
Pioneer System: Game of Thrones

Forced into a universe he never wished to enter, the Hero's found himself in a situation he didn't hope to deal with. Taking advantage of the chaos, the Hero has found some extra rewards at the cost of further mayhem in the new world. Please Comment about the story so I know if I should proceed with the novel.

PhantomMedjay · Book&Literature
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5 Chs

Five Spawned Heroes

The conversation held by the Heroes wasn't heard by Lucian, though their summoning had caught his attention, leading to long discussions with Theriena.

They agreed specialised schools for various crafts and especially Magiks as the populous increased in the Hidden World.

Theriena wanted to utilise the Heroes, allowing all to find apprentices or even fund the establishment of their Orders from past worlds.

In the case of the Knights, Lucian and Theriena both hoped they would start organising the masses left largely free to do as they pleased.

The training fields and open grounds arena for weapons practice had been largely left unsupervised, with the veteran warriors from past life's being able to instruct the youth.

Those who volunteered up until now had done a decent job in organising loosely formed Knightly Orders, but now that there were three capable Knights from distinguished Orders available, hope for a strong fighting force became sky high.

While aware of the importance of Knightly Orders, Lucian rather focused on the most important factor of any political game, which was intelligence.

No words could stress the importance of a strong network of spies, furthermore during a 'peaceful' period of time, which was leading into war.

Prepared to gift the responsibility on Ezio's shoulders, Lucian knew at the very least those summoned from the Assassin's Creed genealogy already started to organize their former order, reducing a great deal of worry that plagued both Lucian and Theriena.

They were heavily concerned about their reach across the Narrow Sea, as the powers of the Slave Masters and Iron Bank controlled a large portion of information being moved around.

To create their own network of spies, Lucian understood blood would be shed, though he wasn't willing to send inexperienced men and women for such a task.

Rather, someone like Ezio, who could improve the quality of each assassin part of the spy network, would largely reduce the possibility of death befalling their operatives out in the field, while capable of establishing smaller networks in various cities with autonomy.

Theriena expected Invictus to aid Ezio and the Knights with magic, creating various tools, items and equipment for them to utilise, though she wasn't aware of what the only member of House Peverell would forge.

The System already set restrictions in place to stop magic entering Planetos for the time being, which Theriena believed stopped the Red Priests from gaining control over their Magiks, and other magically aware individuals and groups.

She came to the conclusion it wasn't the ripe time to expand magical energy into Planetos through the Eternal Dimensional Realm without serious repercussions later on.

Theriena wasn't knowledgeable about the possible changes magic would have on the grand world of Planetos, but nonetheless, she wasn't willing to try her hand at worldwide manipulation just yet.


A few days passed since the Heroes were spawned and the Lords of Skagos arrived at Castle Panthera, but a number of new developments had occurred within this short period.

A large number of Noble Lords began to appear every day, from the port and gates leading into the town-city, of which a handful Lucian recognised.

The rest were unknown to the Panthera Heir but he realised many would be introduced by the System, alongside House Vitniryx, though the presence of Houses Frost, Towers, Fishers, Amber, Woodfoot, Flint of Breakstone Hill, Ryder, and Greenwood caught his attention.

Based on the lore of Planetos Lucian understood and learnt from his first life, each of the identified Houses were either extinct by House Stark, through conquest, or Ironborns, much like the end of House Woodfoot.

Taking a second to thank himself for bothering to invest time in learning about the world of 'A Song of Ice and Fire', Lucian in his limited capacity joined his father for the evening meals with the Lords of the Shadows Claw.

Using the short time he would remain in the Great Hall, Lucian heard various talks over numerous topics and points, including the tales of certain Houses who were present amongst the Lords.

The past of House Frost reached Lucian's ears first, which spoke of a war between two sworn brothers, and their children, with one winning righteously and fairly, while the other had nothing left but his sworn word and honour.

A second son of House Stark had married into House Frost, well before Aegon the Conqueror arrived in Westeros, only for the poisonous words of his goodbrother's southern wife to lead him to fight for the Crown of Winter.

This war eventually carried onto their son's, who came to decide that one decisive battle would answer the fate of their Houses, causing House Vitniryx to oversee the final battle, rather than fighting beside their liege.

Lucian couldn't help but smirk at the ingenious move by the youngest son of House Frost, Korgen, who removed the strongest vassal of House Stark to watch over a bloodbath instead.

In fact, the youngest son of House Frost had allied with his counterpart cousin in House Stark, the second son, to learn House Bolton was the one to voice poison into the mind of Lady Frost.

Apparently, they were in love with one another from a young age, but the marriage alliance between House Frost and Stark ensured no talks would occur with House Bolton.

This bitterness led to the heir of House Bolton to begin his game in the downfall of the Starks through House Frost.

Unfortunately for House Bolton, his plans quickly unravelled when the Shadows were called into action.

The two fathers agreed with their sons and chose to fight one another, as they were brothers, and it was best if they ended their feud by their own swords rather than another's blade.

Both estranged Stark brothers were tired of the death and constant infighting between their people, so they chose to fight instead and end the war between the two Houses of the Northern Realm.

In the end, House Frost lost, with the estranged Stark brother exiling his younger brother to the Isle of the Shadows Claw, creating a cadet House to both Frost and Stark.

Along with their allies and ancestral treasures, the former son of House Stark left the Northern Realm, leaving the Main House Frost branch to his son and heir, who renewed his House's fealty to the Royal House Stark.

This led to House Bolton trying their hand at stepping away from the spotlight, only for the jaw of the wolf to clamp on.

The Lord of House Bolton was sent to the Wall, tasked to join the Nights Watch, while his son became hostage to the Starks of Winter and educated by their blood.

This weakened the Red Kings for a time, and placated their hatred of the Starks, but it increased their dependence of House Stark that they even weren't aware of, no matter what generation passed.


Those who left in exile became the vassals and bannermen of House Frost of the Shadows Claw, after they were gifted an island which surrounded the Palm Island.

Eventually the locals, merchants, and nobles alike renamed House Frost's fief after their namesake, Frostfall Island, turning it into the hub of naval development, trade, and warfare.

Ensuring communication between the Main House of Frost and its cadet branches remained, a powerful ally of House Stark remained ever present in the Sunset Sea, repelling Ironborn raiders over countless generations from the western shores of the north.

House Frost of Shadows Claw became the naval force protecting the vast number of islands scattered around the Palm Island, while sending its Warriors to fight pirate holdings when discovered.

As time passed, they quickly became one of the strongest and most fervent allies of House Vitniryx, drastically increasing their fighting capability out at sea and on the land through generations of rigorous training and discipline.

Lucian found it hard to believe at first that his House of birth acted as a manipulator of politics across the North for a time and saved plenty of noble lineages from going extinct.

Houses Towers, Fisher, Amber, Woodfoot, Flint of Breakstone Hill, Ryder, and Greenwood remained indebted to House Vitniryx for saving their lineages to remain alive in the Northern Realm, prospering, while their cadet branch Houses residing on the Shadows Claw became the hidden force of the north.

Those Houses who interacted heavily with House Vitniryx never forgot the Shadow who protected and guided the Northern Realm beside the Direwolves, going even so far to not accept Maesters of the Citadel without confirmation of their loyalty.

In time, this all added to the strength of the Starks of Winterfell, and the Northern Realm as a whole, especially with the arrival of Aegon the Conqueror.

Interested in the altered history of Westeros and possibly Essos, Lucian listened eagerly to the conversations going on around the castle, and Great Hall, but all the information gathered couldn't measure up to the day Alexios addressed all the Lords, once it was confirmed they all arrived.


A throne of obsidian with carvings of a roaring Shadow Panther above the headrest, and two prone on either side of the seat, as if ready to attack, would always drawn the attention of all who would enter the Great Hall of Castle Panthera.

It was said the grand throne existed when the first Shadow King of the North was crowned, but Lucian knew that had been a tale created by the past Lords of their House.

He heard part of the story from his father, who never finished the tales or left out a great many details so he could focus on work or other matters.

But even so, what little was said aloud in the privacy of the Lord's Solarium revealed House Vitniryx possibly existed before the First Dustin King who led the First Men across the natural land bridge onto Westeros.

So far, Lucian knew nothing further on the subject, but he somewhat felt joyous that his House preserved for so long beside the Starks… well up until recent history of sorts.

"My Lords of the Shadows Claw, I thank you all for honouring my call to the ancestral seat of my house, Castle Panthera.

Forgive me, for I have called you all here as winter approaches our lands, but news of upmost importance has arrived from Westeros and Essos, which has resulted in all of you Lords and Ladies being present today, under the protection and wellbeing of House Vitniryx."

For the first time in his new life, Lucian couldn't help but watch in awe as his father controlled the atmosphere of the Great Hall of Castle Panthera, which had plenty of room for not only the Lords and Ladies, but their families, guards, and closest retainers.

Held by a Knight sworn to House Vitniryx, Lucian watched his father closely, as the Lord of the Shadows Claw grasped the power exuded by the naturally large throne in his favour from even the smallest gestures and movements.

Therefore, his words naturally drew everyone's attention and kept it focused on his figure, than the exquisitely carved dark stone throne.

Yet Lucian failed so far to notice the worried expressions of many Lords, Ladies, and their trusted retainers.

None knew what their Warden of the Shadows Claw wished to discuss, not just with his loyal bannermen, but those considered dear and loyal to their persons and House.

"My dear and loyal bannermen, I thank you all for joining me here in the warmth of my castle and keep, for we have much to discuss…

First, our 'dear' King Aerys II Targaryen has ended the lineages of House Darklyn, Hollard and their retainers through the final act of 'Defiance of Duskendale', as the commonfolk, Grey Rats, and nobility have come to note the affairs of the Valyrian King."

Even though the Lords of the Shadows Claw were not actively present on Westeros, they continued to received news about various events and actions taken by Lords, commonfolk, the faith, and so forth.

Everyone present already heard about the 'Defiance of Duskendale', which only added fuel to the speculations of another crazed Targaryen to rise in short time.

They understood House Darklyn couldn't walk away from imprisoning the King without repercussions, but none expected King Aerys to slaughter all loyal to the Lords of Duskendale as retaliation.

Some suspected the Lion of Casterly influenced the King to end the line of House Darklyn, and Hollard, but those close to Alexios, like his dear brother Felix and the Skagosi Lords, were aware of the true manipulative actions at the event's core.

Though Lord of the Shadows Claw, momentarily, made it known to all, causing many Lords, Ladies and their retainers to reel back out of anger, and worry, but not entirely for themselves.

Alexios instinctively realised the worry on a number of faces and changed the tone of his speech to ease some of the tension, "Peace, blood of the First Men…

By calling you all here, I've come to the decision House Vitniryx will begin preparing for the possibility of another war... and our return to Westeros after our exile.

While I'm not sure what will alight the spark of war, it shall, no doubt, be of conquest and justice…

The King might believe his actions were justifiable but, in all honesty, to kill all, including innocent children marks the Targaryen cunt as dead in my books.

Thankfully, not all have suffered at the wrath of the King and have come to join us at the Isle and will come to our aid should the day arise for their blades.

However, our attention should move onto the north, the home of our ancestors and the Kingdom of Winter, first and foremost." Alexios contained his smirk, because he knew his words would ruffle the crowd of Lords and Ladies into drawing a rather blatant observation.

It didn't take long for someone to voice their thoughts aloud, causing a small smile to appear on the rather stoic and grizzled face of Lord Vitniryx.

"… If I'm not wrong, My Lord, it sounds like House Vitniryx is planning to return…north." Boldly said the son and heir to a Masterly House of a Vassal Lord loyal to House Vitniryx.

In fact, the young man named Cerran, was the son of Lord Doren Belgrave, who served the Lord of the First Claw Island, and had their own fief over several islands close to one another, surrounding part of the First Claw.

Lucian learnt about the young man from the Knight holding him in his arms, gossiping with another Knight close by, barely at a whisper, but lough enough for the sharp of hearing Panthera Heir.

Apparently Cerran Belgrave served the Farstarks who'd taken up residence on the Palm Island, away from the Port of Panthera to create their own keep that had lasted for millennia's.

Farstarks held the trust and honour of House Belgrave who had made the Shadows Claw their home after exile from the Crownlands once Baelor the Blessed died, leaving many of those who stood beside him to leave Westeros in disgrace from noble scrutiny.

It was in Braavos that the exiled Lord Belgrave met the heir of House Farstark who travelled to the merchant city to sell wares and goods from the Shadows Claw.

The young heir of Farstark convinced the exiled Lord that life would be much fairer for his loved ones if they left for the Shadows Claw, to which Lord Belgrave agreed even though he felt worried for his loved one's survival in the land of the exiled heathens.

Nobility from Kingslanding and the surrounding lands who knew of the exiled House Vitniryx knew somewhat of the Isle of the Shadows Claw and believed it was no better than the unknown wild.

Thankfully, none of that was true… to an extent, allowing Lord Belgrave to quickly establish a new keep and home for his family and retainers on the Farstark Island, located around the first Claw.

Farstarks of the Shadows Claw were the last members of the northern House to exist, with a vast majority of the household joining Brandon the Shipwright on his journey into the unknown Sunset Sea.

Fargard, the former port and hold of House Farstark near the border of the Stony Shore and Sea Dragon Point had been left in the care of House Stark who were compensated for the maintenance by House Farstark.

The Starks of Winterfell asked their cousins by blood to return north, but the Farstarks refused the order and chose to instead remain with on the Shadows Claw, awaiting the return of the Shadows to reenforce the power and strength of House Stark which went through turbulent times since Aegon the Conqueror made landfall in Westeros.

Cerran Belgrave knew of their past when he fostered with the Farstarks and quickly became a fervent supporter of the north in its entirety, which made his comments appear not only out of curiosity but passion for the Northern Realm.

Alexios understood this and prepared himself for what was to come when he spoke of their plan ahead.

"Indeed, young Cerran Belgrave, House Vitniryx has remained aware of the pact that binds the First Men to protect the realm of mankind from the eternal darkness that looms far past the Wall.

Even with the arrival of the Targaryen's, we've never forgotten our oath when others have tried their hardest to remove any and all links to their past lineage and history.

House Vitniryx will return from exile while under my leadership, my Lords.

And it will be during a war… one that will reshape Westeros, away from the possible reign of the Dragon to something much better… or much worse…"

And thus, Alexios's comments brought all those in the Great Hall to roar aloud, some out of joy and happiness, while others grumbled about the possibility their actions would rile up the current Targaryen King rather ahead of time.

One such brazen member of a Lordly House spoke up, clearly expressing his discomfort at the possibility of returning to the north and Westeros society.

"My Lord Vitniryx, I realise the oath of old your ancestors established may very well lead you back to the north, but what of us?

What of those who have nothing to do with such oaths?

House Goldthron continues to uphold their oath and fealty to House Vitniryx, however my Lord… we have not prepared ourselves for such an endeavour… like fighting the supposed 'White Walkers'…"

The Lord of House Goldthron, a young man several years older than Alexios caught the rapt attention of all present in the Great Hall, with many eyeing the young man with anger and fury for daring to go against the Shadow Lord.

Many of Lords angered by Lord Goldthron's comments were largely tied to the north from their forefathers, yet those who'd come to the Isle of the Shadows Claw from the south of the neck weren't entirely convinced to fight against the true enemy of all living forms and nature.

Alexios wasn't angered at all by the comments of Lord Goldthron because it showed the divide amongst his bannermen who believed in the Long Night and danger posed by the Night King, while the rest remained either neutral or thought the tale was nothing more than hogwash.

The Skagosi Lords on the other hand were ready to rage war against those like Lord Goldthron who were gifted protection and a home after House Vitniryx gave them shelter after their near extinction and removal from Westeros.

Rash and a rather furious Goren Magnar stood up, catching the whole attention of the Great Hall, which became eerily silent when the giant man from the eastern side of the Northern Realm spoke.

"Goldthron, you fucking spineless cunt!

My House remembers the day when your ancestors survived the onslaught of the Andal bastards in the south who shattered what little defence your keep in the Riverlands held.

The Shadow Kings and their levies saved you ancestors before men were slaughtered and woman experienced torment none should ever be forced to suffer.

Tell me, Lord Goldthron, your House might not have been established before the Long Night, but your forefathers fought and survived the war, even so… you choose to ignore the threat far beyond the Wall… even after you've faithfully served House Vitniryx for several millennia's?

Do you believe anyone else would dare consider your loyalty or that of your House to be honourable when you have failed to stand by the House who saved the existence of your Household?"

Goren Magnar composed himself by the end of his sudden interrupt that brought the Great Hall to a standstill.

His anger had mellowed significantly, yet the fire of fury still remained blazing alive through his eyes and heavy toned voice which permeated throughout the hall.

Compared to the other Skagosi Lords, Goren heavily focused on history and lore related to the north, because every noble House of the North had some tale of their own, explaining a unique history of their origin.

Throughout his studies, Goren found the oldest Houses had the deepest tales, such as the Stark's, Dustin's, Umber, and so forth, but the Shadow Kings had no such thing.

Goren realised through his heavy studies into House Vitniryx that they possibly existed well before House Stark even came together, which easily made them incredibly rich in history but more importantly, they held great influence, even while exiled.

One word from Alexios, and House Goldthron would be ended by the morning, however such a cruel method to gain the loyalty and control over the Lords would harm House Vitniryx's standing, which left Goren to wonder how his sworn brother would bring the unruly Lords into order.

Embarrassed and furious at Lord Magnar's actions, Lord Goldthron stood up from his seat, ready with his own retort that lingered on the tip of his lips.

"I will not have a savage barbarian question the honour of my House when you ancestors were cannibals and monsters of the ferralist kind.

Unlike your kind, my House has acted in society of their free will and learnt the intrigues of court, while you've retained the animalistic behaviour that suits you and your people of those accursed land."


Goren didn't bother to listen and decided to wreak havoc on the average statured man, though the quick intervention of Oryn and Karhen, who pulled their sworn brother back into his seat, firmly maintaining their grip on his shoulder.

Thankfully nobody saw their interaction with the whole Great Hall focused on the Lord seated upon the obsidian throne.

Lord Goldthron worried his words were too sharp for the liking of his Lord, who was known to have a close bond with the Skagosi Lords that fostered across the Shadows Claw in their younger years.

Slightly afraid his Lord would punish him for what was just said, Lord Goldthron moved forward to apologise to Alexios, but the man in question quickly interjected.

"Derran… ignoring your harsh comments regarding the Skagosi for a moment, I thought you would have been taught that the aid of House Vitniryx wasn't as noble as it might appear...

Or has House Goldthron forgotten their sworn oaths and duty to the Shadow Kings of past?" Alexios bore his eyes into Lord Goldthron, as the man started to sweat and tense under the pressure of numerous gazes.

"… M-My L-Lord I'm aware of the oath my ancestor made to seek the protection and aid of the Shadow Kings… I-I J-Just thought-" Alexios chose this moment to interrupt with a resounding boom carried through his voice.

"Then you should know House Vitniryx spares no Oathbreakers…" that alone turned Derran Goldthron completely pale like the blood was entirely drained from his body, leaving behind a walking cold corpse.

Yet Alexios continued, "So I ask… not only you, Lord Goldthron, but all the Lords and Ladies present today, will you reaffirm the oath of the past to my House of Vitniryx and join the Shadow Lords of present to return home to the land of our forefathers?!

Will you answer my call and head my orders to prepare us not only for the Long Winter, but to safeguard the interests and wealth of our homeland, the dear lands of winter."

The Lord of the Shadows Claw didn't have to wait long for an answer.

"Aye, as House Vitniryx has stood by us, so shall House Frost answer their call." Spoke aloud the Lord of House Frost.

"Aye, we've been the vanguard for the Shadow Kings and Lords alike, House Xeratus shall fight and bleed with their kin!"

All the Lords and Ladies unsheathed their swords and swore their oaths to Alexios, including the Skagosi Lords, who happily swore to uphold the pact between Kings of First Men and Lords of the Crown of Winter.

Even Lord Goldthron begrungingly fell to his knee with his sword plunged into the hard floor, "In the presence of First Men loyal to the Old Gods, I, Derran of House Goldthron, swear upon the Old Gods to uphold the pact bound by my ancestors and the Shadow Kings.

I swear it by Earth and Water.

I swear it by Bronze and Iron.

I swear it by Ice and fire, we shall be oathbound."

Derran's little statement through his oath caught the attention of the Lords and Ladies present, with several scornful gazes upon the man, while others watched him closely to find any weakness or frailty.

Lucian couldn't understand the significance of the oath just yet, however he figured there was a serious penalty like death or exile if Derran chose to renege on the oath conditions, whatever they may be.


"Very well," said Alexios with finality echoing through his voice, "Rise my Lords and Ladies, for we shall now begin our discussion for the reason I have called upon all of you."

A short time was given for all those present in the Great Hall to regain their seat or position, with a few guards ensuring the area was secure.

"Now then, lets begin," Declared Alexios, as several stewards of House Vitniryx, including Lehirai Masters entered the Great Hall through a separate entrance from the main doors.

The side entrance didn't surprise most of the veteran nobility who'd witnessed plenty of events in the Great Hall of Castle Panthera, while the younger lordlings were witnessing history in the making.

Lucian happened to be one of the very few people to notice Lehirai Master Perideth Morner, also known to many as Old Nan Peri, had entered the Great Hall, though remained to the side, away from the eyes of a majority of nobility present.

Most people were rather interested in the documents being placed across the grand long tables in the Great Hall, leaving barely a few to notice the small details of movement and change throughout the room.

"I've called upon you all to the ancestral keep of my House to prepare us for the events that will unfold in the dire times ahead for Westeros and Essos.

Certain alliances are being forged in the south, though many come at the cost of others predetermined by old friendships slowly tearing apart.

House Lannister continues to try and bind themselves with House Targaryen, yet they have long closed a door for marriage from Dorne and instead seek Lysa Tully's hand in marriage.

However, it appears the heir of Casterly Rock wants to become a Knight than the Lord of his ancestral home."

"Hahaha! The poor southern cunt wouldn't last single bout against our Birmir!!" Goren Magnar laughed aloud, causing all those in the Great Hall to burst with laughter before a resounding, "AYE!!" echoed throughout the room.

Lucian suddenly felt like he knew very little about his new world, which was supposedly following the storyline of 'A Song of Ice and Fire', yet 'Birmir' was something unheard of.

Though it didn't take long for him to piece together its meaning when the supposed Knight holding him spoke and addressed his fellow Knight close by.

"Haha Lord Magnar has always been highly vocal and supportive of our Northern Order."

"Aye, Skeppari, I remember being part of his class when we begun our training to join our Sacred Order…

Even the memory of Lord Magnar learning it wasn't possible for him to become a full-fledged Birmir caused quite the strife between the Old Lord and Lord Alexios."

The two 'Birmir' as Lucian came to recognise and understand were similar but vastly different at the same time from the Knights of the south.

He wasn't aware of the exact differences but for now it was more than enough to know his family didn't follow such traditions when the north didn't bother with knighting anyone since it was a practise of the southern Faith.

Thankfully Lucian didn't need to bother with such thoughts once his father retook control of the atmosphere and focused everyone on his voice.

"Regardless of the fate to behold heir Jamie Lannister, his father, the Old Lion of Casterly appears ready for the prospect of war, if it were to befall his lands.

While I understand Tywin Lannister won't enact war, it is likely he will create strong bonds through marriages of his children to see the alliance of a century prepare itself for a possible rebellion, if there should ever be such a need for one.

Unfortunately, the Starks may fail to keep themselves free from southern influence through the work of Maester Walys, a son of the Reach."

All those present to hear Alexios cursed and shouted aloud out of anger and fury, largely aimed at the Maesters, Oldtown, and even House Hightower, someone who wasn't loved by the Northern Realm ever since the Andals invaded.

A young babe in the arms of an imposing Birmir even heard his own Guards cursing Hightower and the Maesters, including House Tyrell, much to his surprise.

Yet they cursed House Tyrell for their actions against House Gardner, an old First Men House loyal and bound to the pact by the Kings, Giants, Children of the Forest, and Beasts native to the land.


Alexios slightly raised his hand for everyone to quieten down before he continued to speak.

"The Maester has already interfered with the Isle of the Shadows Claw, by intercepting the correspondence between the Shadow and Wolf of the North, but unfortunately for the man, his reckoning is at hand.

Leið have been sent alongside Lehirai loyal to House Vitniryx, Stark, and the North to ensure Lord Stark doesn't foolishly wonder into the southern pastime known as the Game of Thrones.

While I am not opposed to such matters, as my own House has participated in the game until King Aegon exiled us, it is far too dangerous for House Stark to enter in their current state.

Therefore, to improve the standing of the north and make it far less reliable on the other Realms of Westeros, I propose we begin increasing our trade by the sea, not just with the North but Essos too.

Our lands, compared to that of the north, are far easily farmable and capable of producing crops to feed the north and have plenty of surplus for our own lands and her people.

We have a wide variety of beasts stalking the grounds past our walled towns and cities across the Palm and Claw islands, which can be hunted and turned into leather or fur.

While the meat isn't eaten or sold down south, it is bought by the Essosi, especially the Dothraki who pay with various goods and items we can make some use of.

But more importantly, our own people were known in the past to feast on wild beasts to sustain ourselves and improve our health, which the Lehirai even swear upon as the truth.

Meat of the beasts isn't palpable by most, but it is another income we can add to increase our coffers."

Lucian became curious about the beasts his father spoke of, but his attention returned to the hall as another decided to speak up, continuing from what his father last said.

"House Magnar, along with House Crowl and Stane will aide in the transportation of the goods for sale, and provide protection through the seas, regardless of their favourability to our cause." Gorren Magnar once more spoke, serious and focused on the topic at hand, instead of losing sense over his emotions and behaviour.

"Aye, and House Vitniryx, and the whole of the Shadows Claw wholeheartedly is thankful for your aide to help us and the north prepare, but this won't be all that we will do.

The Leið and Lehirai Masters hope to ask for our strength and power amongst Lords and Ladies to allow them freedoms already gifted to Maesters of Oldtown.

Right now, more and more Keeps turn to Oldtown for Maesters, largely to obey the acts and behaviour of their Lord Stark, but this pushes away those ensuring the customs and culture of the First Men stays alive amongst the current political and military powers.

It has been decades since the last Leið and Lehirai walked through Winterfell and raised the Stark household to their coming of age, during which we have seen the north continue to degrade and weaken till now, where our realm is considered the weakest and poorest.

I say no more!

I say we send our Leið and Lehirai Masters to the north and begin taking back the land that was once ours, including the responsibilities and freedoms passed over to the fucking Grey Rats!"

"AYE!!" boomed alive the Great Hall and its occupants, with every single person seething alive full of rage at the Maesters for swaying their ancestral homeland.

"My Lords, and Ladies, if I may," just as Alexios regained peace in the Great Hall, Lehirai Master Perideth spoke up, loud enough for all to hear even with her somewhat croaky voice from age.

"I have seen most of you raised within the walls of Castle Panthera and her Port City, with many others studying in the grand halls and classrooms of the Theca…

Across Westeros, they call us uneducated heathens and barbarians, yet we expect more from each and every one that arrives at Panthera to study and better themselves.

It is why those who eventually leave Panthera achieve great things within their lifetimes, whether that is for themselves or those they are bound to serve is another thing, but many across the north have not had the same chances as those across the Shadows Claw and her allies during exile.

While the north continued to be scrutinised, our people across the Shadows Claw prepared themselves for the inevitable return and war that would come from it.

Unfortunately, we have failed in our duty to the north, allowing Maesters to rise once more in the north and especially the heart of it all in Winterfell."

"What will you have us do, Old Nan Peri?" as if saying what was on each person's mind, a middle-aged man patiently relayed his thoughts aloud for all to hear.

There was no malice or frustration in the Lord's voice, but rather respect and admiration for the Lehirai Master who'd probably been his teacher or mentor at a time.

In fact, the relationship between Leið, Lehirai, and nobility was much closer than Lucian knew currently, but it was certain that there was a high level of respect for someone like Old Nan Peri.

"Lord Farsan, my child, all the Leið and Lehirai Masters have ever wanted is our independence and freedom from those who seek to persecute us.

It will be impossible if the likes of Maesters remain active and freely able to move around and cause harm across the north without any repercussions."

Alexios took note it was the perfect moment to interrupt and take control over the conversation as it led into his next point.

"It is exactly this reason that I want the Houses who have branches or cadet Houses back in the north to begin accepting Leið and Lehirai Masters who will start approaching smaller Keeps to accept their wisdom.

For many this may seem not enough to aid our brethren back on the mainland, yet our approach must be slow but swift without raising any alarm for our actions.

Is that understood?"

"Aye…" far more calmer this time, the crowd in the Great Hall agreed with Alexios and soon began to chat amongst themselves with various Lehirai Masters attending smaller discussions to provide answers to any specific points or questions.

By this time, Lucian was handed to his father, since he couldn't help but fall asleep from exhausted as his whole attention was focused on the large crowd of Lords and Ladies through Alexios speech.

A few noticed the young infant child being passed over to their Lord and thought of asking if they were in the presence of the heir to Shadows Claw, however Lucian wasn't privy to such matters because of the deep sleep he felt straight into.

Yet, Theriena was their to accompany him throughout his dreams, who also wasn't privy to the continued discussions in the Great Hall, some of which Lucian would only learn about much later on.

Though such points of discussion being had would one day become vastly important and crucial for Lucian understand for his House to maintain its power and respect amongst its bannermen and the entirety of the north.


The next few days were quite the blur for young Lucian who rested largely with his nursemaids and guards while exploring the bustling Keep and courtyard with saw several bouts between various guards and Birmir of the Shadows Claw Lords and Ladies.

Lucian watched those he believed were Knights, but in fact were known as Birmir, fighting guards and other Birmir of Lords native to the Shadows Claw, which meant the bouts weren't entirely clean or simple.

The Birmir didn't bother with the methods Knight fought one another, but rather thought of the bouts as a match between skill, ability, strength, and adaptability to sudden situations.

In one case, Lucian saw two Birmir fighting one another without any armour or weapons, since they used their fists and bodies to out manoeuvre the other.

Precise jabs, uppercuts, arm locks, and body slams saw the Birmir of House Vitniryx walking away victorious, though he didn't gloat about it but instead spoke with the losing party to better each of their ability in the fighting martial style.

Part of Lucian was surprised the north had some form of competition platform for people to train against one another, but another part of Lucian felt the martial skill of all present in the training grounds was atrocious.

Having experienced countless lifetimes, Lucian already perfected his own martial arts and skills that were able to translate into any lifetime he'd come across eventually.

The plan was to introduce the martial art and various fighting styles to the forces of House Vitniryx and eventually its standing army, to become one of the most feared and deadly fighting militia.

Unfortunately, Lucian knew his plan wouldn't come into effect for a long time, and his father needed to be convinced of its value before demanding his forces are trained in the artform.

Even so, the young heir watched and critiqued the fighting styles expressed by the Guards and Birmir fighting in the training grounds, to compile a mental log of their complete fighting artform.

It wasn't possible to be expressed in his current form, but Lucian figured by the time he could practise the fighting style of the Birmir, he'd have plenty of improvements ready for the northern warriors.


While it was interesting to visit the training grounds daily with all of the Lords and Ladies present in the Keep, Lucian found his time well spent with his father or uncle who interacted with the guests, speaking on a wide range of important topics and points from news gathered across Westeros.

Nothing appeared important nor of any real substance until Lucian heard something strange from one of the bannerman loyal to House Clato of the First Claw Island.

"My Lord, our sailors that travelled over to the Titan heard the Golden Company is moving fast to drawn in more people to increase their ranks.

Some people are heading over from Westeros to join the company, but they are largely those unable to regain any fortune or land until another Blackfyre Rebellion or Usurper.

I thought you should know, Lord Vitniryx, because it appears the Golden Company only became highly incensed after news of Duskendale."

The Lord who spoke to Felix about the news from Essos was a reliable person, as Lucian would find out later on in the evening, when the news was reiterated by his father through their own spies across the Narrow Sea.

Alexios didn't meant any ideas or plans on how to handle the news from Essos in front of Lucian, who'd fallen asleep by the time his father came up with a solution to the spontaneous situation.

Yet even so, the news of the Golden Company wasn't comparable to what he'd heard from the Lost Cubs of the Claw, the Basic Craftsmen Group summoned from the System several months back.

When Lucian was left in his chambers overnight, Haikren Estus contacted the young heir through their mental link established by the System.

'Young Master, it appears our group of craftsmen need your advice concerning our next course of action.

Your father has asked us to support his plans for your homeland, the north.

He doesn't wish to send us away from the Shadows Claw, but instead wishes for us to teach at the Theca if possible and take on apprentices of our own.

With everything you have planned for Panthera alone, I suggest it is a wise course of action, especially when we are able to raise a skilled workforce available to House Vitniryx.'

Lucian couldn't help but think to agree with Haikren's suggestion when another thought came to him suddenly.

"Haikren, I don't have any issues with such a task.

Like you have said, House Vitniryx will increase their skilled workforce while increasing our chances to complete all the projects we've outlined for the Shadows Claw before we travel to the north or elsewhere.

However, I have one question, what has my father asked you to teach exactly?

Not just yourself, but the others too, like Aine is a butcher, so I'd assume father hasn't asked for her input at the Theca."

Haikren couldn't help but chuckle before responding, laughing at the fact his Young Master wasn't aware of Aine's wide range of skillsets and abilities that made her weirdly resourceful.

Even if they were considered Basic Craftsmen by the System, their knowledge was wide and broad enough to understand related fields to their own mastery.

'Young Master, Aine, while a butcher by heart, is trained to hunt and skin her kill before during it into leather and other useful tools or assorted trinkets.

Quite the resourceful woman.' Haikren couldn't help but admire Aine for her work ethic for being fresh leather, meat and other goods to their new home and Lord, improving their standing with the locals and authority figure.

"Very well, continue as you please, but can you at least provide a report on the projects we organised for Panthera, and the Keep?"

'Of course, Young Master.

We've successfully scouted several nearby freshwater streams past the city walls we are able to stream in through the aqueducts we have yet to begin building.

Using your idea of volcanic ash, burnt lime, fine gravel, water, and the few other additions you've mentioned, a working concrete substance can build the passageways and water systems for the entire city.

It will be a struggle to incorporate the sewage system in built up sections of the city or town, whatever you wish to call the port.

Regardless of that, most of the Lost Cubs believe it's for the better as reconstruction will hasten and improve through concrete, though I suspect it will develop how Panthera is viewed in the future.'

Haikren knew through Lucian that resources would readily be available once a trustworthy person was found who could interact with their group and utilise his strengths to hasten their progress of the numerous projects.

Until such a time came, Haikren and the others found their resources through scouting, or purchasing the necessary materials, leading to several discoveries and ideas to improve their craft through certain means.

Lyena, the tailor of the Lost Cub group quickly found her mark through fabric production, wildly increasing the quality of the finished products that ended up appearing before the Lords and Ladies visiting Panthera.

Many swooned over the fabrics offered by House Vitniryx just by the quality alone which vastly improved over similar fabric materials sold currently in the market by merchants.

Lyena found herself at the front and centre of numerous conversations throughout the Keeps of Castle Panthera, and surprisingly at the doorstep of her workshop within the castle walls.

Several Ladies and their retainers wanted to see the production themselves, while aware it wouldn't do much for them to learn the process considering the large semi-automated machines and looms.

In the meantime, many Lords and their sons visited the smithery after noticing the various practise weapons in the training grounds that behaved better than some of their current weapons.

Some Lords wanted to gain their own weapons forged to appear deep blood red with light blue tinge of colouring in the steel through the smithing method, leaving much to desire through appearance alone.

The weapons also weighted far better than forged steel used for creating their swords, and spears, yet they weren't privy to Haikren's Beast Blood Smithing.

Even Lucian couldn't understand our it was possible, however Haikren explained the idea of beasts containing compound natural energy to solidify their organs, blood, bones, and so forth, turning them into highly desired source of material for weapons.

Weirdly, this altered world of 'A Song of Ice and Fire' contained beasts that roamed freely in the lands beyond walled towns and cities with immense strength, an array of abilities and powers making them magical at their very core.

And Aine happened to ensure Haikren had a supply of Magical Beast Ingredients for smithing, creating swords, spears, daggers, and much more since he arrived in Panthera and began operating the smithery.

Haikren hadn't supplied any of the Guards, Birmir, or Lords with the finished weapons but rather asked for them all to be stored for training purposes so majority of those using the training grounds would have a chance wielding the uniquely crafted weapons.

Orlan the Carpenter didn't want people to believe he was slack, so he worked with merchants, lumberjacks, and others to find the best wood possible for bows, crossbows and other armaments for the militia of House Vitniryx and the Shadows Claw.

He incorporated metal components to strengthen the finished bows and crossbow so they could last long during battle and not wither away or break during tense moments.

Surprisingly, Orlan discovered through one of his new apprentices he accepted upon settling in Panthera, was to create an attachment to the crossbows to increase the number of bolts fired per minute.

The attachment wasn't complete as it was still going through the research and trial phase, however they'd made several small discoveries that allowed certain bowman to fire three arrows like rounds of a rifle.

For one reason or another, Lucian remembered a wise man from his first lifetime back on Earth, who developed something similar to what Orlan wanted to achieve.

The wiseman named the contraption 'Instant Legolas', a play on the elf from the Lord of the Rings series who quickly became the deadliest archer across different media sources and shows.

Orlan wasn't aware of what he was creating during a period of time that related closely to Medieval times, which might one day turn the tide of war in House Vitniryx and her ally's favour.

The final product was far from complete, but Lucian already became privy to its potential and value, far more than his father and uncle, who'd come to understand what Orlan wanted to achieve, yet saw it as an impossible goal to achieve.

Nonetheless they supported the carpenter through his trials and ensured he had everything necessary to see the project through to the end.

Lucian just hoped to witness the first test of the final product and see how his father and uncle went pale from the realisation of its deadly application in combat and war.

Ayden on the other hand gained the new title of Food Connoisseur, which Haikren and Aine suggested to Alexios privately before the arrival of numerous Lords and Ladies at Castle Panthera.

Ever since Ayden began working in the kitchen, he'd quantitively and qualitatively improved dishes served not only to the Lord's family, but to all those who served House Vitniryx and beyond.

Simple stringy pasta with tomato sauce, toasted bread and fresh vegetables became one of the most talked about dishes amongst the smallfolk and household until nobility arrived with their own party raving about the food offered by the kitchen daily.

Just the improved bread alone caused Alexios to invite Ayden into his Solarium to understand the baking method and how the bread became so fluffy, and light compared to the past breads made by the bakery, making it rather tough and hard to eat without some sort of liquid washing it down.

It still didn't compared to Ayden's involvement in creating an improved brewing process for mead and beer, something highly desired by Alexios and his household as the value of a new alcohol would overflow the coffers of house Vitniryx within a new moon at the very least once it enters the market for sale.

Ayden nor the others part of the Lost Cub Group believed their small improvements to various fields would cause Lord Vitniryx to ensure they had their own Guards and proper sleeping quarters to keep them far away from harm.

When Ayden had his moment alone with Alexios in the Solarium, the Food Connoisseur of House Vitniryx learnt food wasn't ever valued or considered as something highly enjoyable for most across the north but substance to keep them alive and fed.

However, with each passing day, Alexios and his household became dependent on flavoured dishes and meals that permanently destroyed any and all attempts of them returning to the past way of living in regards to food.


Lucian couldn't help but laugh aloud in his chambers while Haikren informed him of the progress regarding the Lost Cubs Group, who were beginning raise in value for House Vitniryx with each passing day.

It was for this reason; Lucian understood his father wanted to gift them all more duties and authority so the masses wouldn't believe their rise in authority came from their connection and closeness with the Lord of the Shadows Claw.

Thankfully none dared to challenge Lord Alexios, his brother or anyone else to ask why craftsmen smallfolk loyal to House Vitniryx we able to create such goods without any fear of their lives or wellbeing if another Lord claimed it as their discovery or work.

Alexios and his household also knew if any dared to claim the work of the Lost Cubs as their own, a skirmish between the offending party and craftsmen group would rock Castle Panthera and its court, possibly causing a political nightmare to be dealt with before any plans for the north were organised.

Plus, the Lords and Ladies present currently in Castle Panthera were highly interesting to hear about the Lost Cubs Group, who'd become well known and famous in the eyes of the smallfolk for their contribution to aiding their lifestyle.

It wasn't a big deal in the eyes of the Lost Cub Craftsmen, but to those who had comfortable and warm clothing in abundance, along with food and clean water to bathe with regularly through reinforced buckets and other items to improve their living standard.

Lucian understood the living standard was far from acceptable across the Isle of the Shadows Claw, but hearing there were some improvements meant his ancestral homeland was moving in the right direction, even if he wasn't overseeing the developments.

For now, though, it was more than fine and stable, as more and more were accepting of the changes introduced by the Lost Cubs group that they were being invited to teach the next generation raised across the Isle of the Shadows Claw.


The next few days were a blur for Lucian who spent most of his time switch between various people, largely of whom were visiting Castle Panthera at the call of his father, their Lord.

Sometimes a Lord and Lady would take Lucian in their arms and wander through the castle keep, visiting other Lords and Ladies, who couldn't help but smile at the calm and peacefulness exuded by their Lord Heir.

Funnily enough, the Birmir and Guards chosen to protect the heir of Shadows Claw were present but hidden from the Lords and Ladies, ensuring their heir wasn't harmed from the darkness of the shadows.

Much to their surprise, the heir quickly caught onto their position in the shadows, and pointed them out when nobody noticed his hand or arm move towards various sections in the rooms or walls of great hallways.

None of the Birmir or Guards proficient in hidden their presence could get past the sharp eyes of their Young Lord, much to their delight and renewed interest to improve their ability.

Birmir and other Guards who became away of their Young Lord's natural ability to spot them out when hiding caused a small challenge amongst those loyal to House Vitniryx as they wanted to test themselves against the one who'd lead them into battle in the future and manage their homeland.

The few Lords and Ladies who caught sight of Lucian, the Birmir, and Guards believed they were playing with the infant Lord Heir, but those few who trained with the Birmir during their time at Panthera couldn't help but feel amazed at Lucian's ability to notice the darkness and its inhabitants.

One particular Lord of House Clato felt the shock of his life after witnessing Lucian's ability to notice his loyal Birmir and Guards trained in the art of hiding ones presence, much like assassins from Essos.

However, none of the assassins were able to hide themselves and stalk their prey quite like the Birmir and Guards trained by House Vitniryx, even though it was extremely rare for them to take on assassination task or anything remotely similar unless the Lord was desperate.

Therefore, it should have been near impossible for Lucian to notice the presence of the hidden Birmir and Guards, but the young Heir easily caught those hiding for his protection and wellbeing.

Both terrified and excited by the prospect of his discovery, Lord Clato raced to Alexios's Solarium to inform his Lord about the discovery before news of Lucian's natural ability and actions were caught onto by majority of the visiting court.



We need to talk urgently!

I think I've discovered something you should be made privy of immediately!" shouted Lord Clato with Lucian in his arms, followed by dozens of Guards and Birmir, both loyal to House Vitniryx and Clato.

They were trying their best to protect the frantic figure of Lord Clato while the Young infant Heir remained dead silent and calm in the arms of his supposed family member if the man's loud shouts were true.

Soon enough the door of the Solarium opened, which Lucian realised wasn't solely occupied by his father, but also contained the Castle and House Steward, Ser Zylas Icebear, a man of few words, yet striking and imposing eyes, combined with his broad yet defined shoulders to create a silent image of dominate power.

Honestly, there were times Ser Zylas freaked Lucian out with his deep gaze, but this time he had nothing to worry about as the Icebear appeared ready to shred Lord Clato apart for interrupting whatever was being privately discussed moments earlier.

"What's wrong Marcellus?

Why are you shouting and banging on my door like a mad man?

With my SON HALF DANGLING OUT OF YOUR ARMS!?!" Alexios didn't have the chance to move from his seat before Zylas dashed forward and gracefully grabbed ahold of Lucian who was barely grasped by the one called Marcellus Clato.

"Ohh… apologises nephew, haha…" dryly laughed Marcellus, while awkwardly ruffling the back of his head of luscious dark hair, "Anyway, I believe… no!

I'm certain Lucian has an ability quite well known to appear in Shadow Kings of Old!"

Alexios couldn't but frown somewhat but kept his emotions from showing, and instead asked for more on the subject, just as Zylas ensured the room was secure once more with Lucian in his heavily muscular arms, riddled with scars and shallow to deep healed cuts.

Too occupied with his hands tracing the scars and cuts, Lucian nearly missed his father ask, "What have you witnessed, Marcellus?"

Slightly exasperated, Lord Clato replied, "He noticed the Birmir and Guards while they lurked in the shadows, moving silently between new positions for the best point of action in case of attack."

"*Sigh* You know, if you just stopped at 'shadows', I would have understood, cousin." Out of pittance or annoyance, Alexios groaned while massaging his forehead bore of stress.

"Moving on, do you have evidence to support your claim?" asked Alexios, bearing his eyes straight into a joyous Marcellus Clato.

"Aye, all of the Birmir and Guards you have chosen to protect Lucian.

Cousin, you may not believe me, but I know the Young Heir possesses Darksight, a gift only found to exist amongst Shadow Kings of Old!

We might see the powers of the Shadow Kings revive once more, and if that is so, we will need to prepare ourselves for the chaos it will bring." Lord Clato instantly became serious, turning icy cold, just like Alexios and Zylas, as they realised the worst possible scenario.

"*Sigh*… It appears, My Lords, that we must begin raising the Shadowguard once more, but not to safeguard Blood of the Dragons… but those of Blood, and Kin through Winters hold." Lucian for the first time heard Zylas express anything beyond grunts.

His voice matched well with the strong and deadly body image which aided Zylas into becoming a terrifyingly effective and efficient steward for House Vitniryx.

One comment, and the two Lords begun planning the reorganisation of a Household Birmir Order, while the trusted and loyal steward prepared tea with Lucian in his arms.

All the infant heir could do was listen to his father and uncle through his grandmother's side, to learn about the potential applications of Darksight, which Lucian didn't believe he had in the first place.

Regardless, Darksight, as stated by Shadow Kings of Old, allowed the child of House Vitniryx and that of their kin to see in the dark as if it were bright as day.

Not only that, the Shadow Presence Technique, utilised by the Birmir and Guards of House Vitniryx would call on faint magical energy of the world to aid in the illusion, yet it could easily be exposed by Darksight.

Sadly for Lucian's father, his newly discovered uncle and loyal guards, that the slight movements of those hidden in the darkness of shadows quickly pointed them for any sharp eyed person for their environment.

Lucian only bothered to catch out the Birmir and Guards to help increase his awareness and tickle an old skill he'd largely left unattended up until now since his rebirth, yet it soon delved into a match and training for those same people protecting his life.

Unfortunately, they would come to remember those games fondly in the future, well after their Young Lord reorganised their training methods into something straight out of the seven southern hells of the faith.

But that is for another time, and currently, Lucian fell far too interested in his father's plans for the Shadowguard, something which Lord Clato wished to deeply involve himself in.

Zylas, seeing the curiousness in his Young Lord for the topics being discussed, Zylas decided to inform Lucian about certain points, innocently believing the Young Heir wouldn't remember anything said.

"You aren't aware of it, and that's largely down to your pitiful age… but no matter, its only time before I have the… pleasure, of drilling all this knowledge into your pudgy head.

Lord Clato… well another uncle for you, has responsibilities that have begun prevalent now, after being passed from one generation to the next, from the very first members to form the Household.

You see, House Clato, along with the other Claw Lords who lead the Claw Islands, were Sworn Commanders of the Shadowguard protecting the first Shadow King who claimed the Shadows Claw with his two brothers and sisters to build House Vitniryx into a feared powerhouse that it is today… sort of."

Chuckling to himself, Zylas felt the current political situation of House Vitniryx placed it in a precarious void of unease, where they were largely forgotten by Westeros, but their silent actions in the shadows still made them feared by many.

Lucian wasn't aware of Zylas's own thoughts, but it mattered little after witnessing the Steward chuckle and laugh barely at a whisper so not even Alexios or Marcellus could hear.


Eventually Lucian left the secure meeting in the Solarium with Zylas and returned to his own chambers in the care of nursemaids, whose remaining task for the evening was to settle down the Young Heir for sleep.

Yet, the young infant child rather wished to expand his influence into Planetos, instead of solely allowing the Eternal Dimensional Realm to progress forward alone.

Throughout the night, all alone in his cot beside the nursemaid and Birmir tasked with his protection, Lucian scanned rapidly through the pages of items available in the System Store to find something to assist his plans for development outside of the Hidden World.

After hearing an update from Theriena regarding all things going on in the Eternal Dimensional Realm, Lucian couldn't help but curse his unfortunate luck at being stuck in an infant body, while the world continued to move forward, far faster than he liked or appreciated right now.

The Guardian Spirit informed Lucian during his time scrolling through the System Store, that the three Knight Heroes had already made progress in training the youth and those willing to learn the art of warfare and combat through their teachings and instructions.

While in the beginning, many chose not to bother involving themselves with the Knights, it quickly changed to see a broad acceptance of the Knights by all of Eden.

Only once they started to train regularly were the youth enticed to join and try their hand at learning about the Ancient Knightly Orders of Heathmoor.

For weeks on end, they largely focused on improving their physical health through long distance running mixed with short burst sprints to ensure the stamina of all training would allow them to fight for longer, without requiring breaks.

Even so, the physical training went hand in hand with the physical muscular strengthening employed by the three Hero Knights and their aides that largely consisted of warriors who'd chosen to assist the Knights in moulding the next generation of fighters.

Certain warriors reborn in the Eternal Dimensional Realm were genuinely providing as much support as possible to ensure the trainee recruits, as they'd come to be called, would turn into the ideal soldiers and knights capable of standing shoulder to shoulder with the Hero Knights.

They even taught their family specified skills and fighting styles to particular trainees showing promise or potential to become a warrior unlike any other.

A few reborn warriors provided their fighting techniques with the axe or other weapons to the Hero Knights, who quickly started to improve the technique to include a broader range of people capable of exercising the weapons to their fullest extent during battle.

However, that wasn't all, in regards to the development in the Hidden World.

Ezio, the Grandmaestro of the Assassin Brotherhood in a past life, found himself managing the new Order which came to exist in the Hidden World, though they weren't tasked with assassinations or tracking targets.

Rather, they were employed to act as the scouting party for those exploring the uncharted areas of the incredibly vast Eternal Dimensional Realm.

Trainee recruits weren't sent out exploring, but those who'd achieved the title of Acolyte or higher gained permission to leave the safety of the Assassin Order's headquarters within Eden.

For now, they combined it along with the training grounds area, turning the place into the homeland for warriors and assassins alike, which brought surprisingly results to members of both Orders.

Those training to the path towards the Ancient Orders of the three Knights found it rather difficult to match the agility and speed of the trainee assassins.

When Ezio came across the Assassin Order trying to rebuild themselves, he chose to first reenforce the basic skills, traits, abilities, and knowledge each recruit needed to know, including those already considered Acolyte or higher in title and rank.

Ezio wanted to reduce the chance of death in the field, active on missions, tasks, or other directives, that commonly saw the Assassin Brotherhood of his past life struggle to retain their numbers.

In experience was one of the largest reasons assassins found themselves dead or caught, so for now Ezio increased the focus on combat.

Thankfully, the three Hero Knights made sure to combine their lessons with the assassins and worked side by side to ensure all taught under their supervision would survive through any battle or bloodshed and survive.

The Knights, such as Warwyck the Warmonger found many assassins were lacking in brute strength to survive particular battles, so he added muscular development to their training schedule.

Eamond the Warden too increased classes on mentality and improving one's own mentality to bare the true weight of being a Knight or Assassin actively involved in the field.

Only Leroy the Lawbringer drove the assassins to focus on the morality of their actions, law, and tenets of their Creed, with great success it seemed.

Yet that wasn't all, as Invictus Peverell began to organise the spawned wizards and witches to establish the foundation of a Wizarding Council.

Theriena provided her own support in the endeavour by organising some land beside Eden to act as the centre of the council.

The chosen spot largely related to the heavy incorporation of magical energy seeped into the soil to possibly allow for ritual based back to be performed for not just the benefit of those magically gifted, but those too who were mundane.

Magiks of the Eternal Dimensional Realm already made it the ideal place for all magical beings and gifted people, but they were subconsciously adapting part of the Magiks native to the Northern Realm.

This happened through Lucian's actions without his knowledge, when the shield of a loyal warrior to House Vitniryx from the past ended up being analysed by the System once it entered the Eternal Dimensional Realm and Weirwood was discovered as part of the shield.

At the time, Lucian thought nothing of it, yet Theriena dealt with the ramifications of the discovery, that slightly altered the composition of the World Tree and gave itself several new characteristics and strengths of the Weirwood Trees.

Other trees and plants across the Eternal Dimensional Realm were altered through this one discovery, yet Theriena believed it wouldn't be the biggest one, as a Hearts Tree had yet to enter the Hidden World.

When time came, Theriena believed it would gift her the ability to extend her powers of control from outside of the Eternal Dimensional Realm to Planetos.

But for now, the presence of Weirwood Trees across the Hidden World started to change the natural Magical Energy to incorporate the harsher and untamed Magik of the Northern Realm.

Even the Wizarding Council contained a grand Weirwood Tree measuring upwards of 20 metres, with broad and thick branches full of lush red leaves.

In the very centre of the large Wizard Council stood the Weirwood Tree in its lonesome, exuding a relaxing melaody through the magical energy abundant in the air, cooling the minds and emotions of those stepping into the building.

Invictus quite enjoyed the presence of the Weirwood Tree in the Entrance Square of the Wizarding Council Atrium, as it reminded all who walked through the main doors of the building to realise Magic related largely to the soil and land, we all lived upon.

Many would forget this simple tenet of Magic, only to find themselves praying for its mercy once nature chose to strike back.

As the first person to head the Wizarding Council, begrudgingly, Invictus wanted to ensure his own descendants and those of other magically gifted people and beings wouldn't abuse the land for their own gain, going against the forces of nature of their own increase in power.

For the last while since he spawned into the Eternal Dimensional Realm, and gained responsibility he never sought out, Invictus became wiser and far more involved in the progress of Magiks involvement in the daily life of Eden's residents.

There was no issue whatsoever to begin with, yet Invictus wanted to ensure Magiks of any sort weren't abused or utilised wrongly that it might cause serious problems later.

So far, no faults or issues regarding the usage of Magiks were found, but several new discoveries pertaining to spells, charms, and even runes were made through menial tasks of mass production done through the practise of Magic.

Everything produced went towards Eden and its residents, but Invictus discovered plenty of creativity and entertainment production increasing with each passing day to the point it was becoming a strong resource for trade in the future.

The Heroes were some of the few people made aware of the external world from the Eternal Dimensional Realm, so they understood their time within the Hidden World would be projected in Planetos eventually.

Thinking ahead, Invictus chose to influence the Wizards and Witches to educate themselves in a craft to further their horizons through labour and experience.

His plans for the Wizards and Witches never caused any sort of issue amongst their populous, though a number of them pursed a craft in warfare, leading to lessons in combat with the Knights and Assassins.

More and more Wizards and Witches found training with the Knights and Assassins greatly help compound their own magic to behave far smoother and powerful through focus and intention of the spells.

Invictus had yet to make it a mandatory practise for all Wizards and Witches to train with the Knights and Assassins for a minimum timeframe, instead he pursued efficient manufacturing processes and research into products, tools, equipment, and much more.

With his own title as Legacy Artificer, Invictus cherished crafting a wide range of tools and items, both for his own leisure but for business as well.

In his past life before being spawned, Invictus started his path as an Artificer through Foci's, learning through his family's ancient library stretching back past the Roman Empire's beginning.

Invictus crafted a ring around his index finger, requiring just a drop of blood to bind the Foci to solely work for himself and bloodline.

It worked far better than he expected and became a core part of his strength, even more so when Invictus delved further into crafting artifacts of all sorts.

Some were rather specific and design to assist certain people, like the self-replenishing goblet, which could reproduce the last liquid held in the container endlessly, as long Magiks continued to fuel the runes and metals bound by plenty of spells and charms.

During tougher times, Invictus spellforged several pieces of armour, two swords, a shield and a handful of other weapons to ensure he was safe and protected, but even so, he'd always struggled to accept the title of Legacy Artificer when he'd failed to unlock the secrets of the Invisibility Cloak.

An interesting tale… nonetheless it wasn't of any concern right now, since the matters of the Wizarding Council kept him busy alongside crafting with his own bare hands.


Lucian slightly struggled to comprehend some of the changes brought about by the arrival of the spawned Heroes, as they began to prepare all those in the Hidden World for Planetos and its tough standard of living.

For now, most of it revolved around basic items and goods such as furniture, kitchen tools and utensils, bedding, clothing and such, yet Lucian expected a certain number of craftsmen worked on forging and crafting weapons, and necessary equipment for combat.

In no way had it occurred to Lucian the Heroes were preparing for war and mayhem once they arrived in Planetos, since he assumed Theriena wanted those spawned to feel safe and secure while exploring throughout the uncharted lands of the Hidden World.

Disregarding all of that, Lucian cherished the fact those spawned were heavily involved in production of goods that could be sold if introduced to markets and merchants across Westeros.

Haikren and the other craftsmen of the Lost Cub Group weren't overly interested in crafting leisure items like the board games when their workload increased drastically after Lucian and Alexios visited them.

It was only their first morning at Castle Panthera, and they were already tasked with various responsibilities on top of the projects Lucian wished to employ throughout the town-city of Panthera.

Sadly, all the extra tasks and responsibility meant produces of leisure and entertainment had to stay aside for now on the list of jobs that always seemed ever growing.

The only relief they found was training others to learn their skills and craft to possibly create a skilled labour force loyal to not only Lucian but to the entire Vitniryx Household.

Aware of the Lost Cubs plan, Lucian paid no mind, and instead communicated with Theriena to figure out some way they could move the produced goods from the Eternal Dimensional Realm to Planetos.

They knew all the goods would travel through the System Inventory, which continued to stockpile metals, crops, fabrics and much more, yet the troubling issue of how to explain their sudden arrival would cause plenty of people to wonder.

This eventually led to Lucian spending his night scrolling through the System Store searching for a solution, though the one he found required a great deal of faith and trust to truly work its wonders.