
Pioneering Antiquity

A young prodigy created by technology in the future: Ace, with his high attainments in the fields of, well, everything. Studied and experimented in the unknown field of alternate dimensions which was said to be completely impossible by the theorists of his time, happened to sort of achieve some good results, that may have been to successful, ‘cause he thought it would be great to test it on himself. Long story short he is transferred to an alternate backward dimension or universe that is still in the dark ages which to him is thousands of years in the past. In this novel there will be kingdom-building, comedy, business, technology, Academies, love, and war, along with some very heated political intrigue and attempts of assassination. Watch how Ace with his knowledge of the future push this backwards alternate universe into the new realms of science, mathematics, war, and some economical ideas never before seen or heard of, with his knowledge he can (and I mean literally) change the world.

DaoistTsuLing · Sci-fi
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2 Chs

-2- an academy? sounds prestigious

Antimony!! they are giving a toxic metal, to cure a child of puking? they must either want to kill the kid or make him S*** to death, what did the family do to you? as I was I just about to reprimand the middle-aged practician I stopped myself, first of all, what did I expect? I am practically stuck in the middle ages, where knowledge of and 2nd I have no reputation to speak and throw around in this new world. after restraining myself I continued walking along the business district all the while thinking about my next course of action. I am an expert in multiple fields of science, mathematics, and economics anything I pull out of my head would be completely novel and life-changing for these Plebs, but with the way things are now, I have no capital to use to do anything with. Wait!! I'm getting way ahead of myself right now, of course, money is important, but what I really need to do right now is find out more about this world. Now that I have come up with my next course of action, walking with a sense of purpose, opposite of my downcast attitude a moment earlier I set out to see what this world has to offer I mean come on the people here have knowledge comparable to some of the savage aliens from space. They also have a somewhat recognizable lexicon for me to piece together their language so I immediately was able to somewhat speak their language. I looked through many stalls stores and multiple other establishments. I soon came to the conclusion that other than them looking exactly like the path evolution of I took, (Homo-Sapien) they have the same sociological tendencies as us and of course, they still barter with the more high-end establishments using single-entry bookkeeping, it could be improved. "Hey did you hear that the Lillium Academy is accepting new applicants in three days." "yeah of course, who hasn't I plan on enrolling as well." "With your intelligence! I don't think so." a group of people around the ages of 20 were chatting at a sitting area, intrigued I walked closer and sat down. "I heard that exams are really hard, it's for geniuses (sigh) they dabble in many fields I would never understand. but I heard that the military exam is somewhat easier this year now that the war effort is in a lull." a fat teen said, then muttering to myself and saying underneath my breath while contemplating this plan of attack." hmm an academy that sounds right up my alley I can give it a go I can definitely build up my street cred with it, along with learning more about this world at the same time! well, it's decided in three days I will take the exam. now I just need to find where it is located." so I walked up to that same fat teenager who was called stupid. "Excuse me you were talking about an Academy earlier, and I couldn't help but listen, would you mind telling me where it is and what might the areas of study be?" the same teen glanced over noticing me and my weird outfit replied without saying much." you must be a foreigner the academy is close to the castle and as big as it so you can't miss it, as for your last question there are two paths one can take in the academy the first is military/strategy and the second is the scholars' path I recommend the first cause that's the only one where you have the chance to accumulate achievements." waving his hands to shoo me off, I thanked him and left. first I will need to find a place to earn some quick cash, the monetary system they use here is very primitive, still using copper, silver, and gold as systems of currency, where 100 copper pieces equal a silver piece, and 10 silver pieces equals a gold piece. like I said very primitive, anyway, I stopped in front of a sign saying blacksmith apprentice needed 5 cops an hour . "it's not much but it comes with free room and board as well, you look like a well built young man, if you don't already know how to tend the fires and assist in a smithy we can still teach you my husband needs some help. The war effort has been raised, so my husband has been bogged down with orders recently, and a daughter is no good for working in the smithy." a middle-aged young woman wearing a dark blue cloak walked out of the establishment. "I only need the job for a few days. I just arrived here for the academic exam in three days, and need a place to stay for two nights, if you don't mind I am willing to go without pay as well, and already know the smelting and crafting process as well." " well I do not see there being a problem I would have to bring this up with my husband, you can go on up to my daughters' room she already moved out and only her furniture is in there." the lady said, showing the way to a neat room. as it was close to dinner time after I settled down she invited me for dinner in a quaint dining room where a man may be in his late 30s sat down he had some huge biceps and a slightly tanned face he sort of looked like the father in the Annabelle or the conjuring horror movies. "so you plan on taking the exams for the Clarkeson academy, is it for the military?" the man said interested "No I plan on taking the scholar examination." the room was silent for a moment. then the mother replied in a somewhat awkward manner. "Oh, that's nice my daughter is taking that exam as well." breaking the atmosphere the man whose name I was told is timothy smith. "well Tracey I don't see there being any problem for the time being if you work here for a little while as long as you do the tasks I put you to diligently I don't see why not." and so the days passed as I worked as an assistant to Mr. Timothy in the smithy, it was actually fairly easy as I already knew all the concepts to it. soon enough it was already the morning of the exams the couple bought a nice pair of clothes for me today seeing as my old ones were a bit... well they didn't know how to put it to words. anyway, it was a crimson high collared gambesons coat, dark Blue linen pants with belt and leather boots that were used. I thanked them quite generously. Mrs Smith told me to watch for their daughter who will be taking the same exam whose name is Serene, I told her I would. With that, I was off to the academy to take the exam which would be my first course of action in this alternate universe to get to know more and make a name for myself.

hey guys the author here i just wanted to say sorry for the late post and if you have any thoughts about the direction you think the novel is going so far comment on the things i should work on, like is there any redundant information i have in here, is the story moving to slow or to fast, or is there not enough character development. just let me know please, it would really help me out. I would like to write a novel that is interesting to the readers, and help develop me as a writer and improve my writing. Thx

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