
Frank and Straightforward

As he watched the slowly falling corpse of the blue wolf, Shi Feiyu's eyes were filled with shock. In the life-threatening situation earlier, he had experimented with the Divine Fiend Incarnation Skill out of curiosity. However, he hadn't expected it to be so overpowering and enigmatic.

A living mythical beast had transformed into an empty skin in the blink of an eye, as if all the flesh and blood inside had been sucked dry. Yet, that alone wasn't enough to astonish Shi Feiyu.

Having grown up in the Shi family as a child, he had seen many bizarre things. He even had some knowledge of martial arts that specialized in devouring others' divine soul. But the Divine Fiend Incarnation Skill was far more than that.

At this moment, Shi Feiyu felt a tremendous surge of Natural Source Qi within his body. This energy had originated from the blue wolf, a mythical beast that had just perished.

Mythical beasts all possessed a spiritual core within them. As they grew stronger, the energy stored within this spiritual core became more potent. In God's Wrath Land, some mythical beasts were even capable of challenging peak experts, making them back down.

Though the blue wolf before him was only a first-grade mythical beast, it had a genuine spiritual core containing formidable energy. Directly absorbing this energy would lead to a practitioner's self-destruction.

Currently, Shi Feiyu was overwhelmed by an immense energy that exceeded his control. Although some of his meridians were sealed, the energy contained in the spiritual core didn't obey these restrictions.

The spiritual core of the blue wolf had been directly transformed into a substantial stream of Source Qi by the Divine Fiend Incarnation Skill. At this moment, it rampaged through Shi Feiyu's meridians and accumulated at any blockage it encountered.

This accumulation was highly dangerous. Once the blocked meridians exceeded their limit, it would cause his body to self-destruct. Yet, this wasn't the only problem. When he employed the Divine Fiend Incarnation Skill, he had consumed not only the blue wolf's spiritual core but also its blood essence, which had transformed into another type of energy that was now tormenting him.

These two energies, when combined, would inevitably make his meridians rupture and end his life, given his current capacity to endure the strain.

Veins were popping on his forehead, and Shi Feiyu's face gradually turned crimson. It was as if the vital energy in his body was going against the natural flow, about to deviate and lead to a demonic possession.

In the sealed meridians, the accumulation of Natural Source Qi continued to grow, obviously nearing its breaking point. It seemed that his meridians were on the verge of bursting, leaving Shi Feiyu in despair.

At this critical moment, the Blood Cicada Jade pendant, which he had kept close to his chest, suddenly emitted a blood-red radiance. Following this, it shook its wings and flew out.

The Blood Cicada circled around him in the air for two rounds before landing on Shi Feiyu's chest. It released a tremendous suction force, drawing away most of the accumulated Natural Source Qi in his meridians.

In just two breaths of time, the majority of the accumulated Natural Source Qi had been drained from his body. Seizing the opportunity, Shi Feiyu grabbed the Blood Cicada that was perched on his chest. His face became solemn as he muttered to himself, "So, it was you causing all this!"

Initially, Shi Feiyu had thought he was the one who had killed the One-Horn Wind Wolf, but now he realized that wasn't the case. It was this Blood Cicada Jade that had absorbed the wolf's blood essence and spiritual core.

While the Blood Cicada appeared to be an ordinary jade carving, Shi Feiyu knew in his heart that it was an extremely rare natural treasure.

Although most of the Natural Source Qi that surged into his body had been absorbed by the Blood Cicada, a significant amount remained in his meridians. Shi Feiyu quickly sat down cross-legged and began to follow the training method detailed in the Divine Fiend Incarnation Skill.

The realms of the Divine Fiend Incarnation Skill, much like ordinary martial arts, included stages such as Bone Forging Realm, Qi-Infused Realm, Transcendent Realm, and Sorcerous Realm.

When Shi Feiyu obtained this martial art, he had only remembered a small part of it. However, he knew that the Divine Fiend Incarnation Skill was more than just that. Based on the secret divine incarnation skill of the Shi family, he deduced that at its highest level, it could trigger the power of godly and demonic possession.

Although he had only grasped the practice methods for the early stages, it was already enough to help him out of his current predicament. As the martial art activated, the remaining Natural Source Qi within him began to surge.

As Shi Feiyu sat cross-legged, his body started to emit an eerie red light, and an intermittent blood-red radiance shrouded his entire body. Once this blood-red radiance appeared, the residual Natural Source Qi in his meridians began to seep out, eventually escaping through his pores.

The Source Qi leaving his body was, however, blocked by the layer of blood-red radiance on the outside, then slowly re-entered his body. This process continued, and after four hours, the Source Qi had disappeared entirely.

This unique method of cultivation was the most significant difference between the Divine Fiend Incarnation Skill and other martial arts. While God's Wrath Land had various unique cultivation methods, most of them involved gathering Natural Source Qi in the lower abdomen to form a cyclone.

In contrast, the Divine Fiend Incarnation Skill first integrated Natural Source Qi into the limbs and bones until they were saturated before channeling any excess Source Qi into the dantian. This unique method might make practitioners appear slightly weaker at the same realm, but the explosive energy hidden within the bones could be devastating.

As midday approached, the vast grassland was eerily silent, and the only sound was the rustling of the wind brushing over the grass.

Suddenly, Shi Feiyu opened his eyes, and an eerie blood-red light flashed in them. He then slowly stood up and unleashed a powerful punch.

With this punch, a sonic boom resonated in the air, and Shi Feiyu's face displayed a hint of astonishment. This punch contained Source Qi, a capability only could be found in the early stages of the Qi-Infused Realm.

What was more surprising was that the injuries he had sustained earlier had completely healed after absorbing a significant amount of the blue One-Horn Wind Wolf's blood essence. This unexpected recovery made Shi Feiyu realize the formidable nature of the Divine Fiend Incarnation Skill. As long as the injuries were not fatal and there was prey available for absorption, the injuries would quickly heal.

Shi Feiyu clenched his fists and held his breath for a while before exhaling. He muttered to himself, "You can't even imagine that I can cultivate again, right?"

On this continent, there was a significant difference between the stages of cultivation. The most basic stage, Bone Forging Realm, was merely for strengthening the body. It was only when Natural Source Qi entered the body that one could be considered to have embarked on the path of cultivation.

The stages beyond the Qi-Infused Realm, such as the Transcendent Realm, were even more potent, allowing one to break free from mortal limitations.

At this moment, Shi Feiyu found that after absorbing the enormous Natural Source Qi, he had just reached the early stage of the Qi-Infused Realm, but there was still a little way to go before stabilizing his current realm.

However, Shi Feiyu believed that if he were to encounter Chang Yu now, he could definitely defeat him soundly. Both were at the early stage of the Qi-Infused Realm, but having cultivated the Divine Fiend Incarnation Skill, Shi Feiyu's explosive power was not to be underestimated.

"It's almost there. As long as I find another mythical beast, I can stabilize my current realm!"

While brimming with hope, Shi Feiyu also felt grateful for his circumstances. If he hadn't accidentally broken the Demonic Sphere and discovered the Blood Cicada Jade within, he might have never been able to cultivate again.

At this moment, even though several of his meridians remained sealed, his limbs and bones contained a significant amount of Natural Source Qi. In this regard, he wasn't much different from the ordinary cultivators at the Qi-Infused Realm.


Just as he was silently sighing, the spiritual monkey hidden not far away suddenly began to shout. Thinking that there might be another mythical beast approaching, Shi Feiyu abruptly turned around, only to find the monkey baring its teeth at him.

The moment he saw this mischievous monkey, anger surged within Shi Feiyu. This monkey was always faster at escaping than anyone, and if it hadn't caused trouble multiple times earlier, his arm wouldn't have been injured at the first place.

Thinking about his arm, Shi Feiyu hurriedly checked the wound. He realized that the bite wound on his right arm from the blue One-Horn Wind Wolf was no longer bleeding, which eased his worries.

He tore a piece of cloth and quickly bandaged the wound. Afterward, he beckoned to the monkey, wanting it to come closer and help him. However, the monkey was very cautious at the moment, and before he could say anything, it shrieked and dashed away.

It seemed that the way he had used the Divine Fiend Incarnation Skill to hunt down the blue wolf had genuinely terrified it. Shi Feiyu, however, just curled his lips, threw the blue wolf's body over his shoulder, and then picked up the dead python nearby before heading off.

On the way, he felt somewhat tired, which was understandable considering he had only been at the Bone Forging Realm originally. Nonetheless, he didn't leave the grassland; instead, he continued his search for prey in the vicinity.

Not long after, he discovered a small river, but when he emerged from the tall grass that was taller than a person, he spotted a man and a woman sitting on the other side of the river.

These two individuals simultaneously noticed someone's arrival and directed their gaze towards him. However, Shi Feiyu paid them no mind and, tossing the blue wolf's corpse over his shoulder, crouched by the riverbank to clean the wound on his arm.

On the other side of the river, the two people were filled with astonishment, and the girl even exclaimed in surprise. She hastily stood up and called out, "Brother, look, is that a human over there?"

Just as he was scooping up river water, Shi Feiyu heard these words and immediately frowned, looking up and snapping, "Can't you speak nicely?"

The girl on the other side, apparently taken aback by his stern response, instantly shrieked and retreated. The young man seated beside her, however, smiled and said, "Little brother, don't get angry. My sister has a straightforward nature. I hope you don't mind."

However, Shi Feiyu found his words rather irritating, causing the corner of his mouth to twitch. What did he mean by "Straightforward nature"? Did he genuinely look inhuman right now?

Perplexed, he hurriedly glanced at his reflection in the river but found nothing unusual. At this moment, the young man across the river stood up, smiling, and asked, "Are you from Nine Palace Mountain, little brother?"

"So what if I am?"

Shi Feiyu was still irritated and didn't hold back when he spoke. However, the brother and sister on the other side displayed an expression of pleasant surprise.

The girl even cheered and hugged her brother's arm while exclaiming, "We found it, we finally found it!"

Seeing the joy on their faces, Shi Feiyu guessed why these two had come. He curled his lips and didn't pay any further attention to them. Just as he was cleaning his wound with water, he heard a light splashing sound coming from the river.

Looking up, he saw ripples on the water's surface, but the figures of the brother and sister had disappeared from view. The river was only a dozen meters wide, so they would have resurfaced soon.

Just as Shi Feiyu was about to turn and leave, the two individuals emerged from the water, and the girl shouted, "Wait, wait, I've been looking for you for a long time!"

Shi Feiyu paused for a moment but turned to look at her with a puzzled expression. The girl seemed to have realized that her previous words were inappropriate and, waving her hands, said with a smile, "Don't get the wrong idea. We've come to Nine Palace Mountain to seek a master."

Upon hearing this, Shi Feiyu had a fleeting thought and then smiled. The people of Flowing Cloud Peak were few in number, and he often had to cook for his master and senior brothers. If these two were to join...

The girl across from him saw the smile on his face and, feeling uneasy, thought, "Oh no, I've encountered a pervert..."