
Pirate's Copy[Chat Group]

[[[[[novel translated by the translator]]]] BIntroduction: Boring~Pirate Saigao~ Justice in the world will be promoted by our navy! World government? Just pay for the military expenditure! Celestial Dragons? Descendants of gods usually end badly! Revolutionary Army? Your ideas are a bit naive! Pirates? Death is all! When Morn stands at the top of the world, with twelve family members following him, his final enemy is Him! .. ... Volume 02 chat group [Congratulations to "Infinite Snake" Jormungandr for joining the dimensional chat group! 】 【Come and say hello to everyone! 】 Moen: "@come my son, Whitebeard, are you alive? Or is this the world after death?" Moen: "It's really hard to accept. I obviously killed you with my own hands, but you showed up here. Really, it's a bit interesting~" Can Morne, already invincible, change other worlds in a heartbreaking moment? Let's walk together!

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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780 Chs

Sweet Lee - Moen Yunlong

Moen came to the Naval Academy with the appointment letter in hand.

In the large square that was once used as a training ground, more than a hundred people were waiting in formation, waiting for their superiors to come for review.

Many navy passed by here and stopped involuntarily to take a closer look.

Ain and Xiu Zuo stood at the front of everyone, looking at Moen who was walking slowly from not far away.

"Report to Major General Moen! The number of pirate guerrillas is one hundred and twelve, and the actual number is one hundred and twelve! Please review!" Ain stepped forward and saluted Moen.

No matter how good the relationship is in private, at this time, Ain must become serious and help Moen establish his authority.

Moen looked at the serious Moen, the mature Xiu Zuo, and the soldiers whose eyes were full of inquiry.

"Heh." Moen grinned, full of affinity.

"Everyone, please sit down first. You must be tired from standing."

Moen directly asked everyone to sit down cross-legged and stood in front of everyone.

"As for me, you all know me, so I won't make vain introductions." Moen raised the appointment letter in his hand.

"According to the order of the headquarters, the pirate guerrillas were established, and I am directly under the supreme commander. Do you know what this means?"

"I don't know." Xiu Zuo shook his head and grinned.

He understood what Moen meant, but now he could only answer "I don't know" because Moen had to say this himself.

"This shows that you only need to obey my orders. The rest of the people, even the generals and marshals, don't have to worry about it. Do you understand?"

Moen's tone was very soft, but it exploded in everyone's hearts like thunder.

"Do you know what animal I like best?"

Moen looked at the already frightened and uneasy soldiers and changed his mind.

"Report, I don't know!" Ain spoke first.

This is not a lie, she really doesn't know. She only knows that Moen likes to eat Neptune.

"I like wolves." Moen smiled. This time, it was a sneer. "Wolves are as cunning as foxes, as ferocious as tigers, and as slippery as rabbits. It can be said that wolves are perfect animals."

"However, in the outside world, a wolf alone cannot defeat a tiger, outplay a fox, or outrun a rabbit."

"But what is the most outstanding thing about wolves is teamwork! The cruelty of wolves is the basis for their fame in the natural world!"

"According to Teacher Zefa's recommendation, the original name of this unit was [NEO Pirate Guerrilla Force], but I don't like this name."

"I like wolves. I like those wolves that howl at their prey and bite them without letting go! I like those wolves that unite and can fight against kings, natural disasters, and everything!"

"So, the name of our unit is Wolf! I don't care what prefix you put on this wolf's name in the future, whether it's a blood wolf, a ferocious wolf, a ghost wolf... I don't care."

"One Piece, Gol D. Roger achieved his fame in this sea and started this evil era. I believe you all know the cruelty of pirates. They are scum that should not exist in this world!"

"Now you just need to tell me whether you are willing to become a wild wolf that bites pirates on the sea!"

Moen looked at the group of soldiers in front of him who were ready to move, and asked softly.

His voice was not very loud, and he did not use those military awards to speak. He just wanted to know whether the army he took over was bloody.





I don't know who was the leader. All the soldiers began to scream, and their voices became louder and louder. At the same time, their eyes began to become bloodshot.


Warring States stood on the windowsill of the office, looking at the group of soldiers howling in the distance.

Next to him is a telephone bug, and the sound of wolf howling comes from it.

Even though it was far away from the Naval Academy, Sengoku could feel that the military spirit of that unit had been established!

Zefa was very pleased to taste the bitter tea secretly stored in the Warring States period, and the bitterness in his mouth turned into sweetness in his heart.

As a student, my future is limitless!

In the square, a group of howling soldiers howled their throats dry, but no one stopped.

Even Ain and Xiu Zuo howled together.

Moen pressed his hand and the sound stopped immediately.

Orders and prohibitions are the most basic and important thing for an army.

Morn has integrated this newly formed pirate guerrilla team.

"From today on, I want all pirates to know that when they encounter our wolf army, they encounter a group of wild wolves, a group of howling wild wolves!"

"Any pirate ship that dares to fly the pirate flag will be a piece of fat in the mouth of our wolf army!"

"Eat the flesh of these scum and chew their bones! The wolf army has only three iron laws!"

"One, always obey my orders!"

"Two, the Wolf Army strictly prohibits killing each other. I don't care what grudges or interest disputes you have. As long as you join the Wolf Army, you are just an ordinary soldier. All Wolf Army soldiers are comrades who can be trusted to support you!"

"Third, the wolf army does not need any pirate prisoners, no matter whether he is a devil fruit user or not, and no matter who is behind him."

"Now, all you wolf cubs. Get ready and set sail!!!"




In the horrified look of the navy watching on the sidelines, the momentum of the wolf army has soared into the sky. The spirit and spirit of the entire army are all linked together, and they walk as if they are one person.

"This will definitely be an iron-blooded army."

A veteran logistics veteran slowly took out the cigarette from his pocket and lit it for himself with trembling hands.

Taking a deep breath and exhaling the smoke ring, he actually rose up and went to the front line again to fight the urge of the sea!

A specially made iron-clad warship with a flying seagull flag.

The fully equipped wolf army stepped onto this medium-sized warship. They will spend a long time on the sea in the future.

"The report is ready." Ain walked to Moen's side. "Except for the members of the Wolf Army, there are thirty logistics sailors, twenty cooks, and ten boatmen. They are all ready."

"In addition, Lyrella applied to become the head chef, and I agreed. And Nami, she thought that her sailing skills could guarantee her sailing on the sea, so I transferred her to our fleet as a navigator."


Moen did not look back, but responded coldly.

His eyes have been set on the new world.

"So, Rear Admiral, what is our goal." Watching the ship slowly leave the Navy Headquarters, Xiu Zuo walked over.

"Go and tell Nami that her mission is very heavy. There will be no time for her to adapt to the first half of the Grand Route during this trip. Prepare to go to the Red Earth Continent, the target, the new world!"

"I understand, Major General!"

Ain and Xiuzuo both retreated, one was preparing to convey Morn's order, and the other was preparing to communicate with the Red Earth Continent and open the channel.

"Hahaha, four emperors? Supernova? New world? I, Morn, am here!"

Moen raised the corners of his mouth, and the madness in his eyes was suppressed to the deepest level.

"Ordinary historical texts are so exciting, so how exciting are the road sign historical texts and those hidden historical texts?"

"Really, I'm looking forward to it more and more!"

