

Where Lucian had stood just moments before, the ground was now scarred by a perfect line-shaped crater, made by the beam of light that Vassilis Glaider had released. There were no scorch marks, no blood, no rubble, everything that had been there, including Lucian himself had simply disappeared.

And yet, Tess had no problem entering her neutral state, discarding emotion as she employed the Featureless Breeze technique to vanish from the sight of others. Why could she be so calm? Because ever since they were children, long before he held the name of Lucian, Thirteen could never be killed so easily.

Within the world of shadows, the man himself was not so confident. Cold sweat fell down his brow and back as he watched the shadow world slowly morph to reflect the world of light. The ground broke away and disintegrated at a snail's pace, leaving a long crater.