
Welcome to gravity falls

It started when our parents entered a competition to win a free cruise for two for the summer."

It shows dipper sitting in the couch playing video games while mabel played with a cat before their parents appeared before them with smiles holding the tickets with their luggage ready before giving them backpacks

"So we wouldn't be alone,they shipped us north to a sleepy town called gravity falls to stay with our great uncle in the woods,he owns a tourist trap called the mystery shack,where it began"

It shows the twins setting up on their shared room on the attic,mabel puts a poster of her favorite musicians and bands,one of which were a rocker called akira otoishi and a band called several was wearing a pink sweater with a shooting star,jeans shorts and pink sneakers partly untied,her long brown hair was tied in a long ponytail.

"This room isn't so bad,quite comfy" she said jumping off her bed and turning to her brother who was reading a book.

He was wearing a blue jacket with a orange shirt underneath,jeans and dark blue shoes,a green hat with a star on it layed on his head.

"If we will stay here for the rest of the summer we might as well take what we get" he said closing his book

"Kids! Come down here" shouted their great uncle from downstairs

"Sigh,let's see what Grunkle stan wants" he said walking downstairs

There stans was counting money he earned as his handyman soos fixed some things

"Kids,I need one of you put these signs around the forest for me"

"Not me" the twins say in conjunction

"Not me" says soos,grabbing a chocolate bar

"No one asked you soos" stan said

"And im comfortable with my decision" he said eating his treat

"You go then wendy" stan said pointing to a 19 year old sitting by the counter,she lazily stretched her hand while looking at a magazine

"I would but i uh uh,can't reach it" she said lazily

Stan pinched the bridge of his nose while frowning

"I would fire all of you if i could,okay let's see" he said putting his hands together

"Eenie meenie miney... you"he said pointing at dipper

"Why,i feel like im being watched out there" he said making stan roll his eyes

"Please kid,i lived here for 30 years,all that's in those woods are animals and and trees,so go and don't come back until every sign has been hammered into a tree" he said pointing to the door


Time had passed as dipper went relatively deep on the woods near the shack,putting the signs around

"Who would even see these things,I doubt some tourists would just happen to pass in dark woods"he said to himself as he hammered tue last sign to a tree,only for it to make a loud 'clank'

"What"dipper said knocking on the tree and hearing the sound of banging metal,he saw what looked like a pulled it,opening it,inside was sometype of console with levers and buttons

"What would this be doing in a metal tree" he wondered fidgeting with the buttons before a green light shined a bit and he heard metalic sounds

Looking behind him he saw he caused a hatch to open,he curiously walked to the hatch and looked ,inside was a dusty journal with a golden symbol of a hand with six fingers with the number 3 on it,with a golden object hanging from a string attached

"Hmm,whats this"dipper thought touching the golden object

"Ouch"he said outloud as he cut his finger on the golden object

Putting his finger on his mouth,he started to read some pages of the journal,which to his surprise were filled with notes and descriptions about things he only heard stories of,zombies,gnomes,goblins,every fantasy related creature had at least one page dedicated to them,in one of the pages he saw 'trust no one' in large red letters,he pondered on those words a bit before hearing something.

He tilted his head up and went face to face with a strange figure,it was humanoid with a slim and lean build,it had dark green skin,parts if his legs were brown making it resemble shorts,a brown sleeveless vest,his body had markings and coordinates like a map,he had no nose and yellow eyes,on its waist had a belt with a compass

"Ahhh" dipper screamed as he backed away from the figure who just watched with a stoically.

Dipper looked at it nervously for what felt like a eternity before he realized the figure wasn't moving.

"What are you?" He silently asked

Suddenly he heard snapping,he looked up to see a very large branch fall from the tree and it was going to fall right on top of him!

"No!"he shouted as he placed his arms in front of his face,but the impact never came

He looked and was his confusion turned to awe as the figure was in front of him and it mowed the branch to splinters as it punched it in amazing speed

"Wow"was all dipper said as he looked at the figure

After it was done the figure turned to dipper,as if waiting something,the teen stretched his arm and slightly flinched when the figure did the same,when the both touched dipper felt it was cold but still warm in a weird way,he then looked at his arm,it had appeared some sort of writing,it said:

-dipper pines


A normal teenager that lives with his parents and sister






-poor physical condition


Threat level-low

"This is interesting,and ouch"he said as the notes dissapeared

"I have to go now" he said to the figure who nodded and went inside dipper

That startled him but then he felt the presence,it didn't feel like a ghost it felt like a part of crouched to get the journal since he dropped it when the branch fell,it was on one particular page with the image of a golden arrow with "the stand arrow" written

"This artifacts seem to be made of a meteor,studies show it is filled with supernatural potential,once pierced by this,the user's fighting spirit will manifest into a powerful vision that stands by you side,from now on called a stand" he finished reading

He thought for a moment before willing to see the figure again and there it was

"So,you're my stand huh?"he mused before realizing something

"Oh no! Im lost"he said looking around but everything was the same

"How will i get back now,if only i had a map"he said getting desperate

His stand's eyes shined before it started to change,it's form shrinked and condensed before turning into a empty map

"How this helps"he asked indignantly before a image of the forest and the mystery shacked slowly appeared,in the ground in front of him a trail of dotted lines appeared on the ground

"Awesome" he thought as he followed the trail

He walked for a few minutes before he finally found the shack,he then looked at his stand as it returned to its humanoid form

"You're like a gps"he said before having a idea

"That's it,im gonna call you [maps,wait no,that sounds kinda lame,i know! [maps and legends]" he said before the stand vanished.

He entered the shack and hurriedly went to his room and closed the door,he then opened the book and started reading more of it's pages

"Hey what you're reading?" Asked mabel as he appeared from under the bed,startling dipper making him summon his stand

"Ahhh,don't do that,I could have hurt you"he said

"Please,you wouldn't hurt a fly,especially with those scrawny arms"she mocked punching him the shoulder

"Now will you tell me what's that weird book"she said sitting down

"Okay,listen,don't tell this to anyone but when i was on the woods i found this book,and its filled with information about the supernatural,it also gave me something incredible"he explained

"Was it stopping time?rewinding time? Skipping time,it just works,or all of the above?" She asked frantically

"Hehe,let me just show you"he said standing up

"[maps and legends]" he called his stand as it saluted

"Anytime now dipper"said mabel confusing his brother

"What you mean,it's right in front of you"he said

"I only see you here"she said

"Wait a second"he then willed his stand to punch mabel,but stopped inches from her face,she didn't even flinch

"Is stalling time what you got" she asked before hearing the doorbell

"It's him!" She said excitedly jumping up and down

"I don't get it-wait he? Who's he"he asked following his sister

"Is my date,i met him while you were away,and he asked me out around town"she said smiling

"I was gone for a few hours and you already got a date"he asked incredulously

She opened the door to reveal a emo teen with a hoodie and pale skin with a strand of hair covering one of his eyes,he looked...off to say the least

"Hey norman,right on time"said mabel happily

"Oh hey mabel,ready to go?"he asked in a low gravely voice

Dipper had some suspicion,and had a idea,he willed [maps and legends] to appear in front of him,he showed no reaction,dipper smirked.

"Oh norman this is my brother dipper"mabel said as her brother extended his hand

"Nice to meet you"he said as he weirdly raised his arm to shake dipper's hand,dipper made his stand touch norman's hand,but nothing happened,after a few seconds both left and dipper was left staring at his stand

He turned to soos who was fixing a light

"Hey soos,let me try something?" He asked

"Sure dude,as long it isn't weird" he said

Dipper than summoned [maps and legends ]and touched soos hand, on his arm appeared a description of soos

"What's on your mind dude" asked soos

"That norman guy doesn't feel right"he said sitting down

"You should probably follow that feeling,despite what mr pines said i also think this town is weird,im really sure the mailman is a werewolf"he said walking away

"Soos is right,i have to do something" dipper thought before going to follow mabel and norman

He spent the rest of the day following and observing the weird teen and had multiple fake signals he wasn't what he seemed to be,after some attempts to get close he decided to do something different.

After norman led mabel home,dipper was sitting outside pretending to be reading his book,he ordered his stand to get close and hear their conversations

"That was fun norman"mabel said

"Heh,glad you liked it,so meet later?" He asked

"Sure" mabel said closing the door

Norman started walking away ,after he was out of sight,dipper made his move

"Let's see what you really are[maps and legends] show where norman is"he commanded

The stand made a sound and changed into a map, and dipper's eyes glowed before the trail appeared on the ground before him,the teen followed his target deep in the woods to a clearing

Norman looked around before taking his hoodie off to reveal... a bunch of gnomes? Dipper was confused

"Not what I expected but still proves im right"thought dipper while recording what happened

After the gnomes disassembled the one that served as the head started talking

"Well done boys,now is just reveal it to mabel and ask her to be our queen"said the leader

"What if she says no" asked a random gnome

"Schmebulock" said another

"He's right,we kidnap her"he said simply,that made dipper's eyes widen

"Kidnap her? Not on my watch"he though as he stepped out of cover

"THE ONLY THING YOU'LL GET IS MY FIST ON YOUR FACE" he screamed showing himself

"We've been found,leave boy or face our wrath" the leader said

"I don't think so" dipper responded

"You made your choice" the gnome said before they jumped at dipper with sharp teeth

"Ahhh[maps and legends] blow them away"he said as his stand rushed foward sending a flurry of punches at the attackers

'Kakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakaka!EUREKA' it screamed as it pummeled away at the pretenders

The gnomes groaned as their bodies ached

"If any of you get close to my sister it will be worse"he said trying to sound intimidating as his stand punched the ground near the gnomes to prove his point

The small men runned away in fear as dipper smirked feeling good about himself.