
Pirate's Copy[Chat Group]

[[[[[novel translated by the translator]]]] BIntroduction: Boring~Pirate Saigao~ Justice in the world will be promoted by our navy! World government? Just pay for the military expenditure! Celestial Dragons? Descendants of gods usually end badly! Revolutionary Army? Your ideas are a bit naive! Pirates? Death is all! When Morn stands at the top of the world, with twelve family members following him, his final enemy is Him! .. ... Volume 02 chat group [Congratulations to "Infinite Snake" Jormungandr for joining the dimensional chat group! 】 【Come and say hello to everyone! 】 Moen: "@come my son, Whitebeard, are you alive? Or is this the world after death?" Moen: "It's really hard to accept. I obviously killed you with my own hands, but you showed up here. Really, it's a bit interesting~" Can Morne, already invincible, change other worlds in a heartbreaking moment? Let's walk together!

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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780 Chs

Set off! Visit Kuroba Kaito

Maori Detective Agency, since Xiaolan joined the dimensional chat group, although she has not participated in any missions, she still has a lot of points obtained from the last [Embryo] plus the points obtained from regular sign-ins.

 Xiaolan first upgraded her cooking skills, and the dishes she made made Conan and Kogoro eat them without moving. Then she added the remaining points to karate. After all, she had seen the copy of memory and knew that the current world It's a bit dangerous. She doesn't have Conan's devilishly smart IQ, so she can only rely on force to help Conan.

 It just so happened that the Brave Heart drawn last time helped Xiaolan fill the last gap, which was being afraid of some weird things.

 "Conan, it's time to eat~"

 In the kitchen, Xiaolan shouted casually. Usually at this time, Kogoro and Conan would rush over to serve the dishes, but today for some reason there was no movement.

 "That's weird. Conan and dad should be back."

 Xiaolan put down the spoon with some doubts, and walked out of the kitchen without taking off her apron. As soon as she went out, she saw two men sticking their butts out and staring at the cards on the ground attentively... ·One man and one boy!

 "Conan! Dad! What are you doing! It's time to eat!"

 Xiaolan was very dissatisfied and shouted with her hands on her hips, but it was still useless. The two of them seemed to have been cast under a spell, as if they had not heard it!

 Xiaolan, who had already accepted that she had strange powers, was a little worried about the two of them. She walked over and took a look and then breathed a sigh of relief.

 It turned out that what the two of them were lying on the ground studying was actually a card with a strange riddle written on it!

 That's the notice letter left by "Kidd"!

 "Damn it! What on earth does this Kaitou Kidd want to say? This thief is so abominable!"

 After a while, Mouri Kogoro scratched his head crazily and straightened his back. Then he saw Xiaolan with her hands on her hips and wearing an apron!

 "Oh, Xiaolan, have you eaten?"

 After Xiaolan punched each other, Mouri Kogoro and Conan started to eat with a big bag on their hands in a very upright manner. As usual, the two began to grab the dishes. After eating, Xiaolan went to clean up the dishes. Conan and Moori Xiao Goro continued to study Kidd's notice letter.

 "Dad, what is Kidd planning to steal this time?"

 After washing the dishes and chopsticks, Xiaolan looked at the somewhat decadent Mouri Kogoro. Xiaolan very considerately brought out a pot of tea and poured a cup for Kogoro.

 "Hey, his target this time is the famous gem, the Mother of Crystals!"

 Conan said without raising his head, and then stared at the word "tears" on the notice letter and fell into deep thought.

 "Mother of Crystals?" Xiaolan covered her mouth and lost her voice. Even if she didn't pay attention to gems, she knew that this precious gem was the treasure of Queen Ingram. How dare Kidd put his target on this piece? On top of gems!

 "Hey, no, Kidd should be confirming whether the gem is Pandora." Xiaolan opened her mouth, but did not tell the truth in front of her father. Although a long time had passed, she only I told Sonoko, Conan, and her mother, Fei Mi, about the chat group.

 As for Kogoro...

 With his personality of being drunk frequently, Xiaolan was really not sure that he would not tell anyone if he drank too much.

 Feili was a little touched when she knew that Kogoro had always cared about her, and she was moved and agreed to go home with Xiaolan.

 But after returning with Xiaolan, he found Kogoro drunk and lying on the sofa shouting the names of various mamasangs, and once again left in anger.

 Xiaolan also beat Kogoro for the first time that day. The big bump on her head that could not be eliminated in those days made Kogoro wonder if his daughter had schizophrenia!

 "By the way, Dad, aren't you a good friend of Officer Nakamori from the Third Investigation Division? Let's go and visit him. After all, he is a police officer who specializes in arresting Kidd. Maybe he will have some insights."

 Xiaolan narrowed her eyes and made a suggestion casually.

 If Xiao Ai were here, she would definitely lament that after entering the chat group, Xiao Lan became a little bit sinister!

 Go to Officer Nakamori's house?

 He must be looking for Kuroba Kaito!

 "Nani!" Mouri Kogoro looked at his daughter as if he were an alien, and exclaimed. Xiaolan was a little overwhelmed by the dumbfounded look!

 "Xiaolan...sister, the reason why uncle is so interested in her this time is because of Officer Zhongmori." Conan sighed, looking at his girlfriend with tender eyes, but his tone was a little helpless.

 "Originally, this luxury train trip had nothing to do with us, but Kidd suddenly sent a notice, and Officer Zhongmori came to see me to see if I had any ideas. At that time, my uncle had a quarrel with Officer Zhongmori, Then the two of them made a bet..."

 Looking back at her father, Xiaolan pursed her lips and said, "What kind of bet is this?"

 "If uncle can answer Kidd's secret code before Officer Nakamori, then Officer Nakamori will invite us to play on the train at his own expense, but if not, uncle will have to lower his head and speak every time he sees Officer Nakamori."

 "What? It's like a child's vindictiveness!" Xiaolan pouted, then she remembered something and left the house with a cold snort.

 Conan blinked, then focused on the code again.

 The location has been confirmed to be a train, but the time, method, or purpose are unknown. Is Kidd's notice letter this time written too difficult or too vague?

 At Mihua Station, Xiaolan called Officer Megure before departure and asked for Officer Zhongmori's home address, preparing to visit as the daughter of a friend.

 Of course, Xiaolan didn't go there for the bet between Kogoro and Officer Zhongmori. On the contrary, what Xiaolan wanted to see was the girl who looked almost exactly like herself.

 Nakamori Ginzo's daughter, Nakamori Aoko!

 "That's great. Kuroba Kaito is really good to Aoko. Compared with her, Shinichi..."

 On the tram, Xiaolan looked at the speeding scenery outside the window, feeling a little envious of Qingzi, who she had not yet met.

 The memory copies are not only the experiences of Xiaolan and Kudo Shinichi, but also the more important people.

 Among them is the Magic Kaito specially edited by Lingyue!

 Of course, Xiaolan is visiting Police Officer Nakamori this time, and what she wants to see is Nakamori Aoko and Kuroba Kaito, but in fact, the person she wants to hook up with is Koizumi Anko from Ekoda High School!

 "Miss Maori, could you please help me contact Koizumi Anko? I want to see if there is any way to fight Horcruxes in her red magic. Although points can be used, I feel that it is very difficult to use it on Voldemort. It's not worth it, so get rid of it!"

 After receiving three bracelets engraved with the traceless extension spell, Mao Lilan vaguely agreed to Hermione and help her connect with Koizumi Anko, so she went to Ekoda!

