
Pirate's Copy[Chat Group]

[[[[[novel translated by the translator]]]] BIntroduction: Boring~Pirate Saigao~ Justice in the world will be promoted by our navy! World government? Just pay for the military expenditure! Celestial Dragons? Descendants of gods usually end badly! Revolutionary Army? Your ideas are a bit naive! Pirates? Death is all! When Morn stands at the top of the world, with twelve family members following him, his final enemy is Him! .. ... Volume 02 chat group [Congratulations to "Infinite Snake" Jormungandr for joining the dimensional chat group! 】 【Come and say hello to everyone! 】 Moen: "@come my son, Whitebeard, are you alive? Or is this the world after death?" Moen: "It's really hard to accept. I obviously killed you with my own hands, but you showed up here. Really, it's a bit interesting~" Can Morne, already invincible, change other worlds in a heartbreaking moment? Let's walk together!

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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780 Chs

"Give me some face!"

Only the sound of the wind was left on the chilling battlefield, as a group of sailors silently collected the bodies of their colleagues.

Moen stood in the center of the square, the momentum around him rising, competing with the red-haired overlord.

If anything, Luffy's overlord look is unyielding.

The overlord of the Warring States Period, the righteous ruler of the world.

Then Moen's overbearing look is that he is the only one who dominates!

It is almost the same as the overlord color of red hair!

This is also the secret of red hair's most dominant color. Only by being dominant can one be the strongest!

But when two "monarchs" meet, the one who flinches first will be severely hit.

Red and black lightning flashed in the air, and the small battlefield that was completely independent of the overall battlefield could only accommodate the two of them.

"Step back, Lieutenant General Morn."

The red-haired man spoke first. He narrowed his eyes slightly and his voice rolled like thunder.

"Give me some face and this battle can be over."

All the navy's bodies trembled, and Vice Admiral Taotu and others bit the corners of their mouths.

I am afraid that this headquarters cannot refuse the mediation of a Yonko.

When the war started with Whitebeard, everyone was already exhausted. If the three generals had not left, no one would care about the red hair.

But now on the battlefield, there are only two general candidates who can barely be regarded as generals.

Even if Yixiao and Moen are included, they cannot be the opponent of red hair, white beard and the revolutionary army.

"Give you some face?" Moen tilted his head and showed a funny smile.

He took the lead in dispelling the domineering color, allowing the red-haired domineering color to impact his body.

The black and red thunder swept across Morn's body, and the golden flash became more and more dazzling.

"You seem to have forgotten that I didn't give you face a long time ago! Why should I give it to you this time!"

"Shine·Split Light!"

The golden and white light pierced the sky, like a dragon coming out of the water to grab its prey!

"Hey, I really still have to do it."

The red-haired man had a headache. In fact, it would be easier to talk to the three generals if they were here. After all, they all know the basics and there is no need to fight to the death.

But Moen, he doesn't know the details. Who knows where his breaking point will be.

Pulling out the famous sword Griffin with one hand, the red-haired man raised his hand and slashed with a weapon-colored domineering force. It directly collided with the splitting light, and then both of them were annihilated.

The red and black flames ignited again, and Moen felt that his physical strength was disappearing rapidly, and he could no longer hide his strength.


With a slight roar, the dark wings spread out behind Morn, and the red and black flames immediately turned into ominous purple flames.

Momo Fruit, the power of a king, six times!

All attributes have been enhanced six times, and Morn feels like he can sink Marinevando with one punch now!

Shanks' pupils shrank, Griffin pulled out the sword flower in his hand, and hundreds of flying slashes spread across the sky, intertwined with the purple flame released by Morn.

What kind of freak is this!

Feeling the power oppressing his whole body, Shanks smiled bitterly inwardly.

He only came here for the peace of the sea, for the captain's will to be realized, and for the sea to be liquidated.

I don't want to be completely left here!


The bullet covered with armed domineering energy penetrated the air and hit Morn's flickering light speed kick.

Wearing a V-neck shirt and holding a half-burned cigar in his mouth, the man held an exquisite volt gun in his hand, and the Martin boots under his feet made two small craters on the frozen sea.

The purple flames and slashes that filled the sky were ignored by the man. He looked straight at Moen, who was flying and stabilizing in the air.

Vice-captain of the Red-haired Pirates, Ben Beckman!

If Brother Ma doesn't break through, he will be the strongest deputy!

Known as the world of One Piece, it is the intellectual ceiling among pirates.

The only intellectual player who can compete with him is the black cat nesting in the East China Sea.

"Captain, we are not here to fight."

Ben Beckman spat and spit out the cigar from his mouth. The hand holding the Ford gun did not tremble at all.

In the Red-Haired Pirates, although Shanks is the captain, most of the time, Beckman is the one who makes the decision.

Because if you count on Shanks' brain...

It's like Luffy for two years.

Everyone knows it.

If it weren't for the protagonist's aura, Luffy's IQ could be said to be the lower limit in the One Piece world.

It's the kind of person who, after being betrayed, still smiles to the crowd...

The same is true for the Red-Haired Pirates. Shanks, who inherited Roger's carefree temperament, was lucky enough to get Beckman's assistance, just like Roger got Rayleigh.

Except for some big things, Shanks is more like a thug.

Seeing that his vice-captain was very serious, Shanks was also a little troubled.

He quietly looked at the sky. The floating pirate ship had disappeared, along with several captains of the Whitebeard Pirates, Ace, Luffy, Sabo and the Revolutionary Army. .

On the current battlefield, what remains are the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates, various pirates who came here for their fame, and the pirates of his red-haired Shanks.

To be honest, the high-end combat power will not be afraid of the current Navy Headquarters, but Shanks does not want to fight.

"Lieutenant General Morn, please give me some face. This battle cannot continue."

Shanks glanced at what he had seen and heard, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

From what he saw, he could still sense Sabo and the others escaping. Although they were far away, for those with the Shining Fruit ability, it only took a few seconds.

Therefore, he must delay!

As for Shanks' thoughts, Moen could figure it out after a little thought.

Why can't we continue the fight?

Because if the fight continues, the Navy will definitely wipe out the Whitebeard Pirates, and Blackbeard, who can replace them, will be KOed by Morn.

Then in the new world, there will only be three emperors left.

The territory of the Whitebeard Pirates will inevitably be contested.

Leaving aside the other four emperors, those hyena-like pirates will not let go of any opportunity to increase their strength and financial resources.

When there is turmoil on the sea, who is affected the most?

World Government!

If the world government cannot perfectly control the world, what will be the consequences?

Moen didn't know what Shanks knew, but Shanks must know that there are people on the Five Old Stars.

Among the mysterious flowers!

The mysterious man in black.

The person sitting on the throne of the void.

The true ruler of the world government for eight hundred years!


Moen had no doubt at all about how powerful this person was.

Can he clean the sea?

Absolutely, because it was said in the original work that the Five Old Stars were hesitant about whether to tell this adult about the Revolutionary Army and Luffy.

What they hesitate about is the consequences, not whether this adult can handle it!

"I know what you are worried about, but it's a pity. Our positions are different. I don't believe that the government will blame the navy for the riots caused by trying to stabilize the government's rule."

Moen's voice was very soft. With the blessing of six times the king's power, he needed to spend a lot of energy every second.

It's like the voice of an ordinary person running a marathon at the speed of a 100-meter race, and a group of second-rate reporters want to interview you.

Shanks' concern is that the sea will be cleansed and no one can escape.

But Morn, who had ascended to the dimension, could vaguely sense what kind of power that adult possessed. He was not afraid of such ethereal things.

Moreover, the navy's position is that of the government!

That lord, it is impossible to take action against the navy!

Therefore, Shanks's persuasion is completely false!

