
Pirate's Copy[Chat Group]

[[[[[novel translated by the translator]]]] BIntroduction: Boring~Pirate Saigao~ Justice in the world will be promoted by our navy! World government? Just pay for the military expenditure! Celestial Dragons? Descendants of gods usually end badly! Revolutionary Army? Your ideas are a bit naive! Pirates? Death is all! When Morn stands at the top of the world, with twelve family members following him, his final enemy is Him! .. ... Volume 02 chat group [Congratulations to "Infinite Snake" Jormungandr for joining the dimensional chat group! 】 【Come and say hello to everyone! 】 Moen: "@come my son, Whitebeard, are you alive? Or is this the world after death?" Moen: "It's really hard to accept. I obviously killed you with my own hands, but you showed up here. Really, it's a bit interesting~" Can Morne, already invincible, change other worlds in a heartbreaking moment? Let's walk together!

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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780 Chs

Intruder [Guarding Sweetheart]

The Suzuki family villa.

"What? Xingmingge?"

Miss Suzuki changed from lying on the bed to sitting on the bed. She was a little surprised when she heard the little girl's voice in her ears.

After Nishimiya Yuzuru came out of his sister's room, he called the eldest lady directly.

"Yes, yes, do you know Sister Yuanzi?"

"Well, let me think about it...why does this name feel so strange, yet so familiar at the same time?"

Suzuki Sonoko stood up and walked around the room several times, making sure that she had heard the name, but she couldn't remember where she heard it.

"She seems to be a singer from the Resurrection Club. Does Sister Yuanzi remember her?"

"Resurrection Society?"

Suzuki Sonoko suddenly realized that she finally remembered where she had heard this name!

It was after my mother and father were chatting that they accidentally mentioned the names Gebei and Jidou!

"You mean your sister wants to meet your idol, right~"

Suzuki Sonoko thought of the well-behaved and sensible figure of Nishimiya Glass, and compared it with the Young Detective Team... This is the ideal child!

Whose child wants to be so naughty and active!

"If possible... would you trouble Sister Sonoko?" Nishimiya Yuzuru asked cautiously.

"Hmm, hahaha~ I am Suzuki Sonoko-sama, of course there is no problem~ Okay, Yuzuru-chan, just wait for my good news~"

Suzuki Sonoko hung up the phone with pride, then stepped on her slippers and came to her father's study.

At this time, Shiro Suzuki was handling company affairs, and his wife Tomoko Suzuki was assisting.

"Dad, Mom~"

Yuanzi opened the study door directly. She was so careless that she had no intention of lowering her voice in the study.

"Yuanzi, what's the matter?"

Tomoko Suzuki was a little surprised. Sonoko would rarely come to her father's study.

"I would like to ask, do you know about the Resurrection Society?"

Suzuki Sonoko still wanted to ask first to avoid making mistakes.

After all, that little girl saved her life from a murderer... Of course, Ah Zhen is the most handsome!

"Resurrection Society? Yuanzi, where did you know this name? I remember that guy just turned the company into a public state." What made Yuanzi breathed a sigh of relief was that after hearing the name of Resurrection Society, his father seemed to Very familiar and general.

"I heard it from someone else. She is a fan of the singer Xing Ming Ge Bai from the Resurrection Club. I want to see if I can get tickets for her concert and then go backstage to meet her."

Regarding this kind of thing, as the second daughter of the Suzuki family and the confirmed future heir of the Suzuki Foundation, Suzuki Sonoko has done too much!

Even if it's the hot star Okino Yoko or Suzuki Sonoko, if she wants to meet her, it's just a matter of words.

"Gebei? You can just tell me about the garden yourself."

Tomoko Suzuki blinked, wondering what her daughter was going crazy about.

"Shall I go? Do I know him?" Suzuki Sonoko's eyes instantly turned into beady eyes. She recalled that she didn't know a singer named Xing Na Gebai!

"Have you forgotten your cousin?"

Suzuki Shiro shook his head, a little helpless, "More than three years ago, you said you wanted that little guy to be your boyfriend. Have you completely forgotten it?"

When Suzuki Sonoko heard her father's words, she didn't know why the image of a young man playing the violin suddenly appeared in her mind...

"How many buckets... How many buckets does Yue Yong have?" Yuanzi's lips moved slightly, and his voice was very slight, as if he was not confident, "Do you know me?"

There is an impression in my mind, but my memory is very vague. I should recognize him from his father's tone.

"Here, here is a photo of Ji Dou. He has become a reliable man."

As if he saw his daughter's confusion, Suzuki Shiro took out a few framed photos from the drawer. On them was a boy wearing a suit and immersed in the world of violin!

"So handsome!"

Suzuki Sonoko abandoned her confusion in an instant and transformed into a little fan girl.

Seeing that their daughter had returned to normal, Suzuki Shiro and Suzuki Tomoko smiled, gave Sonoko Ute's contact information and let her leave.

"Husband, play her..."

Seeing Sonoko leave, Tomoko also put down her work, with a hint of worry on her face.

"Tomoko, you have left the Hoshina family, so don't worry about it so much."

Suzuki Shiro sighed, "I didn't expect that she would marry Ichinomiya Kazuomi. Oh, she should be called Hoshina Kazuomi now."

"Husband, is there no news at all about Douzhen?"

"With the strength of our Suzuki family, there is no news. It may be true..."

Suzuki Shiro sighed, put down the precious pen in his hand, stretched out his hand and pressed the bridge of his nose.

"Zouzi's character is too weak. Although Hoshina Kazuomi is very old, he can carry on the Hoshina family's business, which is not bad."

Tomoko sighed, "I just feel sorry for these two children, Gebei and Jidou, they are obviously still so young..."

"Needless to say, doesn't Sonoko want to get to know Uta? Kazuomi Hoshina is not a fool. As long as Sonoko is interested, he will not treat his two children badly. He cannot afford to offend the future heir of the Suzuki family!"

Suzuki Shiro's fat body burst out with immense pride!

"If you hadn't refused, the Xingming family would have been annexed by us."

Tomoko Suzuki exposed her husband without hesitation, with infinite tenderness in her eyes.

"After all, that is my sister's family, and it is also my family."

Before marrying into the Suzuki family, Tomoko's original name was Tomoko Hoshina!

(When the world merges, the characters' memories and identities have changed, which will be mentioned later. Anyway, Tomoko Suzuki didn't talk about what happened before she got married.)


In the dimensional chat group, a blue task quietly appeared on the task bar that was basically unattended except for Lingyue!

The general world invader missions have a red danger level. If you don't pay attention, the dimensional chat group will remind Lingyue, but the blue missions obviously do not represent danger. If Lingyue doesn't pay attention, then naturally no one will find out.

[Ding, a special mutation has been detected in the world of Detective Conan, and the mission is being released...]

[Ding, world fusion detected, mission released successfully! ]

[The "embryo" that protects the sweetheart world and can grant wishes accepted someone's wish and hopes that the world will become more interesting, so the world chooses to merge with other worlds. The current merged world is: Detective Conan! ]

[Mission goal: Find the "embryo" and smooth the dimensional shock of world integration! ]

[Task requirements: This task can be completed by three members, members of this world are not included! ]

[Task reward: 200,000 points for each participant, and a grand lottery in all the worlds! ]

