
Pirate's Copy[Chat Group]

[[[[[novel translated by the translator]]]] BIntroduction: Boring~Pirate Saigao~ Justice in the world will be promoted by our navy! World government? Just pay for the military expenditure! Celestial Dragons? Descendants of gods usually end badly! Revolutionary Army? Your ideas are a bit naive! Pirates? Death is all! When Morn stands at the top of the world, with twelve family members following him, his final enemy is Him! .. ... Volume 02 chat group [Congratulations to "Infinite Snake" Jormungandr for joining the dimensional chat group! 】 【Come and say hello to everyone! 】 Moen: "@come my son, Whitebeard, are you alive? Or is this the world after death?" Moen: "It's really hard to accept. I obviously killed you with my own hands, but you showed up here. Really, it's a bit interesting~" Can Morne, already invincible, change other worlds in a heartbreaking moment? Let's walk together!

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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780 Chs

Shape of sound? sound punishment

Marie Joa, the pregnant Nami received more noble care than the former Celestial Dragons. This is not only because she is a Morn woman, but also because of her contribution to the world.

 Nowadays, except for the windless zone, the climate in other places is as traceable as that of the four seas, and it is also the most suitable for human survival.

 With the coordination of the coalition government, wars have almost disappeared. For the development of the world, various countries have begun to vigorously develop their populations. After all, only with a large population can they have a reason to expand their territory.

 You know, it is now suitable for human beings to survive, and there are many more uninhabited islands without owners than inhabited islands!

 All this is thanks to Nami and the Ouranos she controls!

 "how do you feel?"

 Moen was very concerned after giving Nami the spirit pregnancy pill that had evolved in the dimensional chat group.

 "It's very comfortable. There has been a warm current flowing around me since just now."

 Nami touched her lower abdomen happily, where a new life was being nurtured!

 As a first-time mother, Nami has completely lost her usual little wildcat look at this moment. The soft radiance emanating from her body made Moen's eyes wide open!


 [Ding, Nishimiya Glass has joined the dimensional chat group, come and say hello to her! ]

 Because Nami was pregnant, Moen, Robin and others didn't want to go out and hang out, so they simply lay in bed together and reviewed the drama.

 While Moen was diving, the group chat suddenly vibrated!

 "Nishimiya Glass?"

 Moen frowned, he was very clear that he didn't know this character.

 It seemed that someone from a world he didn't know had joined the dimensional chat group.

 "Are there any new episodes to follow?"

 Nami tapped her finger and turned off the [Rainbow Cat and Blue Rabbit Series] she was watching.

 "It should be so, let's see what the group leader says."

 At this time, in the group, a group of divers were blown out. Only when new people join the group, some people who have deep dives will come out and bubble up.

 Sero: "Huh? Am I the first one to come out this time? @Nishimiya Glass, welcome newcomers to the group!"

 Azusagawa Sakuta: "@Nishimiya Glass, this should be your real name. I wonder what kind of world you come from?"

 Kousaka Kyosuke: "It should be an ordinary everyday world. There are too many people joining the world of bosses now!"

 [Group Leader] Xiao Mengxin who is in a state of destruction: "Nishinomiya...is it glass..."

 Lingyue bubbled up in the group, her tone had a hesitant feel, as if she was very hesitant.

 Come be my son: "Gu la la la~ What's wrong, group leader, is there any problem with the newcomer this time?"

 Nishimiya Glass: "I..."

 Nishimiya Glass: "!!!"

 Nishimiya Glass: "I... I can... I can say... words?"

 I'm not the richest man: "Huh? It seems like there's something wrong with the newcomer. Can't he speak?"

 Kurosaki Ichigo: "@[Group Leader] The newbie is in a state of world destruction. Leader of the group, hurry up and send out a copy of the newcomer's memory! I'm going to be bored to death!"

 Aizen Sosuke: "@ Kurosaki Ichigo, if you don't always think about invading Soul Society, you won't be locked up in prison. Wouldn't it be great to study in the human world?"

 I'm not the richest man: "I seem to know something terrible!"

 The group instantly became noisy, and many people were very concerned about the newcomer's words. read novels

 Being able to speak is a question.

 This means that the newcomer seems unable to speak in his own world!

 [Group Leader] Xiao Mengxin, who is in the state of world destruction: "The world of newcomers... is really a cure... Forget it, I will just send a copy of the memory."

 Lingyue hesitated again, then sighed and directly uploaded a copy of the memory.

 [Ding, the group leader Lingyue uploaded a small memory copy: The Shape of Sound! ]

 "I hope they finish watching it and think this is a healing episode, not a depression episode!"

 Recalling Nishimiya Glass's past in her mind, Lingyue couldn't help but shudder. She didn't know what time period Nishimiya Glass was in when she joined the dimensional chat group now?

 Looking at the memory copy that appeared in front of him, Moen immediately chose to open it, and then chose the immersion mode to enter the world of newcomers along with the girls next to him!

 The group chat became quiet, leaving only a weak question...

 Nishimiya Glass: "Memory... a copy?"

 (Let's take advantage of [Shape of Sound], it's a standard healing show that has been taken advantage of by the group of friends~)


 At ten o'clock at noon, the maid responsible for the vacation and recuperation in Pangu City came in carrying the meals prepared by the chef. As soon as she entered, she felt a low pressure, and then she put the plate aside tremblingly. on the table, and then quickly left at Robin's signal.

 "Nishimiya Glass... the shape of this sound..."

 Moen sighed, and Nami and others on the side had already looked unhappy.

 I am not the richest man: "@[Group Leader] Xiao Mengxin who is in a state of annihilation, I remember you, the group leader, said it was a healing episode! It was a healing episode!!!"

 Tony was the first to question Lingyue. He looked at himself in the mirror with a collapsed expression. If the ending hadn't given him a little comfort, he might have been ready to ask for the newcomer's permission to go to her world!

 Nishimiya Glass: "Huh? Excuse me...what, what does agreeing to enter my world mean?"

 It seemed that after saying a few words in the group, Nishimiya Glass was already able to speak some short sentences with some proficiency. She asked questions in confusion.

 I'm not the richest man: "???"

 Tony is full of questions, who is this, so much faster than him!

 Come and be my son: "Gula la la la~ Have you been rejected? I am also planning to accept you as my daughter, Xiaojie!"

 Nishimiya Glass: "Daughter? I...I have a father."

 As if she was experiencing the feeling of talking, Nishimiya Glass basically chatted by talking. Her weak voice made the masters feel like they wanted to protect her!

 Come be my son: "Humph, your father?!"

 Come be my son: "You can't even protect your own daughter, and even divorce your mother to avoid the burden! As a father, I definitely don't agree with his approach!"

 [Group Leader] Xiao Mengxin, who is in a world-destroying state: "Rather than accepting my daughter, I care more about your current timeline, Xiaojie, or how old are you now?"

 Lingyue raised the most important question. If Glass is now in high school, then everything has happened, and the only thing everyone can do is to take care of her more in the future.

 But if she hasn't experienced so many things, she can completely change her future!

 Nishimiya Glass: "I...I am in fourth grade this year. But my life seems to be different from the memory copy you sent me, sister, isn't it?"

 Nishimiya Glass, who was hiding in a dark corner of his home, hugged his sister tightly. Hearing the scratching sound coming from outside the door, he let out a trembling "Yeah~" sound!


 The guy who made the noise outside the door seemed to be unyielding and kept scratching at the door of Nishimiya's house. After a long time, he heard no movement inside before he stopped this meaningless behavior!

