

"Another fight! Another night!"



Entertainment is what all customers feel when Drunken Logen punched Alex's chest while Alex fat belly jiggles. All are in merry mood including the blood rain team.





Only few experienced senior adventurers asked why Alex didn't even move an inch after directly recieving a high level 4 adventurer's punch. Also they questioned if Alex could dodge that.

Alex's belly stopped jiggling and begun thinking.

'A '4,000' Doriki huh. It didn't hurt me. Having this measurement is useful and fun! Great thing I don't need to jump nor shout it. He's probably equally strong as the Executive Evilus earlier. I'm about to destroyed this mf's confidence.' Alex smiled as his adrenaline begin rushes.

His smile is signalling to adventurers how unhurt he is.

"My turn." Smiling Alex tells with eyes filled with seriousness.

Logen and blood rains' team stared back at him with anticipation for Alex next move like how they would hunt monsters. Arrow already aimed at him.

Their old magician aim her wand at Alex, another guy twirled his morning star. The team stepped back except Logen.

His stare versus their stares,

their tensions created this thick hostile atmosphere destroying the audience merry mood earlier.

Some drunk adventurers went sober and are anticipating while holding their weapons again.

Everyone could tell something is about to happen.

"STOP!!! NO FIGHTING IN HERE!" The server finished shouting and finally broke the hostile atmosphere.


As the server approaches the commotion.






As if time froze,

All costumers, servers and blood rain team were shocked because of what they witnessed. Some have their mouth agape.

Wthout they're realization nor seen, Alex is now on different position from earlier before everyone in the pub could notice.

Still at the front of Logen,

Alex picked up Farb's knife from the table so fast and pointed it just a millimeters away from Logen's right eye who is currently shocked.

Alex purposely stopped at the last moment.

Once again challenging their ability to perceived fast objects. Once again learning that Alex is faster than they could perceive.

Finally cemented to every adventurers present that Alex is not a pushover.

*thud* *thud*

Alex then threw the duo's knives to the ground. Just a few inches to their Logen's feet.

"He's not faking his threat! He almost killed our leader!"

The Blood Rain team and their leader finally realise the authenticity of Alex words also remembering ahis actions earlier.

His warning was more sureal when they saw a smiling Alex's eyes have no hesitation of hitting Logen.

In their minds, Logen was lucky understand that were lucky that Alex willingly stopped even after the server shouted.

'Was I about to die? How could he be faster than me?! I can't accept this! Nonsense! He's falnaless!' Logen thought as his face spelled shocked, fright and rage.


3 members are sweating buckets.


One dropped his weapon.

Rue lowered her bow.

Merle lowered her wand not wanting to attack as she lowered her husband's twinswords.

Next, she signalled her team to slowly retreat.

All blood rain member backed away as Merle's signalled.


Rue grabbed her leaders' raging fist and forced themselves to backed away.

All members has retreated and only relieved that their leader is safe and they are safe.

The Blood Rain team that once arrogantly and prideful are currently feeling fear for their lives because of Alex.


"Here's the rest of the food. All of you leave him alone and quietly drink or else leave our establishment." The server, Dugr Vättar, warned the people as she placed down their drinks with her gigantic wooden tray.

"Don't ever do that again our establisment or else be banned forever." Dugr looked and warned Alex too because of the stunt he did earlier.

No words need to said.













Alex knowing this is not his place to make a mess and just settled down. He returned to his seat and the adrenaline rush stopped and calmed down.

He's begun munching foods again.

"Entertainments over! You people, Return to your seats!" The server, Dugr Vättar, shouted and the Blood Rain followed.

As the Blood rain team begun retrieving their weapons on the ground and returned to their table.

Both Jenik and Rue woke up Farb and Coerh.

The duo stood up and picked their knives

"This isn't over." Farb and his friend warned Alex and walk away while they sheated their knives.

The team finally returned to their seats while feeling defeated.

The server left the table and begun serving others.

And when they backed off, the pub's air changed.


The hostile tension in the atmosphere that was present now broke down and turn back into jolly one. The adventurers' vigilances became joyfully one instantaneously, most adventurers sheated their weapons and raised their mugs to drink.






"Hey Dugr Vättar! Please give me bill. I'll leave after this meal." Alex reminded the server.

"Got it." Dugr Vättar said as she left to compute the cost of all the food Alex has eaten.




That one group that gambled between each other that Alex's meal earlier turned chaotic.

"I finally won! Ha-ha! Everyone give me your money." An elf happily inquired.

The companions then handed their money to the celebrating elf.

It's not just them, Other customers simultaneously gain and loss extra valis after gambling too.






Alex finished eating &finally paid his food worth a whopping 236,000 valis.

Expressing his gratitude to the cooks,

"Here's 10,000 valis for the cooks and you, servers. I'm glad the pub used what I hunted earlier. Thank you for the food. " Alex said giving multiple pouches to the weretiger server.

The Blood rain turned sour after witnessing Alex's wealthy pockets.

The people, especially the Blood Rain team, watched as Alex exited the pub, trying to remember the face of their entertainment tonight. Some for other purposes.

Finally, the commotion along with the people's interest over Alex has ended. The rumors of Alex being falnaless was disregard quickly and been treated as nothing more than a drunk man's foolish sayings.

All customers & servers continued their own businesses in the first place before the commotion happened.


Alex is outside the Feline Fang Pub with a satisfied big fat belly.

*Handcart pulled and moving sound effects*

He dragged his cart as he headed towards the old dwarven's inn.

He plans on immediately sleeping and letting the fat belly burn overnight while sleeping.





=LOCATION: 17th floor=


Above the 18th floor is called the Great Wall of Sorrow

Found on 17th Floor of the Dungeon. A vast room surrounded by huge walls.

Somewhere within the floor. There's a commotion happening. 3 male corpses trampled by gigantic footprints. Running away from the corpses are 4 females, the remaining groupmates of those corpses.















Loud beastly scream echoed throughout the entire floor. It's all coming from the gigantic gray humanoid monster, its head reaches up to the ceiling.

Every strong adventurers can recognise this monster.

Its the newly respawned Goliath or Monster Rex of 17thfloor.


Upon it's strongest stomp with his heavy feet created massive fissures everywhere.


Some giant debris from the ceiling falls to the ground as fissures continues spreading to entire floor.






Goliath roars declaring its presence to the group. It successfully made the group run for their lives against the giant & falling debris.

"It's the Goliath, KEEP RUNNING!" A Female Elf yelled at her teammates while running.

"Shouldn't the Monster Rex respawn at a later day. How come the Goliath spawned now?" a pallum girl holding a mage wand screamed loudly while running along with her group.

"I'm at fault! I thought we have a day left, that we are able go to the 18th floor for the first time. I let this team bite off more than we could chew." The Elf with long blond hair recognised & admits her fault while running with despair.

"Why did we follow you Elga?! Our leader the strongest was a level 3." A running brown-haired bunny girl added.

"Stop blaming each other aND RUN TOWARDS 18TH FLOOR!!!" The pallum shouted to her group as she runs to the entrance of the 18th floor alpng woth others.

'Riveria-onesama, What will y-' before the elf could finish

It was interrupted by,



Two gigantic fists smashed the ground the team's location. Their ground explodes into boulders carrying the girls to mid-air

Their bags,weapons & shields wereseperated from them

But that's not the bad news,


Its the horribles views of rocks shooting and cutting limbs of 2 girls, an arm and a leg.

while they're suspended on the air,

'Ahh...my arm is floating away. This physical pain cannot compare to the pain of realizing that I am useless now.' The elf women reacted as she gave up escaping her death.

*Thud* *Thud* *Thud* *Thud*

4 bodies dropped on the ground next to each other.

Reaching few meters away from Goliath

*Step* *Step*

The Dwarf and bunny girl are standing up.

"Is this how an elven royalty dies?"

The elf asked herself. She kept laying to the ground while not reacting to pain of her detached right arm.

*drip* *drop* *drop*

"AAAARRRRRGGHHHH! My foot!" The pallum mage cries in pain while holding her severed bleeding thigh, losing her right leg.


Her scream stopped within seconds and teared her sleeves to tie her remaining leg.

"It's all my fault! I shouldn't convince our dead leader and you guys further down since we're still third-rate Adventurers. It's because of me that Mash, Grack and Hib died." The depressed Elf said now crying on the ground.

Few moments later,

"i..i...I...Gossa...I was careless. I'm truly sorry!" The elf apologizes to her Dwarven Tank, named Gossa, disregarding her elven pride against dwarves.


The Female Dwarf's yelled who was glaring at Elga dangerously.





And within few seconds,

Gossa retracted her glares, remembering her brother's final words.

'Everyone don't blame Elga cause she only suggested we go to 18th floor. I'm the leader of this team that led us here in a perilous situation. It's my fault that were dying. It's my duty along with Mash and Hib to protect all of you, as an elder brother and senior adventurer. Gossa! Elga! run towards safety! Please get out and save yourselv....' This was the final message from their dwarven leader before dying.

These words are what kept playing to his sister, female dwarf's mind.

After passing few troublesome thoughts later,

"Stop blaming yourself, you stupid elf! Its not your fault completely. Everyone! This isn't the time for blaming. We must survive first. Talk about this later." Gossa said with the resolve to survive first with them.

As both Gossa and bunny girl are finally standing.

They both watched the goliath moving his hands from ground and looks for them.

They saw this as an opportunity to escape. Gossa finally stand up and took action first.

"Hang to the shield Elga! Neri! I drag you were almost there on the entrance of 18th floor." The tank dwarf said placing the pallum healer and their suffering leader elf to her last big shield.

"Argh!...Phade grab our missing limbs." The female pallum ordered while tying her amputated foot to stop blood leaving outside her body.

"I'm on it Neri!" The bunny girl named Phade replied to the dwarf, named Gossa, while running towards the missing limb. Still confident on her speed.

And within few seconds,

Gossa finished tying the elf & pallum to her shield

*grab* *grab*

Phade grabbed their elven leader's severed hand and Neri's severed feet on the ground. Phade then went to her team's location.

As the dwarf tries to pull her teammates,


2 loud cracks the team heard but its not from the ground.


All reacted in despaired and doom as they saw their dwarven friend's both legs snapped in two when she pulls her injured team.






Goliaths roars after finding the team below.


It swung his fist towards them.

The pallum begun chanting her wand still not giving up.

"Somebody Help us!!" Phade & Elga screamed simultaneously as their doom named goliath's fist approaches about to be crushed them like insects.





The team sees a man's back wearing a helmet while walking towards the Goliath punch.

Before they could warn this mysterious man.


He planted his foot.

"DISSAPPEAR!!!" A irritated Alex shouted without thinking.

He brings his fist against the incoming gigantic punch.

He punched upwards, an uppercut, releasing his full strength along with fury, annoyance and frustration.


He punches the giant fist and destroyed its full body including its gigantic monster crystal, leaving nothing of once a terrifying monster lighting quick.

The impact created loud shockwaves and made the Female team become unconscious.

Not stopping at the monster,


The punch created this strong gust of force that reached the bedrock celing of the 17th floor, penetrating it enough to punched a massive hole easily before a person could blink.


The strong gust forcefully punctured 16th floor.


Every falling debris, boulders,bedrocks chunks turned into dust as theywent upwards following the force created fromthe punch.


That devastating forceful gust reaches the 16th floor ceilings. The large bedrocks got destroyed by the same gust too.


The gust punctured a massive hole from floors 15 through 13 pretty fast.


The strong forceful gust then rushes from 13thfloor to its ceiling too.


The very gust devastated the ceiling & completely puncturing a massive hole. The large bedrock boulders got destroyed entering floor 12 easily


The gust punctured another massive hole to 12th floor swiftly.

Not finished yet,


The force gust of wind rushes towards 11thfloor to rises to the ceiling with ease.

*POP!* *Whoossh!~~~*

But the devastating gust of wind and dustclouds then dissappeared as its all it can do.



The entire massive 17th floor experiencing earthquakes after Alex punched the goliath at his full power. This shaking is more potent than what Goliath capable of.


This shockwaves turned into magnitude 5 earthquakes and enveloped the entire floor.

Few seconds passed,

*Strong earthquakes spreading*

Floors 18 to 12 are currently experiencing earthquakes.

Magnitude 5 earthquakes envelopes the entire 18thfloor leaving fissures, the Rivira Town included.


All adventurers on the town are on high alert and confused on why it's happening.

This same magnitude happens on other floors.

This lasted for few seconds.




*Earthquakes ends~~*

The surving monsters within those floor are confused and thrown onto disarray for a while before earthquakes ends minutes after.

The most shocked is Grithra who witnessed it all. Her remaining doubts & suspicions of Alex being in Evilus was blew away by wind too because he's much stronger than the evilus she fought yesterday.

He remove his helmet to witness the destruction aftermath.

"M*****f****r. Looking above, I definitely punched holes of ceilings. I almost punch another hole through 11th floor too. They're gigantic holes enough to fit Five of my gigantic form. Good thing I'm not paying.---

---I made gigantic mess to the dungeon itself. And here I thought, I could easily blend in and hide my strength. I'm dangerously stronger than I thought. I need to fully learn this new body!" Alex thoughts after analyzing the damages.

The 17th floor became messier than ever, boulders all around and blockings, Others floors encountered the same fate.


He took a big breath






He exhaled a big relieving sigh and

"Unfortunately, I see no magic stone nor loot since I decimated this goliath. BUT Finally, that monstrous scream is dead. It such a big relief."

Alex felt refreshed, like he worn a silent Headphone on a noisy place, after decimating the goliath with one punch.

'Killing those evilus mfs made me suffered nightmares. It worsen when I suddenly heard rings and different violent screams appearing and disappearing everywhere. I woke up everytime from those d****d overwhelming nightmares. I passed out after hearing the most loudest ominous screams were Death to all mortals, gods, plunging this world into darkness, destroy this 'lid', waiting for promised time type shit. Those kept repeating like broken record. I used everything to stop those screams but it didn't work. I gave up trying to sleep. Luckily, They stopped in the morning.' Alex rekindle before continuing analysing the floors.

He begun another thoughts,

'I haven't had a sleep since yesterday. It frustrates and angers me earlier even when I was eating with Grithra. It appeared again when this goliath mf spawned. But now that's over.---

---What happened here just confirmed I'm not suffering from shizophrenia, haunting ghosts nor hallucinations. It happened to Luffy, Roger, Oden and Momonosuke. I awakened the Voice of All Things. It's a great thing to have but It f*****g sucks it awakened in this dungeon. This is different from Observation Haki because those voices aren't what human would say nor thinks. This is terrible to my mental health and will probably worsen if continuous exposure.---

---Getting out of this d*** dungeon is a must. I need to fix this problem as soon as I exit this dungeon and found a place before I could experience that night again.' Alex ended his thoughts with new resolve.

Alex then looked the other individuals especially the survivors. The survivors fainted and scattered everywhere because they were knocked out by the forceful gust and they used their all energy trying to escape Goliath earlier.

'So the another small screams are from these guys. Is that their familia flag? So they're from Loki familia. The reward of helping will be good, considering they're First-rates Familia in Orario. Let's help them.' He decided.


He closed his eyes while using Giro Giro no Mi, that can see from 4000 km away, to search for Grithra & anyone from all damages floors.

Within few seconds,

He spotted Grithra hidding inside his cart. He found no people besides them on 17th floor currently and all adventurers on 11th floor are safe and they're running towards 10th floor's passage way while monsters are afraid & running away from the holes.

Also, He saw the passageway to 18thfloor is currently blocked by massive boulders.

Alex then thought

'I'm glad she's safe and were the only ones in here. After watching her memories, She has healing magic. Also,She could have left me here during Goliath but she didn't because currently she desires revenges against Evilus but she didn't let it consume her. Instead, she priorities fullfiling her dead sister's last wish even if joining Evilus. Her resolve to survive and return to surface is stronger than her revenge. She's mentally strong enough to heal them----.'





the dungeon wails


The loudest High-pitched shrieking/cry instantly surrounds 12th-17th floors.

Like a knife scratching a plate



What follows is a loud ringing sound that shakes/vibrates the 17thfloor.

No monsters on sight. The dungeon's walls trembles joining the violent-irregular cry.




"Ahhh!" Grithra screams while covering her ears frozen in place.


"Mnngghh!" A man groans in pains.

'It's the same f*****g ominous scream I heard last night. So it fucking comes from the dungeon itself. It f*****g hurts!' Alex thought while covering his ears and feeling the agonizing lethal pain from the ringing.

Each ringing crashing his eardrumps like Truck crashing with each other.

Alex and Grithra concluded that the Dungeon itself is wailing like its 'hurting' from the massive damage that Alex did.

The 11th floor's ceiling,


A deep trembling beastly howl joining the ungodly shrieks & shaking creating this Deadly symphony of Wails,Pain,Anger,Violence,Death,Destruction.


Another hole created by the dungeon found on the ceiling of 11thfloor.


Inside that hole is despair incarnated. It shouted its otherworldly newborn cry while glaring his preys with scarlet eyes.






Those eyes reflect both Grithra and Alex

To be continued







{Anti-Monsters Barrier Remaining Time; 11 Months : 29 Days : 19 Hours : 59 Minutes}

Even with his new found powers, MC is still a human who feels emotions and still makes mistakes, some are small and some are big.

What matters now is what you will do after the mistakes? Accept it and Learn from it.

Will you the same man who will commit the same mistakes? or are you capable of change and improvement?

Instead of being sad and kept thinking about the mistakes.




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