
Pirate's Copy[Chat Group]

[[[[[novel translated by the translator]]]] BIntroduction: Boring~Pirate Saigao~ Justice in the world will be promoted by our navy! World government? Just pay for the military expenditure! Celestial Dragons? Descendants of gods usually end badly! Revolutionary Army? Your ideas are a bit naive! Pirates? Death is all! When Morn stands at the top of the world, with twelve family members following him, his final enemy is Him! .. ... Volume 02 chat group [Congratulations to "Infinite Snake" Jormungandr for joining the dimensional chat group! 】 【Come and say hello to everyone! 】 Moen: "@come my son, Whitebeard, are you alive? Or is this the world after death?" Moen: "It's really hard to accept. I obviously killed you with my own hands, but you showed up here. Really, it's a bit interesting~" Can Morne, already invincible, change other worlds in a heartbreaking moment? Let's walk together!

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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780 Chs

red hair flag

Underwater world, Fishman Island!

A group of fishmen with different faces are very excited to help the navy build a huge branch fortress.

The location of the branch is opposite the Dragon King's Palace on Fish-Man Island. The terrain is high and it can protect Fish-Man Island very well.

King Neptune walked around the palace very excitedly. His daughter Bai Xing went to the construction site to help again today.

Although sometimes the dust will pop back, she seems to be very happy.


A fishman suddenly ran in. Judging from the decoration, he was a Dragon Palace guard.

"Why are you so nervous?" Neptune was a little dissatisfied. He glared at the guard who had disturbed his leisurely stroll.

Cold sweat broke out on the guard's forehead, and he couldn't hold his tongue straight when he saw King Neptune.

"King! A pirate ship is coming to Fish-Man Island! What they are flying is the flag of the Red-Haired Pirates!"


King Neptune stroked his beard in surprise, and ended up grabbing a few strands of beard, which made his eyebrows twitch in pain.

"Do Mr. Zefa and the others know about this?"

King Neptune immediately grabbed the guard, looking anxious.

The current Fish-Man Island is focused on the navy. If it gets involved with the Four Emperors again, it might not be good!

"I know... I know... Now, Mr. Zefa has led people outside the Fish-Man Island to intercept the pirate ship!"

The guard looked panicked, but he still told everything he knew responsibly.

"Take me there quickly!"

In Neptune's panic, Zefa, who was far away in the ocean, did not have such big mood swings.

"As the brains of the red-haired pirates and the red-haired vice-captain, why did you come to Fish-Man Island? Answer me, Ben Beckman!"

This time, it was Beckman who came to Fish-Man Island.

Beckman was holding a cigarette in his mouth, looking very helpless.

"Mr. Zefa, I'm very sorry for coming uninvited. The reason why we came here is mainly because that guy Shanks rescued two mermaids who were trafficked in the New World and asked me to send them back to Fish-Man Island. In addition, I used to shelter Whitebeard on Fish-Man Island is dead, Shanks means to leave the [red-haired] flag on Fish-Man Island."

Seeing the mermaid appearing behind Beckman with a panicked expression and trembling body, Zefa fell into silence.

"Bring them here."

After a long time, Zefa's voice became hoarse. He looked at the mermaids wearing human clothes behind Beckman and knew in his heart that they were not bullied by the red-haired pirates.

However, the pirate saved the mermaid who was being trafficked!

In Yu Zefa's opinion, this is like a slap in the face of the navy!

Robin stood behind Zefa and waved her hand to stop the navy who was about to step forward. She looked at the somewhat gray-faced Bai Xing beside her.

"Shirahoshi, go ahead."


Bai Xing dazedly wiped the dust on his cheeks, but it grew bigger and bigger.


"Yes, you are the princess of Fish-Man Island, and you are the best person to comfort them and make them let down their guard."

Robin knew very well that the two mermaids should be in extreme panic.

There is no doubt about Shanks' character in the sea, but it is a fantasy to expect him to take care of others or enlighten them.

The two mermaids were probably bumped into by Shanks just after they were sold. After rescuing them, Shanks probably didn't know what to do with the two mermaids, so he had no choice but to send Beckman back to Fish-Man Island.

After all, he had met the King of Fish-Man Island once, although that was more than twenty years ago.

Bai Xing looked at his body. There was a little dust, but it shouldn't be anything.

"You... how are you~"

Swinging his huge tail fin, Shirahoshi left the warship and swam towards the pirate ship.

She was still very nervous inside, fearing that others would ignore her.


Looking at Bai Xing's huge body, one of the mermaids seemed to think of something, and his face immediately turned red.

"It's Princess Shirahoshi!"

The other mermaid also remembered this mermaid princess from Fish-Man Island. They happily came to Bai Xing's side and kept chattering at him.

The first mermaid to recognize Bai Xing's identity saw the dust on Bai Xing's body and thought it was abused by humans.

After Bai Xing's explanation and enlightenment, the two mermaids put aside their grudge against humans and timidly followed Bai Xing to the warship.

"Then, Mr. Zefa, can you pass this flag to King Neptune, the king of Fish-Man Island?"

Beckman took a deep breath. It seemed that it was impossible for the Navy to let them access Fish-Man Island, so they could only ask the Navy to hand it over.

Looking at the flag handed over by a pirate, Zefa suddenly smiled and shook his head.

"Beckman, if I had the temper I had twenty years ago, I would tear this flag to pieces for you without hesitation. But now, I am no longer an admiral, and I am not qualified to fight the red-haired pirates on behalf of the navy. So. , I will deliver this flag to King Neptune for you."

On the sea, the flag represents the face of a force.

When one force tears down the flag of another force, it means that we are already in a state of you and me.

Zefa was also a jealous marine when he was young, but now, he has no right to declare war on the red-haired pirates.

Seeing the flag being squeezed tightly in Zefa's hands, a highly intelligent person like Beckman didn't know what to say. He could only say a dry thank you and then drove the pirate ship away.

On the warship, the navy soldiers all looked at the flag in Zefa's hands without saying a word.

"Mr. Zefa, do you need me to ask General Golden Crow for instructions?"

Robin stood behind Zefa and took the flag from Zefa's hand very considerately.

The red-haired flag is quite distinctive. After he was injured in the battle with Blackbeard, he added three scars to his flag skull, which is very unique.

The entire flag was made of precious silk, not that trashy linen.

This also shows the respect the red hair has for King Neptune.

"Hey, forget it, don't bother him. He should still be hunting for the lonely red in the new world."

Zefa sighed quietly and turned back to look at the navy soldiers who had bitter and resentful expressions on their faces.

"Remember this! This is a moment of shame!"

Zefa suddenly roared loudly, attracting everyone's attention.

In Zefa's eyes, they felt humiliation, anger, and desolation.

"Mish-Man Island is a member of the World Government! It is a place where our navy needs to safeguard justice! But now, whether it is the pirates or others, they all believe that only the flag of the Four Emperors can protect Fish-Man Island!"

"This is a great shame for our navy! The navy's work was done by pirates? Are you willing?"

"Not willing to give in!"

The roar echoed through the sea, and all the navy held their breath and blushed!

When King Neptune arrived here, he could only smile bitterly and took the flag from Robin's hand.

This is a hot potato!

Throw it away and offend the [Red Haired] Pirates.

If you don't throw it away, you will offend the navy.

Who could be as miserable as a king like him?

