
Pirate's Copy[Chat Group]

[[[[[novel translated by the translator]]]] BIntroduction: Boring~Pirate Saigao~ Justice in the world will be promoted by our navy! World government? Just pay for the military expenditure! Celestial Dragons? Descendants of gods usually end badly! Revolutionary Army? Your ideas are a bit naive! Pirates? Death is all! When Morn stands at the top of the world, with twelve family members following him, his final enemy is Him! .. ... Volume 02 chat group [Congratulations to "Infinite Snake" Jormungandr for joining the dimensional chat group! 】 【Come and say hello to everyone! 】 Moen: "@come my son, Whitebeard, are you alive? Or is this the world after death?" Moen: "It's really hard to accept. I obviously killed you with my own hands, but you showed up here. Really, it's a bit interesting~" Can Morne, already invincible, change other worlds in a heartbreaking moment? Let's walk together!

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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780 Chs

Gathering of elites

Wu Haotian: "That's what happened. Brother Yan Huan gave me the essence of the five elements. Do the seniors know how to cultivate the essence of the five elements?"

After fighting Yan Huan, Wu Haotian and others also went their separate ways and went home to rest. They planned to attack Liu Yiming's building with the alliance of princes after a while, where they would meet Liu, Guan, and Zhang first.

After returning home, Wu Haotian thought about it and felt that it was not good to take Yan Huan's things for free, but the most valuable thing about him was the skills he gained from the group.

He himself has not been able to master the three colors of Haki and the six styles, and it is simply impossible to teach them to others.

The words sent by Ju Ling were given to him by the king. Without the consent of the king, he could not pass them on to the second person, so he stopped.

As a last resort, he asked in the group if there was any way to cultivate the Five Elements Essence. Maybe he could cultivate a second set of Five Elements Essences and then return them to Yan Huan.

[Administrator] Mo En: "Your uncle has given you a dowry in advance."

Mo En joked about Wu Haotian. They have been analyzing whether Wu Haotian's world is connected with Wang Ye's world for a while.

Apart from anything else, the power of witchcraft and sorcerers are exactly the same, and the so-called Chuma is almost the same as the power of Chuma. If it is the reason of the world, then why haven't other earths evolved these.

Wang Ye: "Haotian, if you feel indebted to Yan Huan, you can teach him the Julingqian General. This set of skills is very precious to wizards, and it is comparable to the Five Elements Essence he gave you."

Wu Haotian: "Is this really okay? This is your power, senior..."

Wang Ye: "Ah, speaking of which, this is not my power. I got it from a friend. I think he won't mind too much."

Wang Ye scratched his head. To be honest, he didn't teach Wu Haotian the right to command the spirit. After all, the command was the Wang family's secret skill. He only relied on his absolutely powerful strength and personal charm. He had just pocketed all the Eight Wonders, and now he was secretly teaching Ju Ling to the generals, which was actually a violation of the agreement with the Wang family.

However, this person who learned how to control spirits and dispatch generals was in a different world, so he was not afraid of people from the Wang family coming to him.

Wu Haotian: "That's it, then I'll be relieved."

Wu Haotian breathed a sigh of relief. The power of the generals was divided into two types. One was to control the spirits to fight, and the other was to swallow the spirits to increase their own strength. In his world, all witches would obey the spirits. Skills, but after taking the spirit, their bodies will have an aura that the elves are extremely disgusted with. That aura will make them despised by all the elves, and they can only go to darkness on one road.

Wizards care a lot about their own spirits. Even Yan Huan never thought of eating his own spirit to increase his strength when he was at the end of his rope.

With the help of Ju Ling's generals, Wu Haotian believed that Yan Huan would be able to find powerful spirits to supplement his fighting power.

[Group Leader] Lingyue: "Good guy, it's not like you feel bad giving away your own power. Taoist Priest Wang Ye, why don't you pass on your Fenghou Qimen to Wu Haotian?"

Kurosaki Ichigo: "Come on, no matter how many times Fenghou Qimen has learned, only Wang Ye is sane. I don't think Wu Haotian is a warlock material."

Aizen Sosuke: "I'm very curious. If Zhuge Liang in that world learned from Fenghou Qimen and fought with Wu Haotian who learned from Gulingsend, who would win and who would lose?"

Wang Ye: "Hey, don't make fun of me. I have consulted carefully. Although Zhuge Wuhou in that world did not understand Fenghou Qimen enough to change the pattern of Qimen, he could also use other methods. Such Qimen My magic skills have surpassed that of most warlocks, and I truly deserve to be the king of warlocks of my generation!"

[Group Leader] Lingyue: "By the way, I read it a few more times and found that the powers of many military commanders are very interesting."

[Group Leader] Lingyue: "Why does Sun Quan, who has specialized power, look similar to KING and Teacher Qitama?"

King: "Sun Quan's power is not as good as the cultivation methods of Teacher Qiyu and I. He is just being reckless. If he meets a warlock, he will be fooled."

I am not the richest man: "Aha, then I also discovered that the reincarnation of Lu Bu, who was known as the most talented but the most cowardly character, his power actually caused shock. Isn't this almost the same as the white-bearded old man? Come on, @come be my son, are you interested in making Lu Bu your son?"

Come be my son: "Gu la la la~ If he is willing, I will not refuse. Who can refuse a man who is willing to give up his own strength for his friends!"

Wu Haotian: "Don't worry, after a while we will rush into Liu Yiming's building together with the alliance of princes. This time I won't let anyone die."

Wu Haotian: "Liu Yiming's temperament changed drastically after he took action. I will make him change back to his original appearance, and then let him accept legal sanctions."

In Wu Haotian's heart, Liu Yiming should not die, he should pay the due price for his actions!

Accelerator: "The law? Humph, it's just a rhetoric about the strong enslaving the weak."

Kurosaki Ichigo: "This must be true for you, a villain who doesn't abide by the law, but for ordinary people, the law is the creed of life."

Changhong Sword Master: "Although there is no so-called law in my world, the moral system is the same. Liu Yiming not only violated the law of that world, but what's more, he has lost his moral character."

Changhong Sword Master: "From a passionate young man to an unscrupulous entrepreneur, can taking action really change a person so much?"

Wu Haotian: "I have tried the feeling of taking action. It feels like you are thrown into hell. Someone is constantly tempting you in your ear and wants to make you one of them."

Wu Haotian: "If it weren't for the Ju Ling sent generals, I might really have fallen into it. It's no wonder that Liu Yiming only went out once and his temperament changed drastically. In the memory copy, I can return to normal after going out. It may really be the so-called The halo of the protagonist."

Wu Haotian was lying on the bed, recalling his feelings before and after taking action in the memory copy. It really made him break out in a cold sweat just thinking about it!

[Administrator] Mo En: "Haotian, are you going to join the war against Dong Zhuo soon? Then you can meet Liu Guan and Zhang first. Although Zhuge Liang gave up the plan because of Liu Bei's words in the end, he said I'm not sure what will happen in this, maybe you can talk to Liu Bei first and see what she thinks."

Wu Haotian: "Okay, thank you senior for your guidance."

Wu Haotian took a deep breath. Did the seniors in the group think so too? Then what he has to do next is quite simple!

Return Liu Yiming to normal, win over Lu Bu and Diao Chan's group, then meet with Liu Guan, Zhang and others, and then find a way to get involved in Yuan Shu's plan.

Yes, he did not want to disrupt Yuan Shu's plan, because only when this plan was implemented could he see Zhuge Kongming. Otherwise, his attempt to find Prime Minister Zhuge who knew all the secrets would be in vain.

After falling asleep with his thoughts in mind, Wu Haotian dreamed of using the essence of the Five Elements plus the power of jade to fight Zhuge Liang. In the end, when Zhuge Liang saw that he was unable to win, he forcibly used Samadhi True Fire to burn Wu Haotian's soul. Unfortunately, the power of his soul came from the Dragon Soul Ring. In the end, Zhuge Liang was defeated and gave up his plan.

"Tsk, how wonderful it would be if that were really the case~"

In class, Wu Haotian was recalling last night's dream when a piece of chalk hit him on the head.

The teacher on the podium had long noticed the wandering Wu Haotian, and thinking about the rumors coming out of the school during this period, he was really afraid that his students would go astray.

"Wu Haotian, listen carefully!"

After picking up a piece of chalk again and poking at the blackboard, the teacher turned around and continued teaching. Wu Haotian also braced himself to listen to the lecture, but the chalk words that were like a heavenly book made him feel sleepy for a while.

This thing is more difficult than practicing!

Finally, when Wu Haotian was very bored, they ushered in the princes' attack on Dong Zhuo!

"Are we going in with the big group or what?"

Standing indifferently outside the door of the building, looking at the people standing beside him casually.

Yan Yu and Lu Xiaolu stood together. The two have become sisters who talk about everything. In the past few days, Leng Leng and Wu Haotian have been ordered by them to carry bags.

"Let's go straight in. Our goal is the original jade. Although we don't know what the use of that thing is, we must not let Zhuge Kongming get it."

Yan Huan moved his shoulders and glanced at Wu Haotian, with extremely complicated emotions in his eyes.

Just two days ago, Wu Haotian suddenly came to him, handed him a strange USB flash drive, and left directly.

After returning home and opening the USB flash drive, Yan Huan was horrified to find that what was recorded in it was actually how to practice the secret method of restraining spirits and dispatching generals!

This was a treasure for a wizard, and he also understood that Wu Haotian didn't want to accept his offer of the Five Elements Essence, but the Five Elements Essence was nothing compared to the Spiritual Dispatch General!

It's better now. Instead of giving away his love, he owed Wu Haotian more.

"I want the original jade stone, and Liu Yiming will hand him over to the prosecutor's office for trial. It's best for Lu Bu and others to win over to our camp. Although I don't know how to open the way to the space of the Eight Deceiver Gods, I'm sure The only thing is, as long as the safety of Lu Bu and Diao Chan is ensured, Zhuge Liang will never be able to succeed easily!"

Wu Haotian looked at the towering building and took a step forward confidently.

Thunder and lightning flashed, and Wu Haotian, wearing a blue gown, rushed directly into the building with a spear in his hand.

"Really, you are messing around."

Yan Yu held her forehead and sighed helplessly, she also transformed directly, followed closely behind Wu Haotian and rushed in.

Leng Leng and Lu Xiaolu looked at each other, shrugged, and walked toward the building as if they were taking a leisurely stroll.

Yan Huan, who was at the back, stood there and stared coldly at the surroundings for a few seconds before spreading his black wings and rushing into the building.

He felt the surveillance from Zhuge Kongming!

In the building, people from the alliance of princes had broken through many defenses and confronted Liu Yiming and Dong Zhuojun on the top of the building.

As the leader of the alliance of princes and the reincarnation of Yuan Shao in this life, Ning Youyou stood at the front and looked at Liu Yiming.

"Haha, I didn't expect that we would meet in this way, Yuan Benchu."

Liu Yiming didn't feel nervous at the end of the road at all. Instead, he swept Ning Youyou's body with very obscure eyes, which made Ning Youyou and Yuan Shaojun behind her quite dissatisfied.

"It seems that taking action not only changed your temperament, but also made your mind less clear?"

Ning Youyou snorted coldly. Compared with her alliance of princes, Liu Yiming's power was like a chicken and a dog. Now only Lu Bu and Diao Chan were left around Liu Yiming, and the others had been cleared away.

Diao Chan was also unable to move because she had to open a special space to find the original jade, and Lu Bu was guarding her side, so Liu Yiming was actually the only one who could take action here.

"Hand over the original jade, and commit suicide, Liu Yiming."

Ning Youyou put forward her own opinion. She didn't want to kill Liu Yiming with her own hands. After all, we were all leaders of the same force, and there was no need for people to leave in a disgraceful manner. "

"Hahaha~ Suicide, are you kidding me?"

Liu Yiming looked up to the sky and laughed. He glanced at the princes surrounding him, with a trace of disdain in his eyes.

"Wife Cao, Yuan Benchu, why do you think I will commit suicide? Just because you formed this garbage-like alliance? Your alliance a thousand years ago was just a ball of sand. Don't tell me that you will be nothing more than a hemp rope a thousand years later. "

Liu Yiming's ridicule made Ning Youyou clench her gums. Indeed, the current alliance is still loose, and everyone only obeys her call in name, so she needs to get the original jade!

"Stop talking nonsense with him and capture Dong Zhuo directly! Diao Chan and Lu Bu behind him are not worth mentioning at all!"

Suddenly someone in the crowd shouted, and then a group of people rushed towards Liu Yiming.

"Thunder Cloud Hao!"

Just when Ning Youyou and others could not control the situation, a bolt of thunder directly killed the rhythmic Yellow Turban Army generals in the crowd, and the subsequent thunder and lightning spread made many people feel paralyzed.

"Suicide? That would be too advantageous for him. Liu Yiming, what you have to do is accept the trial of the law!"

Wu Haotian appeared in front of everyone holding the Overlord Spear. This was also the first time that Soochow forces appeared in the eyes of the Jade Man!

"What a domineering appearance!"

Xia Zeyu, the reincarnation of Cao Cao,'s eyes lit up. Wu Haotian's appearance was so cool. He felt that he could do such a trick next time!

"In addition, I will also help you get rid of the sequelae of your betrayal. Just keep your mind clear and repent in prison for the rest of your life!"

