
Pirate's Copy[Chat Group]

[[[[[novel translated by the translator]]]] BIntroduction: Boring~Pirate Saigao~ Justice in the world will be promoted by our navy! World government? Just pay for the military expenditure! Celestial Dragons? Descendants of gods usually end badly! Revolutionary Army? Your ideas are a bit naive! Pirates? Death is all! When Morn stands at the top of the world, with twelve family members following him, his final enemy is Him! .. ... Volume 02 chat group [Congratulations to "Infinite Snake" Jormungandr for joining the dimensional chat group! 】 【Come and say hello to everyone! 】 Moen: "@come my son, Whitebeard, are you alive? Or is this the world after death?" Moen: "It's really hard to accept. I obviously killed you with my own hands, but you showed up here. Really, it's a bit interesting~" Can Morne, already invincible, change other worlds in a heartbreaking moment? Let's walk together!

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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780 Chs

East Ocean Sea Mission (I)

[Do you know the levels of domineering? ]

"Nonsense, when I got the armed color, I already asked clearly."

Moen picked his ears and blew a breath.

In the system's classification, domineering is divided into four levels.

Getting started, the specific manifestations are the awakening of domineering, the entanglement of the armed color, the "listening" of the seeing and hearing color, and the domineering color of the overlord can be used in critical moments.

Mastery, specifically manifested in being able to master domineering, the covering of armed color, the perception of seeing and hearing color, and the free release of overlord color.

Advanced, specifically manifested in the in-depth development of domineering, the extension of the armed color, the expansion of the knowledge color, and the overlord color's ability to distinguish between ourselves and the enemy.

Top level, specifically manifested in the development of domineering self-characteristics, the weapon-colored Sakura, the special ability of seeing and hearing, the overlord-colored Overlord Territory, and causing damage to physical objects.

Moen is now proficient in two-color domineering. It sounds like he is very strong. In fact, every general-level officer in the Navy Headquarters is at this level.

Some of the elite lieutenant generals have reached advanced levels of domineering. The most outstanding one is the traitor Vergo. His whole body is covered with armed colors, and he can even cover a bamboo with his domineering power to fight.

Ghost Bamboo, how could he have this nickname without the support of high-level armed colors.

[Then you should also know the difference between advanced knowledge color and proficient knowledge color. Do you think a master knowledge color and a beginner knowledge color can equal an advanced knowledge color? ! ! ]

The system elf jumped up and down in Morn's mind with great contempt. It had never seen anyone as shameless as Morn.

"Forget it." Moen rubbed his head and continued to lie on the stone and watch the clouds.

To be honest, that cloud really looks like a peach...

Night gradually fell, and after finally returning the treasures that Aaron had collected to the villagers, Nami also had some free time.

As a trade, she is already a marine.

"Bellmeier, my daughter is a failure, right?" Nami sat in front of Bellmere's grave. Ajian and Nokigao looked at Nami worriedly in the distance.


After opening a bottle of wine, Nami took a sip and then poured it all down in front of the grave.

"You love oranges and cigarettes the most. I once asked you what else you like, but you didn't say. We know you like drinking, but you have never drank." Nami murmured in a low voice.

"Because of the relationship between Noki and I, you gave up your position in the navy."

"Aaron is dead and Cocosia Village is safe. Did you see that?"

"I'm going to join the navy too. Although it's a deal, it's a bit confusing, but it should be pretty good, right?"

"You used to be a soldier in the navy, and you didn't even become an officer. Look, I must be better than you!"

"Because of us, you have never been married in your life."

"Ajian likes you, you know it. But because of the two of us, you don't want to accept Ajian's heart."

"You must not know that a big pirate also likes you, haha~"

"Bellemere, if...if you didn't die, that would be great~"

As the night grew darker and the moonlight grew stronger, Nami fell asleep lying on Bellmere's grave.

There was no biting chill, she only felt waves of warmth.


"Are you really not going to say goodbye to them again?"

On the edge of the cliff in Cocosia Village, Moen felt a little distressed as he looked at the smiling girl in front of him.

When Moen woke up early in the morning, he saw Nami, who was full of energy and had already packed up to salute, standing in front of him.

In the original work, Nami said goodbye to everyone. She went to sea with everyone's blessings!

"No, everyone has to live their own lives. Aaron is dead, no one will bother them anymore."

Nami turned around,

I looked at the deserted streets.

Yesterday's carnival lasted until late at night, and everyone must not have gotten up yet.

"Let's just leave. After all, we are going to join the navy. We can come back at any time, right?" Nami pretended to be relaxed.

Indeed, unlike becoming a pirate in the future, Nami will have a vacation after becoming a navy, and she can come back to visit everyone.

Moen looked at Nami for a while, "Okay, wake up Harder and the others and get ready to set sail!"

The most excited people at yesterday's carnival were Ajian and Hader. They got into an argument for some unknown reason, and they drank like crazy, but both fell down in the end.

Stepping onto the Blood Ax Pirate Ship, Nami looked at the village not far away where green smoke had just risen.

"Goodbye, everyone!"

Nami was only sixteen years old. She had also imagined that if she could break away from the Arlong Pirates, she would be able to reward Bellemere, rescue the villagers of Cocosia Village, and pursue her dreams.

However, in the face of the cruel reality, everything is illusory.

Perhaps her best future is to do her best to assist Aaron, the enemy who killed her mother, and to protect Cocosia Village in a humble manner.

But, hope appears.

He stood there calmly, like a god, almost invincible and swept away the invincible fish-man pirates in her impression.

Destroying her years of nightmares in one fell swoop.

She still remembers the golden light that cut through the sky, so bright that she couldn't open her eyes.

There is no separation of life and death, only a quiet departure.

The Blood Ax pirate ship lowered the pirate flag and headed towards Rogge Town in the East China Sea.

As for the 16th branch, leave it to Smoker to deal with it. If a natural colonel can't deal with those group of borers, then the East China Sea is really finished.

"Hoist the sails, helmsman, full starboard!"

Nami stood on the bow of the boat, wearing a casual outfit that could not conceal her youthful atmosphere.

Holding a telescope in her hand, she easily directed the ship to ride on the current and head to Rogge Town at a fast speed.

No wonder navigators are said to be the most important people on the sea. Moen felt that the sailing speed was about 30% faster. At this speed, he should be able to reach Rogge Town one day faster.


Rogge Town.

Zefa is sorting out the battle reports submitted by his students. Many pirate groups have been wiped out by the new recruits in training.

The strength of the pirates in the East China Sea is too weak.

A pirate with the same level of tens of millions in other sea areas would have a bounty of seven to eight million if he died.

"Bang, bang."

There was a knock on the door, and Ain opened the door and walked in.

"Teacher Zefa, are you looking for me?"

Zefa raised his head and put out the cigar in his mouth.

"Ain, come and take a look at this battle report." Zefa handed Ain a document that he had just picked out from the documents compiled by Dasqi.

"The hot-blooded soldier Mengka, defeated [Hundred Strategies] Crowe, and was promoted to Major of the Navy branch with an exception?"

Ain looked at it several times and found nothing wrong.

This is just an ordinary battle report asking for merit.

Zefa shook his head and sighed, "According to Smoker's investigation, this [Hundred Strategies] Crowe is the leader of the Black Cat Pirates who has a bounty of 12 million Baileys. He is proficient in calculations."

"He was captured by Monka, but the Black Cat Pirates are still active on the sea."

"More importantly, the Black Cat Pirates' actions have completely avoided the inspections of the East China Sea Branch. Do you know what this means?"

Ain thought for a moment and understood immediately.

"The one we caught was the fake Crow! Crow is still giving advice to the Black Cat Pirates!"

Zefa nodded, "Take a team of recruits and go to the branch to meet this Mengka. If you find something wrong..."

"Yes, I understand, Teacher Zefa." Ain saluted and then walked out of the office.

"Hiss~" He lit a cigar again, Zefa's eyes were very cold, "The weakest East China Sea has brought out so many borers. It seems that the inspector must go deep into the four seas."

While muttering to himself, Zefa unconsciously dialed the phone number of the Navy Headquarters.

On the other end of the phone is Marshal Warring States!


"Ah~ Nami, are you really sure we are traveling in the right direction?" Moen looked at the smashed pirate ship in front of him and asked Nami, who was basking in the sun, with a headache.

Nami, who was enjoying sunbathing silently with her sunglasses on, took off her sunglasses and rolled her eyes at Moen silently.

"Do you doubt me as a navigator?"

Moen's face froze. Everyone who goes to sea knows that you can only trust navigators and record pointers on the sea.


It's only been one day!

Where are there so many pirates?

This is the weakest Donghai!

Three pirate ships have been sunk today, right? ! !

"Anyway, sir, you are so strong. Those who are capable should work harder and do something good for the people of the East China Sea." Nami spread her hands, picked up an orange next to her and pushed it aside and handed half of it to Moen.

There were only two people on the entire deck, Nami and Morn, and Harder and the others were gathered in the captain's cabin and cabin.

It has been half a month since he left Cocosia Village, and Moen has complained about the speed of this ship countless times.

Compared to Luffy who entered the Grand Line less than a month ago in the original work, the speed of the pirate ship that Morn is currently riding is simply not as fast as that of the Golden Merli.

"Let me take a look." Nami picked up the navigation chart and compared it with the currents and her possible location.

"The next step is for us to go here to replenish supplies. After all, it is a pirate ship and there are not so many warehouses to store supplies." Nami pointed to the small island on the map and sighed.

There are more than one hundred and thirty sailors on this ship, plus the officers and Moen Nami, there are exactly one hundred and forty people.

Such a ship needs a lot of supplies. During half a month of sailing, at least a week will be wasted on supplies.

"I hope it will be soon. There is nothing fun in the East China Sea."

Morn was lying on the bow of the boat, vaguely seeming to hear something.


