
Pink Mountains

wrote this in 6 hours because i was bored, shitty metaphors, cringeworthy circumstances, have fun reading it haha ps. really cracked english, and some words are missing in sentences because i was in hurry as well, sorry

Semi_Auto_Romance · Urban
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

journey start

I was at the airport in my town, I quickly drove a rented car and went directly to the hospital. It was 7 in the evening. I parked my car outside the hospital and went directly in, searching for Angelica. She was talking to the reception. I went near her and gave her a hug.

"What happened to Emily?" She was confused because I was there in 2 hours. "Yes, it's me John. What happened to her?" and after that she gave me a tight hug and started crying. She couldn't speak, I slowly dragged her towards the chair and sat there with her. I placed her head on my shoulder, constantly caressing her chin. I just want the answer but she was not in the condition of answering. I stretched my arm around her shoulder and squeezed her a little. "Angelica, look at me, what is happening? Please." She looked at me. Her eyes were like, she didn't sleep for so many nights. Something was really messing up. 

"She, her head is not well."

"What do you mean by that? Ok. Ok. Just relax. Ok. You need sleep. I will stay with Emily. You sleep for some time. Where is the room?" she pointed out the room. I slowly gave her a shoulder to stand up and walked beside her.

We entered in the room. Emily was there, her hands were tied, and she was on saline. I put Angelica on the sofa and closed her eyes. She fell asleep. I turned towards Emily. Oh, god, what has happened to her? She was tied and her head had some kind of band. I sat there near her, I took her hand into mine. I ruffled her hairs. I smiled but it was a very bad cry coming out. I literally cried with her hand, my tears were all over her hand, I quickly wiped them with my tie, I took my tie out and throw it in dust bean.

After some time someone came in. He was doctor. He looked at me confused. I wanted to answer him. 

"Are you John?" He asked. I cried in pain, she was calling me, and I was not here. I gave him a nod. "She is in real danger." I stood up and dragged him out the room, because I didn't want to disturb Angelica. 

"What is happening doctor?" He sighed. 

"This disorder, it's really new to human body, she is forgetting some people, and in those you are one of them. Her mind want to forget you, I mean because of the disorder, but her heart is fighting back, I don't how this can be possible, but it is true. She don't want to forget you." I started building the confidence. 

"Okay, so what can I do?"

"She will not remember you, because you are just with her for 2-3 moths I think. But she will remember every person she had lived more than 6 months. Like Angelica. But if you get forgot by her, she will lose her hope and she might die. I want you to spend as much months as you can." Of course. 

"Yes, I will not leave her."

"But she is forgetting you a little ok. But don't be scared she will remember you after spending the time."

"How all this happened?"

"I think a sudden mental shock or some head injury."

"So, what should we do to prevent further shocks like this?"

"Yes, we are working on it. But just remember, you have to spend life together, or she might die." I felt happy.


"But now she will be confused after seeing you, her mind will hurt her. So you should not be there when she woke up. I will inform her. Don't be scared when she will not remember you, it's all the mind's game."

"Yes, when she wakes up?"

"We are not sure. She is in real pain. She will not remember you for some days, first but after that she will start remember you."

"Okay doctor, thank you." I gave him a hug. 

"Oh, and one more, when she will see you, she might attack you. So be careful. She is very lethal."

"Ok." I turned towards the room. But I again turned towards the doctor. "So, should I go in or what?"

"Yes, sit there near her. And the other woman, she has worked hard, she didn't even sleep for last 4 days."

"I get it."

I went in, and sat near Angelica. I slowly shook her shoulder to wake her up. 

"What happened?" She asked. 

"Ok, Angelica, I want you to go home. And sleep. I am here now. Okay."

"No, I will be with her. She might attack you." I rested her head on my shoulder, she really needed sleep. 

"Angelica, I want you to sleep, and come back tomorrow, okay." I told her in very low voice. I gave her a support to stand up and walked slowly beside her, I went near her car, her driver opened the door and I placed her in the car. I closed the door. "Don't stop until you reach home, you understood?" Driver gave me a nod. He quickly started engine and headed towards the home. 

I went in the room. I just sat there. After some time my phone buzzed, it was David's missed call. I called him back. 

"Is she all right?"

"Yes, she is fine. She needs me." 

"Yes, don't worry about anything. Just be there. Ok. I will try to visit you after some time."

"Okay." I hung up the phone. 

I called Evelyn. "Hello John speaking."

"John where are you? We need you here."

"I am in the hospital, your mom is coming home, and she need rest."

"I know." 

"Yes, tell her, don't worry about Emily now, I am here."

"Okay." I hung up the phone. 

I just sat there. After some time she started doing crazy things, she didn't looked at me, I quickly stood up and went out for doctor, I was shouting in the hallway. He came and looked at her. I was waiting outside, I didn't want her to recognize me. He came out. "She needs rest. I gave her some drugs and she will not wake up till tomorrow evening, but you have to constantly give her some water and other pills, just pour it in her mouth. Okay." He patted in my shoulder. 

"Yes doctor."

"Our nurse will assist you but, we don't want the harm, she will give you the pills. You understood?"

"Yes, I will do it myself."

"Okay." He turned and went in his previous work. I went in and sat there, what had she became? Was it because of me? I don't know. I wanted to write this all. So I wrote this all, here by sitting near the window. 

I am sitting here, my document is complete, I am looking through the window. It's a cold night. The first snow is visible, I realized my dream now. I was watching myself in the dream. And here I am looking outside, the snow is very calm, I turned towards Emily, she was sleeping, very calm, I turned towards the window. I was thinking something.


I was sitting there on a bench near her bed. I was holding her hand, her hands were tied, I didn't like that, but what could I do. I just sat there. After some time I looked towards the clock, it was midnight. I started feeling sleepy. Bang! Door slammed, it was not too loud, but I shook my head and got alert, nurse was here. She came in and placed the plate side to the bed. I stood up and went to help her. 

"SO, you are John?" Hmm, I was famous in the town. I gave her a nod. "You are a big bastard."

"Why?" I asked her, I was expecting this. 

"Why did you left her?"

"I didn't." My eyes started watering. It was my fault. "It was my fault. I didn't asked about her early. And here she is, I cannot do anything." I burst into a sob. I sighed and controlled my tears. "Please tell me about the medicines."

"Yes. So this three here are chewing pills, and these two here are with water." I took the water pills and fed her.

"You can go. I mean, I will be here." I told her, I took one of the chewing pills and put it in her mouth. It started dissolving, in her mouth, she started making her bitter face. I smiled, her face looked beautiful at every moment. I just sat there, after some time I checked the pill, it dissolved well. I kept other in her mouth and waited for the same time, and did same. I wanted to sleep, but she doesn't let me, I deserved that, I get alerted when sometimes she just screams in her sleep. I really felt sad, I couldn't do anything. I just sat there all night. 

"Hey, wake up." Angelica was near me. I only slept one hour. But I felt fresh. I woke up with the yawn and checked her for anything. She seemed in peace. I felt happy. I stood up and went into restroom, I washed my face and came out. Angelica was there. 

"Good morning." I said her. 

"I think it's a good afternoon. Because it's 11.30." Oh, I thought. "I think you should go and change yourself, fresh up, take some sleep and come back." I went near her. I sat down. 

"How did you sleep last night?" completely neglecting her suggestion. 

"I felt good, but what about you?"

"Ha, it was great, I slept like I was in a war. It was fun."

"I think you should go." I sighed. I didn't want to leave.

"I am good. I will stay." She put her hand on my shoulder. 

"It's okay, I will stay here. You can go and take some shower." I gave her a hug, I started crying. 

"I am sorry I didn't came early, I am sorry you were alone here. I am so sorry." I just cried, I wanted to be sad, I just want to let out my misery and despair. I just wanted to cry. She patted on my back. 

"It's okay, you are here now. Just go and take a shower, you are smelling bad." I laughed and went out. My car, I mean Dodge Challenger, was there. I was really sad, the driver came out and opened the door, I went in and we headed towards the home.


I quickly took shower and changed. Evelyn was banging on my door.

"Come in." I quickly wore my t shirt. She came in. 

"So, Mr. Clifford, how are you?"

"I am really not good. I am sorry about your mother, she will not stay there anymore in night."

"Ok. How is she?"

"She is not good. Why didn't you call me after this all happened. What really happened?"

"I think she was learning how to drive, but she crashed somewhere."

"Oh, god. Why she was learning?"

"Because, she wanted to give you a surprise." My heart sank to the bottom, I couldn't speak any words, and this is all my fault. I sighed.

"I have to go now." I quickly started to walk, and then fell on the door, I balanced with it. "I am all right." She came to support me. 

"No you are not. You ate yesterday's dinner?"

"I, I was in hurry to come here. But I am fine, I need to be there."

"I think you need to eat. Eat something, John." 

"I am good." I started to get up, but I was so low in energy. "Ok, I need to eat something. You have something?"

"Yes, follow me, I mean, come with me." I put my weight on her shoulder and went in the kitchen. I never ate like that, I was ashamed of doing it. I just ate whatever vegetable I saw. I drank juices of every fruit. And after 20 minutes of everything I stood up, I was good, I quickly drank some water and started going out. I stopped and turned. "Thank you." I told her and went on. 

Outside the building Mike was waiting for me. He came near me and gave me a hug. I patted on his shoulder, he was crying. This was really hard. I just patted him on his back. Waiting for unlock the hug. 

"I am sorry boss, this is my fault, I am resigning. I should be with her in the car." He sobbed. He was crying hard. And his other mike also joined him from nowhere. I patted on both of them shoulder.

"It's okay. She need you right now. You should not leave her in her hard times, like me. It's not your fault Mike. Just stay with her now. Okay."

"Okay sir. We will not live her alone."

"Yes, now I have to go."


Whenever she woke up, I have to leave the room, so that I shouldn't be recognised, I was frustrated by that, but the treatment was important.


I called my uncle and aunt, I told them I was here. They were coming at the time of night. Okay, I thought.

I just sat there whole day, Angelica's eyes were good now, she seemed liked zombie yesterday, but today this was good. I told her to go on for her business stuff. At 8 pm my uncle came in the room. I hugged them both. 

"How are you?" she asked. 

"I am good, but she is not good. I should have come here already. I am late."

"It's okay. You are here now. Peter is also coming tomorrow."

"Yes he told me."

"How is she?" Uncle asked me.

"She had not shown any improvement but tomorrow we will do an experiment, we will see."

"Okay, okay."

"I think you should go, don't wait here for nothing, okay."

"What about your dinner?"

"I ate it here in the café."

"You have home son, why are you eating outside." Aunt said.

"I, I wanted a quick dinner, I couldn't afford to leave her alone."

"Hmm, okay."

"Now go, come tomorrow with Peter."

"Yes, goodnight." No not at all, I don't think so.


They went out, I sat there, I wanted to read, I arranged Kindle from Evelyn and opened it up. Breathe Became Air, well perfectly situation wise, what a pity. This book is about his disease, how they understood each other, I wanted to follow them, so I started reading it. 

At midnight, the door opened, the nurse came and placed the plate near her bed. I gave her a nod, that I know what should be done. I closed my Kindle and stood up. I stretched my arms and legs, I didn't do workout last three days. I took the water pills and fed them in her mouth. Her cheeks were warm this time. I just caressed her. I took one chewing pill and placed it in her mouth. It started dissolving, I sat back and started reading my book. I did the same for all the three.


My book was finished at 4 in the morning, I read slowly, very slowly. I wanted to sleep but I wanted to keep eye on her. I should just start reading anything new, I thought. I wanted something good. I searched on my phone, there were so many recommendations, I wanted something happy, something enthusiastic, so I started reading The Book of Joy, by The Dalai Lama. It's a good book and I loved it. I just kept on reading. After some time, I felt bore. I looked towards Emily.

She was shaking, I quickly got up and went near her. Her hand was very hot, she was developing fiver, I went out and shouted for the doctor, it was dark outside, but it was already 6 in the morning. I yelled at them. One nurse came running to me, and we went in.

"She is becoming hot." She touched her forehead. 

"Yes, you have hanky or some cotton cloth?" I quickly took out my hanky. "Just dip it in cold water and place it on her forehead and try to wipe the body with the cloth." I quickly ran in the bathroom and came out with a small bucket. Very cold water. I dipped my hanky in the bucket and rinsed the extra water and placed it on her forehead. Within a second it became hot, the cloth became hot, and I quickly repeated the procedure. The cloth seemed to get hot after I keep it on her body. I was scared now, I became fast in the process, I wiped her hand and her palm and I touched her sole was also hot, I quickly wiped repeated the process with everything. 

After some time water became hot, I changed it and came back. I wiped, I massaged her soles and did everything to lower the temperature. After some time I heard some word. "John. John." I thought she woke up, but she was sleeping. I am giving her hard time, even in her dreams. I was angry on myself. I kept doing the process for half an hour, and after that doctor came in. He touched her forehead. 

"You did well. I mean, her temperature is lowering. How many times did you changed the water?"

"7 times."

"Nice. Nice work. I wanted to give her drugs to lower the temperature, but it's coming under control." I sighed. I didn't want to talk to him, I quickly got back to work. He went out. I started repeating the process. I just wanted to do whatever I could.

"How is she now?" Angelica was here. I was wiping her head, Emily seemed low on temperature. But I just kept a cold cloth on her forehead. Emily was sweating, which was good, when you have a high fever. I sighed and turned towards Angelica. 

"She seemed low in fever. And she is good now. How is her behaviour when she wakes up?"

"Not so same, something seemed different, she doesn't hit now."

"Okay, it's nice. I think. But today we do the experiment, we will see."

"Yes, I hope that works."

"Yes." I dipped the cloth in the bucket and rinsed it and placed it on her arm. Angelica seemed stable now. She had too much for us. 

"Go home and freshen up. We will need a good attire for the introduction." I gave her a nod, but I just sat there looking towards Emily. Angelica put her hand on my shoulder. "I am here, I will do that. Just go now." I sighed. I stood up and went home in our car. 


I went in the kitchen after changing up. I was wearing jeans and t shirt and a perfume. I ate like a bear, and went out. I headed directly towards the hospital. I was outside, Emily was up, she wanted to go to restroom, and her guards gave her support. 

I was sitting on the chair right outside the room. Peter's voice came to me. 

"John." He came running to me. I stood up. He hugged me, a bear hug. He seemed stronger than I made him. He started crying. I patted on his back. 

"It's okay, she is going to be fine. We are working on it."

"Okay." He was a kid. "Why are you wearing a fancy perfume?"

"I have some work in the room. If you want to stay, don't say anything in between. Okay." He gave me a nod. 

I patted his back. The doctor came out. And went to his room. After some time he came near us. 

"So, ready?" I sighed. 


"Okay, come in." I went in. Emily was talking with Angelica. I didn't know what she was talking about. But I went near her. She looked at me, she seemed confused. 

"Hi, I am Jonathan." I offered her a handshake. She did. She didn't say anything. "And you?"

"I am Emily Norton. Do I know you? I think we met before."

"No, I came here because Angelica invited me. You are looking so beautiful."

"Really?" she turned towards Angelica. She gave her a nod. "Why should I believe you?"

"About what?"

"What do you mean?" I sat near her. Looked into her eyes. 

"I mean, about the fact that you are beautiful or something else?" She blushed. 

"What do you think?" She asked. She made a cute face. 

"I don't have any doubt about it." She smiled. Her cheeks went red. 

"I think I have seen you before." And she fell on her back. She was talking to herself. "I know him. No you don't. I have seen him somewhere. No, he is no one. Oh, shut up. You shut up." She was fighting between herself. I couldn't look towards her. What had she become? 

I turned towards Angelica, one tear came out of my eye. I turned toward the doctor. "What is happening to her?" I asked him in a low, cold and angry voice. 

"You did great, but after some time she will sleep. But from now on, you should stay with her. She will be healed in some time." I sighed, I was happy. This was all new.

I went out and leaned towards the pillar. I was ashamed of myself.

I am waiting, I will wait, till my last breath, I just helped so much, did I? I couldn't do more. I don't want to help anyone more than this, or was I selfish? I want to rest now, I want to sleep in my mom's lap, I want to just stay there for eternity with no worry, no doubt, nothing, so can I? Do I have a right to think like this? Was I really selfish, a girl who has loved you more than her life, who wanted to love you more? The girl, who I cried for, the girl who I was happy for, she is in there. Fighting with herself. Fighting for me. I don't have a right to leave her alone, I don't have a right to think of myself. 

I went back in. Peter was really confused. I had some strange motivation to heal her. I wanted my Emily back to me. Just my old Emily. So I sat near her, she was sleeping. I just held her hand in mine. Angelica was also sitting near me. She took my arm in her, and rested her head on my shoulder. She was really scared. I just kept looking towards Emily. Doctor came in. "I don't think I should force her to sleep." I gave him a nod. "She will wake up whenever she wants, but you have to be there with her, whenever she wakes up. You understood?" I gave him a nod. "She will be fine in another 2 weeks if your friendship with her will last that long, you know what I mean?"

"Yes, I have to do everything as she says."

"Yes, everything, even if she wants to go out, you can. Don't go out with the guards, she will be scared, just alone." I agreed. "You have to spend some time together." I just kept looking towards her. Doctor went out. 

After some seconds, Peter came near to sit. He sat on the chair where Angelica was sitting, Angelica went out with the doctor. 

"She will be fine, you are really great." 

"Yeah, she will be fine. I won't leave her alone."

"Yeah, you shouldn't." He patted on my back. I let go her hand and stood up, I dragged Peter outside. 

"So, how are you?" I asked him. He laughed but he was covering his sadness behind that bitter laugh. 

"I am fine. I got selected playing eleven now."

"Nice. You will do great."

"Yeah, thanks. I am so sorry, I would have stayed but-"

"It's okay, your career is more important. And I am here, I don't need any small child to take care."

"Ha, very funny. But I don't want to go."

"Really, I mean what Emily had done to you is in vain, then?"


"So, play for her, play for you parents and at last if the time remains play for me."

"Yeah. I will."

"Who is opponent?"

"Leicester city."

"Oh, nice. Where?"

"Leicester, England."

"Yeah, I think you should rest before you leave."


"Okay, go now. Spend some time with the old men. Now don't wait here."

"Okay, bye. Come to England with Emily, to watch my match."

"Yeah, I will."

I went in the room, I didn't look back, I just sat there with Emily's hand. 


After that day, around 4-5 days, I explained her who I was, I told her I am a musician, I told her about every happy things, in my life, But Emily. She also talked to me about her mother and father, she seemed to forget the fight between them. That was good for her. We went on with everything in my life.

It was a chance to understand her, more, twice and better. I felt good, she started ordering me things she need, and everything other. Sometimes she did the fight in front of me. as if I was not in the room, but after some time, the fight between her head and heart started slowing in numbers.


"Hey, why are you holding my hand? Wake up." It was 3 in the morning, unusual time for her wake to wake up. I quickly let go her hand. I just gave her medicines and she is up. Fuck. 

"You hand was warm, the night is cold. So I thought I should hold it. I am sorry."

"Oh, don't worry. I am fine."

"Why are awake in the middle of the night, I was dreaming." She seemed curious. She forgot why she woke up. 

"What was your dream?"

"If I tell you, you will get angry."

"No, I won't. Please tell me. Please." Well, I think I have talked about the species called women, so you know I tempted to tell her. 

"I saw me and one girl, on a beach of east America."

"Who was she?"

"Who do you think?"

"How was her hairs?"

"Hmm, they were shining in the sunlight, golden."

"And her eyes?"

"Why do you want the information?" hmm, this was not a good question, because her hands were not tied, she could hit me with anything. In that room, there were million things that can used to do murder. But she seemed calm.

"I just want it. If you don't want to talk about it, fine." She crossed her hands. Same old Emily. The personality, the beauty, ah, everything. 

"Ok, fine, her eyes were like an ocean, I wanted to go deep into them." She seemed confused. 

"Give me your phone." Why does she want it? I have changed my phone, because I had tons of photos of Emily. I gave her. She started making faces, no she was looking in the selfie camera, she was looking towards her, as I observed. "The girl you mentioned, she looks like me?"

"Nah, she is more beautiful than you." And there went my phone, ah, it was expensive. She threw it on the floor and fell back on the bed. Her face was angry. I held her hand, but she hit me on my hand. I tried some more time. But she was really jealous and angry. "Ok, fine. The girl in my dreams was you." 

"I don't believe you." Ok, so it was 3 in the morning, and I have to prove it. I stood up and started going out. "Where are you going? I don't want to be alone."

"Wait a second." I went out, there was no sign of human around us. I went back in. "So, get up we are going out." 

"What? No, I don't want to." I went near her. I looked in her eyes, and held her hand, she didn't hit me this time. I went closer, and the distance between her nose and mine was just a mill centimetre. I touched her nose with mine. It was a kiss moment, but I didn't want to lose her trust. I supported her to stand up, I quickly picked her in my arms. She was only looking towards my face. Her legs were weak because of no movement, but I was carrying her weight. I leaned her with my car's bonnet, and took out keys. I unlocked the doors and loaded her inside. I drove straight towards the hill, our favourite hill. 

I was on the main road in 10 minutes, the morning was cold, she was wearing her blue gown, the patient's gown, and she was feeling cold. I should get her some clothes, I thought. I turned towards her old house. She had told me once that she was living there. I stopped in front of it. I turned on the heater. 

"Wait for a minute okay, I will come." I went in, the keys were on the upper basket of the flower pot, she always keep a spare key there. I went in and came out with two sweater, a blanket and a bedsheet. I quickly put the sweater around her arms. She was looking at me. I load the other extra into the back of the car. I headed towards the hill, directly.

We were there in 10 minutes. I went near the tree and spread the bedsheet on the grassy bed. It was a slope, I mean, the sun will rise in front of us. I sat there, she was standing. "Hey, don't worry it's fine. Sit here." She sat near me. and spread her legs and slept in a fraction of a second. I covered her body with the blanket. I wore my sweater. I placed my hand down. I just lied there facing the sun. After sometime she held my whole arm near her like a pillow or something and placed it behind her head. Ok, I thought, she needs a pillow. I didn't hesitate. I just waited for the sunrise. 

I didn't want to sleep, because I wanted to go back before 7. So I just waited. I looked towards my watch, the time stated 5.30. the tiny particles of light were visible now. I waited for some time, the small rays came out of the sun. "Emily, wake up." I shook her shoulder slowly. She woke up like a she was ready to attack after bothering her. 

"Where am I?" she was alert now. She sat up. I stretched my arm around her shoulder and cuddled her. She was looking at my face. I turned her face towards the sun, and the golden rays fell on her face, her face was shining, she was shining, she seemed happy. She rested her head on my shoulder and kept watching towards the sun. it was 6.10 now. 

"Well, we should go now."

"I want to wait here and watch."

"We are not allowed to wander like this." I started getting up. Her face became sad. I bowed down near her face. "We will watch more sunrises than this, more beautiful than this." Her expression changed to curiosity. 

"More beautiful than this one?" she asked in the baby voice, which was unknown to me.

"Yes, more beautiful than this one." She gave me kiss on the cheek. My face got reddened. We had sex before, I thought, why are flushing now. I didn't have the answer. She stood up and started collecting her stuff. "I will do it. Just sit in the car." She quickly turned and got in the car. I picked up the stuff and load it in the back of the car. I went started driving and stopped in front of the hospital. I realized that she walked on her own, at both times. We went in without getting noticed by anyone. She went on her bed. 

"Goodnight John. I think you should sleep." She offered me her hand. I understood. I took it in mine and went asleep, she was also snoring. I was really tired today. I just slept. 

"You good?" Angelica shook my shoulder. I was still holding Emily's hand. I let go her hand, and looked towards my watch. It was 10 am. I looked towards Angelica.

"Yeah, I am good." I stood up and went into the bathroom to wash my face. I came back, Angelica was giggling. "What happened?" I asked her, but I touched Emily's forehead, she seemed cool. 

"Well, somebody planned a night out." She said it so bitter way. I turned towards her.

"How did you figured it out?"

"Hmm, I think Emily is wearing sweater." I turned towards Emily. Ah, how stupid. I quickly took out her sweater. "That's okay. Where did you go?" I smiled and sat near Emily. I took her hand. 

"On the hill, to watch the sunrise. She walked every time after she watched a sunrise. Something was there in nature, she felt that energy, I felt that energy into her."

"Yes, it's true." Doctor was here. 

"I am sorry doctor, for all this."

"No, it's okay. But you have to keep going with her treatment then."

"I, I didn't understand." 

"You have to travel, alone. In the beauty of the nature. The nature healing is the best way to heal everything." I gave him a nod. I squeezed her hand. And patted on her hand. I stood up. 

"When should I leave?"

"Good question, I think after 2 days. You have to travel alone with her. Don't stay at the hotel-" I stopped him. 

"I know how to live in nature. What if she felt disturbed or something?"

"That's why I want 2 days, I will study her behaviour and let you know what to do."

"Ok, doctor." I turned towards Emily and I caressed her, patted her forehead.


"I need a BMW K1600." I asked Angelica. We were sitting near Emily, she was sleeping. Tomorrow was the last day here, I wanted to prepare everything. 

"You are going in a car? Where are you going but?" Angelica asked worried. 

"It's a motorcycle. I am going to Alaska." Her eyes widened. I had planned this trip.

"It's a 5000 miles from here. And you are going there on a motorcycle?" She shouted at me. I smiled. 

"The motorcycle is not like ordinary, it has a back seat. You will see. But about the trip, we will stop wherever she wants. We will see the nature and will start again."

"How many days? How will you come back?"

"I think 20 days for whole returning journey. Or 25 days at most. I will choose different route while returning." She held her forehead in worry. She was completely not agree with this plan. But I was confident. I went near her. "Trust me. I know what I am doing." She was very sad. "Just arrange the essentials and other stuff, which can fit in the motorcycle, don't pack so much, we will buy stuff time to time."

"Okay." She took out her phone and called her assistant. She explained it to her and hung up the phone. "What's a route?" No, I was not going to tell her, she might send some help. I just sat there in silence. She seemed frustrated. "Why are not answering?" I sighed. 

"I know, you care about her. But it's my turn now. I don't want any interruptions in our trip. Don't think too much. Just relax." Emily started moving her hand. I quickly got up and went near her, to hold her hand. She was waking up. She gave a big yawn and started rubbing her eyes. She saw me. 

"Guess what?"


"I saw a dream." Hmm, nice. 

"What did you saw in it?"

"Well, I don't want to tell you."

"Why? I did tell you mine, why are you not telling me yours?"

"Ok, ok. You are such a kid."

"I know."

"I saw myself on a hill, sleeping with a boy like you. Can you believe it?" Yes, because we were there 2 days ago. She might forgot that. 

"I don't know, how the boy looked like?" She smiled. 

"Well, he was more handsome than you." I hit her palm playfully. "Hey, I was kidding. I think, it was somewhat like you. But I don't remember the face."

"It's okay." I smiled. "So, how are you now?"

"I am good. Why am I here but?" She seemed scared. "Why my hands are not tied?" I sighed. 

"Well, because I am holding your hand." She hit me on my forehead. "Ow, why?"

"You are speaking too much." She crossed her hands. I made a baby face. 

"I am sorry."

"Okay. I want a chocolate." I quickly got up and went out running. I went to the store and picked whatever he had. And came back. I dropped 4 big chocolate bars, before her. She laughed. "I wanted chocolate ice cream. You didn't even heard me." she picked up one bar and unwrapped it. And ate it. "But that's okay. This is also good." I didn't wait for this complement, I went back and came with a big chocolate ice cream cone. Two of them. "Oh, you are so sweet." She took one of the cone and started licking it. She was eating it like a baby. I turned towards Angelica. She was smiling. 

"What was a date when she last showered?" I asked her. She became confused, she started remembering. She smiled. 

"I think 20 days or something."

"What?" I held my head. And shouted. Emily turned towards me.

"Why are you shouting?" I calmed down. I just sighed. 

"Nothing, you want to take shower?" 

"How to take it?" Oh, she was forgetting the essentials also. 

"I will teach you." I turned towards Angelica. "So when should we do this?" 

"Hmm, you should ask the doctor." Okay, I thought. I turned towards Emily, I smiled. She was eating another cone and a bar, one hand was occupied by a cone and the other was occupied by the bar. She took one bite if the bar, chewed it, and then lick the ice cream. That was the happiest moment I have seen her. She started repeating the process. After all the coco appetite was done, she said something. I didn't hear it, I went near her.

"What happened?" I asked her in a low voice. 

"My tummy is hurting. I shouldn't have ate that much." I laughed. 

"It's okay. Show me." She picked up the shirt and showed me. Her abs were gone, she was losing weight. I couldn't look at her. I touched her belly in few places. "Is it here, or here?" I touched other places.

"Yes, it's hurting here." 

"Okay, should I massage it?" I tried massaging a little. Very smoothly. She felt relaxed. "Why don't you get up and walk?" She seemed confused. 

"Okay." I supported her to get up. There was a stair near the bed, to climb down from it. She climbed it down. I placed her right hand on around my shoulder, like a wounded soldier, and tried walking. She seemed relaxed. We went out. It was noisy out there. But she seemed okay. Her eyes first shut down by the sun, but then she seemed good. "Oh, I am tired." She said, I rested her on a bench in front of the hospital. We sat there. I was sitting near her.

"Why are you doing this?" She took my hand into her and asked me. Why was I doing this? I just wanted my Emily back. I squeezed her hand. 

"What do you think?" I asked her in a low voice. 

"Hmm, I think you like me. You want to on a date or something." 


"Then what?"

"I love you." She seemed confused. 

"But we never dated." Yeah, and that was 100 percent true, in past life also. We never dated, because we were for each other. 

"We don't need a date to understand each other. What is your answer?" She smiled. But she seemed confused. 

"But I don't know you so much." That's what I wanted. The experiment was successful. I was happy, but sad. 

"That's why we are going on a vacation. To know me."

"Vacation, where? I like vacations." She forgot what we were talking. She became an 8 year old kid. I was sad about it, but I was happy. She was ready. 

"In the Snow Mountains. Do you like snow?" She cheered and clapped. 

"Yes, I love it. When are we going?" I stood up and gave her a support to stand up. But she sat down. "I am tired." And she stretched both of her arms towards me, as if saying, please pick me up. I understood. I picked her up in my arms. And headed towards the room. 

"I think tomorrow. We will depart."

"Wow. You are so sweet."

"Yeah, I know." I entered in the room. Angelica was sitting on the sofa, she looked at me like this. I could see tears in her eyes, no not despair, but happiness. I rested Emily on the bed. "So, how is your tummy now?" she touched that part. 

"It's good now. I feel sleepy."

"Yea, sleep." She fell on the bed and closed her eyes. I deemed the lights. I went near Angelica. "So, did you arranged everything? She seemed interested in the vacation."

"Yes, I have arranged it. It is at house. Tomorrow morning we will get discharge and then we will go home. After that, take some shower and help her taking the shower. Eat something and start your vacation. At morning 10."

"That's a good plan." I turned towards Emily, she was holding her pillow in the left hand, cuddling it and her right hand was on the same position where I always hold it.

I quickly sat near her bed and held her hand. I wanted her back, I wanted her to be with me. I wanted to spend my life looking in her eyes, I just wanted to play with her hairs. I wanted to cuddle her body, like the old days. But everything was changed in just some seconds. I couldn't do any of these. I only could hold her hand, and that's it. 


"Now you can go." Doctor was in the room, touching her forehead. "Just remember what I said." I gave him a nod. I turned towards Emily. She seemed confused. 

"So, let's go home." She was sad. 

"I think I live here." She held the side bar of the bed. 

"Yes, you lived here, someone else wants to live here too. He is waiting for you live." 

"I can share with him." Oh, Emily. I wanted to cry. I went near her, and put my hand on her head.

"I think you wanted to go to vacation." She seemed diverted. 

"Vacation?" she loosened her hand.

"Yes, you wanted to see the sunrise."

"Sunrise?" she took her hand out. 

"Yes, you wanted to see the Snow Mountains."

"Snow Mountains?" She started getting up. 


"When are we leaving?" She climbed down, I gave her my shoulder and she was out of her bed. 


"Yes." She cheered. "Let's go!" I gave her a nod. We went out of the room. It was 7 in the morning. "Where is the guy who wanted to share my room with me?" she asked out of nowhere. I was confused what to say. 

"He is at his home, he will come after you go to your home." 

"Okay. But I want snow." 

"Yes." She started walking. We went home.


I picked her up and went to our room. I dropped her on the bed. 

"Whoa! This bed is so big!" she said. I gave her a smile. I started taking of my clothes. She did the same. I picked her and went in the bathroom, the Jacuzzi was full with warm water. I rested her slowly in the tub. 

"What do we do here?" 

"We bath." I took a mug from the bucket, and threw some water on her head. She seemed relaxed. "You good." 

"Yes. This is very good. What is this, again?"

"It is called bathing."

"Oh, bathing." She kept muttering the words. How she knew about love and other things but not bath? I didn't know the answer. That's why this disorder is unique. 


"Can you walk?" I asked her. I helped her to wear the travel clothes and a leather jacket. For warmness. She got up and walked few steps, near the door, she leaned on it. 

"I think, I can walk some steps. I am tired." I knew what to do. I picked her up and went in the kitchen. We ate a full vegetarian food. And some juices. 

We went out. The motorcycle was ready, everything was full. I rested her near the pillar. She looked towards the vehicle. 

"The motorcycle with a seat of the car. Are we going to travel in this?"

"Yes! We are."

"Can I sit on that seat?"

"Yes, it's for you."

"Thanks." She felt happy. She didn't forget everything. She knew so much. 

After I checked everything, Angelica came out. Two helmets and two gloves were hanged to the mirror. I was ready to go. I went back, towards them. 

"So, everything good?" Angelica asked. I peeked towards the vehicle and turned again. 

"Yeah, everything is good."

"Ok, then, it's 9.30 now. You want to wait or go?"

"Go." Emily cheered. I gave Angelica a nod. 

Angelica gave a quick hug to me and Emily, she was going to cry, but she didn't. She just waited there. I picked Emily and placed her on the back seat. It was like a chair. She seemed comfortable. She could lean backwards and do literally anything while I drive. I put the helmet on her head. 

"You have mobile right?" Angelica asked. I switched on the engine, the sound was very powerful. I put my helmet on. 

"Yes, and GPS and everything."

"Charge it every time, okay." I gave her a nod, I raced the bike. "Take care." I headed out. Mike waved me. I gave him a quick nod. And we went out. 


I knew where to go first. The place where my mother and my father used to go to trip. From Suwannee to Alaska is so much on a bike, but I didn't want to travel, I want to see the nature. First I wanted to get out of Suwannee, so headed towards the highway. Nashville was on the road, that place is good. But we kept going. I wanted to change the route. 

I went towards Talladega National Forest, I was driving nonstop for 3 hours. She was exclaiming to everything on the road. After some time she asked to sleep. She gave me hug and fell asleep on my back. I kept going. 

 Atlanta was in our way, and it was not good. The crowded place with horns and vehicles, Emily was scared, I quickly got out, and went towards the highway.

I wanted to stop at Riverside, but then it would be too much in one day, so I kept going.

After some time I parked my bike side of the road. I shook Emily's shoulder, she woke up. I pointer towards the Ruffner Mountain, it was a good scene. It was middle of the day, but it was good. She was delighted, I started driving again. 

"It is going back. Can we not stop here?" she asked in a baby voice. I smiled. 

"We have so much on our way, it's just a mountain. We will see the waterfalls and everything beautiful."

"Okay." She fell on my back and closed her eyes. 

I didn't want that experience like Atlanta, so I didn't went in oxford, it was a big town. But oxford is on the way, I had other plan. I took left from Jackson Creek, and went on 431st road. I knew where it will go. I took right from the crossroad, and headed on 281st road. It's from google, but I knew the place. I came here with my mom and dad. Google was saying Skyway Mtwy, I didn't know what it was talking, I just went ahead. And here I was at Abel Gap, I took left and I saw Horizon mall. I wanted to eat some but my house, which my mom brought, was near only. I went ahead, I stopped at the big building and those trees, I always remember to take left from there. There was a house with the cars, but it was not mine, I went straight inwards the road, at the end, there were two small houses, one was at the end and one was somewhat earlier than that. I parked my bike near the earlier one. 

"Hey, we are here. Wake up." I shook her head. 

"Oh, where are we?" She looked in surrounding. "It's a lake." She started getting down from the seat. Yes, there was a lake behind the house, and it was beautiful. There were some trees, and grassland. It was a flat but very beautiful scene. She started walking towards the lake, she walked till the house there were two trees behind the house. She leaned on them. She took a deep breath and started walking again. I didn't gave her support. There was a fence around the house, no it was not around the house but it was till the lake, after some walking like 20 meters, she sat down. I just stayed behind her, she got up again and started walking, but after some distance she fell. 

I went near her, I gave her a shoulder. "Can you walk?" I asked her. She made a baby face. She shook her head. Well I had an idea. I went in front of her and put her on my back, like a child, she spread her hand around my neck, I held her legs with my hands. And I kept going, it was 50 meters or less, but she had no energy after walking that much. 

I went near the lake. I placed her down, there was a small rock, and the temperature was hot. It was 3 pm. 

"Can I bath in this?" 

"No! It's dangerous. Not here. The water is not good."

"Okay." She turned her neck to look what is backwards. "Hey, there is another lake on the other side of the field." Yes, it was on the other side of the road. And there were total 4 lakes in this area. They was smaller than this one. She kept looking at the water. She was happy. 

"I am thirsty." She told me after some time.

I remembered why I was here. 

"Ok." I picked her up on my back and went towards the house. She kept looking towards the lakes and the birds, on our left there was a small jungle but it was just a couple of trees separated by large gap. The birds were not active, but you could see the nests and other sounds. I rested her near the house.

I knocked the house.

"Who's there?" asked man in the house. The voice was cold and old. 

"Jonathan Clifford."

"John? Really?" the footsteps came closer. He opened the door and looked through his glass like scanning me. "Oh, John. You rascal, now you got the time to visit the old man?"