
AU chapter-antigravity

"welcome one,welcome all. to the only place where you can experience the true world of the supernatural and witness the crazy creatures that dwell in our world,welcome to the mystery shack!" said stan pines,mr mystery himself. using his iconic black suit,eyepatch,fedora and cane in hand. he walked around pointing towards many exhibits of his tourist trap. while obviously fake took the tourists by complete surprise if their faces of awe were anything to go by. on the cashier two teens around 19 watched behind the counter.

"man,what appeal does this people see in this place is beyond me,what you think mabel"asked the male with a orange business shirt with the sleeves pulled back,a blue jacket wrapped around his waist and jeans. he turned to his sister dressed in a long sleeved shirt with a alien stamped on it,a pink skirt and colorful leggins

"maybe they have boring lifes,not anyone has exciting quests like we do dipper" she said optimiscally putting trinkets on a nearby shelf,dipper rolled his eyes

"if you can call working here for the summer exciting. even the mosquitos are weird"he said pointing to some flies zooming around the place flying away from suspicious jars

"look at the bright side,the more tourists come here the more you're paid" the twins turned to the younger voice,seeing a girl around 15 leaned against the counter wearing a short sleeved green buttoned up flannel shirt,ripped jeans and brown boots with a bit of mud on them. her bright red hair tied in two ponytails on the side of her head

"that's a good point. what's up lumberjack?" dipper asked fist bumping the younger girl

"just came back from watching my father wrestle a bear,pretty good." she said smiling proudly,mabel looked at her

"it was today? ah man,you guys always do the fun stuff without us wendy,where's soos anyways" mabel asked

"it's rare seeing one without the other hot on their trail" said dipper,wendy let out a giggle

"yeah,pretty much. he's by the crowd as usual" she pointed to the group of people following stan,as the group was foward by the old man one person stayed behind looking at statue of a headless body with bones around his body and a person without and a weird face. the person looking was as old as wendy as was "larger" than his best friend. he had a green shirt with a question mark over a black long sleeved shirt and green baggy shorts,a hat with a question mark on his head.

"hmmm,this wasn't here before. mr pines may have added this recently" he muttered looking at the name tag near it "blue hawaii and hobo man? so cool" he said

"hey soos,get over here" the chubby boy turned around by his name being called,seeing the twins waving to him

"oh,sup dudes. what's hanging" he said walking to the trio,doing a special handhsake with wendy (imagine the handshake between kakyoin and polnareff)

"nothing much,just working for stan as usual"dipper said,mabel leaning in

"have you two find any more interesting stuff lately"she asked

"if you mean by our scavenger hunts,we find some creatures but they usually go away after. you guys should come with us in a hunt"soos suggested,dipper laughed a bit

"we may have powers but that doesn't mean we should use it all the time"he said,wendy snickered

"you just say that because your powers is lame" wendy said

"h-hey,the ability to gather information isn't lame. it can be useful" dipper said,sounding as his pride was damaged by the comment

"and what are you gonna do then,file them away and overeducate the enemy to death?" mabel said,her brother got a bit red turning to her

"not you too,your ability ain't too great either" he said crossing his arms,he lostcomposure when mabel hugged him

"ah come on bro-bro,you know i'm joking"she said,dipper smiled a bit. tne twins turned to the two teens in fron of the counter

"and i would love to go monster hunting! but i'm going over to candy's place for movie night"she said doing a little dance

"and i'm going out with pacifica" dipper said,wendy scowled at the mention of the older girl,which did not go unnoticed

"hety,we are busy today,but we are definetly coming next time" dipper said giving soos a red joirnal with a golden 3

"trust me,we are just as curious as you are about the author,don't go solving anything major without us" mabel said,wendy smiledi

"you got it,mystery twins. let's go soos"she said running off,soos following behind

as they were leaving the shack soos bumped into a milkman,causing him to drop his basket on the ground

"sorry" soos said running off


the duo were on a wornout shed,the paint in the walls were coming off and the planks seem like they could fall apart at any moment. wendy was laying on a old looking couch while soos was by the workbench,after she got bored wendy stood up and walked over to where her best friend was

"what you working on soos,another one of your "jobs" you take from people? " she asked,after soos discovered his affinity with tools and fixing things he pretty much became well known in the town of antigravity,a lot of his habitants constantly coming with stuff for him to fix in return to some money.

soos took his safety goggles off and put his tools on the table

"oh,not this time. i was trying to see if there was something i could do with this little guy" he said pulling a green jack-in-the-box

"ever since we got it a few weeks back i can't seem to get what i want...but it end up up being what i need" he said winding the box and throwing at the ground.

shortly after the door swung open

"sup dorks,what may you be doing in the loser-shack" said a skinny teen,a few centimeters taller than wendy. he had a black hoodie with a stitched heart and green shorts,a bandaid on his nose. wendy rolled her eyes

"if you call this the 'loser-shack' than why do you keep coming here almost everyday" she asked putting her hand on her hips,robbie looked like he was put on the spot

"i,umm. all my friends are off town alright,and you two are left. so here we are" he said

as soon as robbie stopped a clown holding a tomato came out of the box soos threw on the ground,it turned to robbie and threw the red object at his face

"urg,what was that for?!" he shouted startled,soos gave a sheepish smile

"i just thought your face was too pale,so you could use some color on it "he shrugged playfully,robbie ran at him grabbing the collar of his shirt

"you wanna go puffcheeks,we can kick your ass all day" robbie said,a black aura flaring around him


"huh" robbie looked at the source of the noise to see various boxes layed around the shack,all with clowns equipped with large boxing gloves

"i may have set some things before you came here" soos smiled,a large round clown appearing behind him holding a box in one hand and doing a 'thumbs-up' with the other. robbie let go running his hand through his hair

"whatever,this made me thirsty" he said opening his backpack and taking out a glass of milk before he jugged it

"since when do you like to drink milk?you refuse even to even drink coffee with milk on it"wendy said

"first off,black coffee is where it's at. second,this is no ordinary milk,it milky way galaxy milk. everyone is drinking it" he said drinking more of his milk

"milky way galaxy... milk?" wendy asks,seeming confused. robbie finished his milk and looked at the girl

"yeah,it's a new brand that just kinda appeared and quickly become the top grossing product in antigravity. it's made by a guy known as milkman joe,he said he recently moved and as a gift for a town having accepted him or whatever he went across town giving bottles to everyone" robbie said noticing his bottle was empty

"over already? i sweat these are getting smaller each time. this is my cue" robbie said grabbing his bike and starting to leave

"you just got here and you're already leaving?" soos asked

"i gotta get more milk bottles from joe,i'll see you later dorks"he said not even looking at his "friends" before cycling away

"robbie was..." "weirder than usual,yeah" wendy completed

"anyways,what do we do now? wanna go monster hunting again" soos said grabbing the journal dipper gave him

"i think i saw something here about zombies desguised as heavy metal lovers" he said before they were interrupted by a knock on the door

wendy walked over to it "back so soon robbie,gave up on your milk hu-" she opened the door,stopping once she saw the person knokcing wasn't robbie. intead it was a full grown man around his late 20s.

he was tall,had broad shoulders and had a good build. his skin had a light tone and his eyes were like black pearls staring back at the two teens,he was dressed in a white long sleeved shirt that was tucked into his white pants. a black tie on his neck,which went his with his black shoes,black leather belt and the black trimming oh his cap,which had a milk bottle with wings stamped on it. he was carrying a semi-empty basket

"howdy there kiddos,nice to meet new town neighbors. name's joshua stuart,but you may call me joe" he said tipping his hat

"hey,nice to meet ya,mr stuart"soos said,joe shook his head

"oh,please soos. just call me joe,mr stuart was my father" he said with a smile on his face,he looked at wendy

"and who may you be missy?"he asked

"name's wendy...how did you find this shack ? it's fairly hidden"she said

"oh,as i was passing by the neighborhood i passed by a boy who bought some milk from me earlier so i asked where the bottle was and he directed me here. if it's a secret i promise not to tell anyone" joe said winking to wendy

"so you're milkman joe?" she asked

"so the name's spreading huh,surprised i'm so well known already. yep that's me" he laughed a bit before checking his watch

"oh look at the time. i still have more places to go" he said grabbing the empty bottle robbie left behind and started to leave

as he left he suddenly turned around "oh,before i forget. have this as a "greeting gift" on the house." he said putting two bottles of milk on the ground near wendy and soos and waving as he left.

wendy and soos just stared as the man walked away out of sight,a few seconds later their senses return

"hmm,he seems nice" said soos going back into the shack

"hey soos... did you feel like something was off?"she asked

"what do you mean?" asked soos going back with tinkering with his stand

"i don't know how to explain. the way he talked,how he was always smiling,it didn't sit right with me" she said sitting at the couch and crossing her arms

"with all due respect wendy,sometimes your opinion on others can be a bit... out there" soos said making his best friend roll her eyes

"look,the thing with pacifica was a simple mistake okay" she said trying to defend herself

"you thought she was possessing dipper because she gave him a gift. then you went crazy trying to force her to admit it. then there's the time you thought gompers was spying on you,and those are two of many" soos said counting on his fingers,wendy's face got a bit red as she flailed her arms around

"okay okay i get it! i tend to overreact and come to conclusions fairly quick,but this time is different." she said,like she was confessing a crime. she walked to the bottles of milk joe left behind and looked ai it

what caught wendy's eye was the blue tint the milk had,like it had a few ingredients more than usual

"even his milk is off,i never seen blue milk before" wendy mumbled

"maybe it's colorant. like in juices and sodas,so it has a extra "something" " soos said taking the lid and taking a sip

"hmm,it's delicious though" he said taking a larger gulp

"you can have mine then"she said choosing as her phone buzzed

"arh,my father got lost inside the house again. see you tomorrow soos" wendy said,waving goodbye and choosing to leave the milk bottle behind


it's evening,and everyone is most likely sleeping at this time,this includes wendy. comfortbly tucked in her bed dreaming about hunting monsters with her friends.


a sound echoed through the house followed by a loud


the sudden sound startled wendy awake,she sat on her bed looking around. she checked her phone

"2 am? urg,i hope it's not a bear again,we already have far too many carpets" she mumbled walking downstairs. all the lights were out save for the light coming from the moon. wendy checked the lower floor's windows for any signs of something trying to break in,after a few seconds she found the windows untempered with.

"hmm,might have been those gnomes again. man they need to find a better way to find food" she said to herself starting to go back to her room


the sound of something opening a door and a light shining on her back made her stop and look back to see the fridge open,a large figure over it

"oh it's just you dad,what did we tell you about eating tomorrow's lunch as a midnight snack?" she said getting no response

"did you hear me? dad?" she asked a bit louder,her father turned around,a cup rolling on the ground

the large man had a white liquid dripping from his mouth,the scariest part was his eyes were pure white

"d-dad? what is" "rahhh" the large man growled and charged at wendy with his large arms out to grab her,she shook the shock away and rolled to the side as her father grabbed the air,he then swung his arms at her daughter. wendy dodged out of the way as her father brought both fists down on her ,but she backed away,hitting a chair and breaking it apart

wendy had fear visible on her face

"what's gotten into you? don't make me hurt you" she shouted,but it fell on deaf ears as her large father approached

"urgg...mooooore" wendy felt herself being grabbed by multiple hands,restraining her arms and legs. wendy looked back seeing her brothers,also with pure white eyes

"wha,not you guys too" she tried to free herself but the other members of her family were physically larger thus being stronger. she started to panick as she saw her "zombified" father coming towards her,she gritted her teeth,a dark green aura sparking around her

"you leave me no choice, [counting sheep]!"she shouted

from within her a large mass of beige colored wool burst outwards,sending the attackers away. on the center of the mass of wool was a angry sheep face with curly horns,human arms and legs coming from the wool with golden bracelets around them and tribal tattoos on the hands and feet.


the sheep let out a deep growl as steam came out of it's nose

"what's going on" wendy asked herself,she looked down at the cup with white liquid,she put her fingers and sniffs it

"milk!" she says,the sound of glass shattering shot her out of her thoughts. wendy widened her eyes as she saw various people coming through a smashed window,all of them with pure white eyes

"dammit,i gotta get out of here" she said running to her room with the "zombies" behind her

"no touching" she says, [counting sheep] appearing in front of her before charging foward throwing the zombies away. unsummoning her stand she locked the door and grabbed her jacket before climbing down the window. the zombified civilians falling though the window and breaking through the main door to follow her

"they don't give up do they?" wendy asked rhetorically,getting on her bike and cycling away from the large groupowing her

"huff,huff. i need to find soos. "she said to herself

as she went through town,she paled as she saw the streets were filled with pure white eyed zombies walking around

"the whole town is like this? give me a break" she said,causing the zombies to notice her

"mooooooore" they moaned as they ran at her,she gritted her teeth

"ah crap,i don't have time for this, [counting sheep] ram right through!" she shouted cycling straight into the large crowd of zombies. the stand appearing in front of her


it roared opening a whole in the crowd allowing it's user to pass through. but the crowd started to get up shortly after,however it did give the red-head a big headstart advantage

after evading the group of zombified civilians,wendy arrived at soos house,dropping her bike on the driveway she knocked on the door

"soos! wake up,something is happening to the town. i need that journal" she shouted banging on the door. after a few seconds she felt a hand touch her shoulder

"ah" she turned around,instinctly summoning[counting sheep] pushing the assailant into a tree,she approached to see soos groaning

"soos?! i'm sorry" she said hurriedly helping him up,when she was pulling him to his feet,the moon shined on him showing pure white eyes

wendy welped and prepared to punch him,when he started to flail his arm around

"wait wait,i'm not possessed. these are fakes" soos says taking contacts out of his eyes,showing his regular eyes. wendy sighed in relief

"thank god,you're okay. i was worried i lost my best friend to a weird milkman"she said

"so you noticed it too,that milk did look weird now that i think about it" soos said

"hang on,you also drank the milk so how are you not a zombie?"she asked,soos scratched the back of his head

"well,after you left i decided to put away the milk to eat with cookies later" he said

"a wise choice" wendy said jokingly before returning to being serious

"that,and my grandmother drank it before i could,but i managed to safely subdue her before she got too aggressive" soos said pointing towards the window where wendy saw the elderly lady tied to a couch distracted by a novela on the television

"we gotta get to the bottom of this,before the entire city gangs up on us" wendy said,her best friend nodding

"yeah,before you got here i was trying to figure what could have caused it, while using my stand" he grabbing a jack in the box with a clown holding a blue mushroom

"after one of [funhouse] jacks appeared i searched the journal and i found this" he opened his journal showing a image of a mushroom just like the one the jack was holding

"blue moon mushroom...can cause cause addiction and hypnotic paranoia when consumed?" wendy read,soos nodded

"yeah,so our resident milkman has gotten his hands on these"she said,soos looked a bit skeptical

"well,not really" he says flipping the pages "this mushrooms only grow in one place,on the blue moon cows" soos says showing a picture of a cow with various mushrooms growing on it's body,which means joe somehow-" "is harvesting them directly from the source,yes indeed" the duo turned alarmed to see joe standing beside them with the hand on his hips

"and you seem to be a bit too curious,i can't let you keep going around" he says as zombified civilians surround the group in the blink of an eye and pile up on them,it was all the kids saw before the world went black


wendy and soos groaned as they woke up,their heads aching.

"uhh,what...where are we"soos groaned looking around,they were in some kind of factory with large vats on the center. on the sides she saw keeping areas with various blue moon cows,their mushrooms and their milk being harvested by the zombified inhabitants of antigravity.

"it must be where,joe is making his "special milk",with all those cows" wendy said also awake looking around

"and you kids would be right again" said joe walking towards them

"welcome to where i produce my famous milky way galaxy blue milk." he says,the flawless smile addorning his face

"why are doing this though,why do brainwashing milk?" asked wendy

"you see i was not always a milkman. at first i was a chemist,and i studied the spores from fungi and how it affected the insects and plants around it to carry it's seed and spread. my research was going perfectly when i found one of these blue moon mushrooms a colleague brought from a trip to antigravity,when i studied that mushroom i was amazed. the substance was so unnatural it could even change hosts to be suitable and become fertile areas for the mushrooms to grow and they had amazing healing properties that could cure many diseases."he explained,his smiled faltered for a second as he looked down

"but when i offered the use of homeless people or convicts to be used as soil to grow these mushrooms,my peers looked at me like i was crazy and they kicked me out,removed my title as a chemist. after that day i promissed i would prove them wrong,so taking the cover as a milkman i tracked the mushrooms to it's source,this town filled with unnaturalities,and with this milk i will make everyone who drink it fertile soil for the fungus and show i was right" he said happily

"but you would be pratically mentally killing a entire town of people" soos said,joe waved him off

"in the end it's a sacrifice i am willing to make" he said without a hint of regret and doubt in his voice. he was dead set in that decision and nothing would change that

"there must be another way,surely you unders" "it's no use soos,he's too far gone. we have to beat some sense into him the old fashinoed way" wendy said making joe laugh

"and forgive my rudeness but how exactly will two pre-teens like you beat some sense into someone like me,huh?" he asked crouching down a bit to make eye contact. soos and wendy looked at each other,a fierce smiled adorning their faces

"LIKE THIS" they said in union,their auras flaring,startling joe

"[funhouse] jack out" soos threw a black box at joe,who dodged it making it fall behind him. shortly after the box opened and a clown holding a bomb came out

"you missed kid-" he turned just to be met with pain as [counting sheep] slammed into him with great force. the impact sent him back,directly on top of the bomb


once the large man toiched the bomb,a sizeable explosion went off. it caused the blue moon cows to rile up and start to panic as joe layed on the ground with his clothes charred and smoke coming from his body

he started to stand up,groaning with each movement. his cap covering his eyes.

"not so bad for two pre-teens huh" wendy mocked putting her tongue out

"you kids..." joe said,anger seething off his voice. his face didn't have the trademark smile anymore. a bright white aura formed around him even more stunning than the ones from wendy and soos

"you pissed me off,GREAT TIME. [BOTTLE MILK SYMPHONY] !" he shouted

the aura around him became liquid and formed into a large stand. it was large and had a stockier build contrasting it's user,it was wearing a mixture of farmer clothes with austronaut gear, a helmet covering it's face with bull horns coming from the sides,large tanks on it's back. on it's belt he had the symbol of a bottle with wings. it's feet covered by heavy boots and it's hands had equally large cloves

'milk train'

the tanks on the stands back opened as a large amounts of milk came out and rushed in front of joe forming a locomotive rushing at the due

wendy hugged soos summoning [counting sheep] to protect them. the fluffy stand stood in front if it's user and soos meeting the locomotive head on. milk went flying as the construct collapsed as it made contact with the steel-like wool. wendy grunted as she felt the pressure her stand was gojng through but she had to keep on resisting


with a scream [counting sheep] still stand strong as the milk train was unformed

"that's a powerful stand you got there. didn't expect more people to have it" he said,[milk bottle symphony] taking out more milk from the tankers on his back,this time forming four large snake heads

" 'white snake' let's see your defense take this" joe said his stand sending the snakes foward,maws opened to bite on the sheep stand

" stand strong [counting sheep] " wendy said feeling the impacts of the snakes as they bit into the wool

" the snakes of [milk bottle symphony] can bite through titanium,your defense is done kiddo" joe pointing one hand downeards and the other above his head pointing towards wendy

"is that so. good thing it ain't just titanium" joe flinched at the girl's response,he then notice resistance where the snakes were biting

"it's still wool. pull it back!" she ordered

joe then felt the milk being sucked as he tried to pull them back,as they were drained into the wool! it turing from the original beige color to pure white as all the milk from [milk bottle symphony] was pulled into the large stand giving space to soos to throw a bow that opened with a jack wearing a large boxing glove that shot it foward with a spring,decking joe square in the face

"hmm,clever girl. there's just one thing you forgot"joe said lifting his face showing a sadistic smile on his face,a crazed look in his eyes as he grabbed a bottle of banana milk from somewhere

"my stand power isn't limited just regular milk. cheers" he said chugging the whole box of milk down

'glup glup glup ahhh'

he swiped the milk from his mouth,feeling refreshed

"that was great. i'm feeling better already! YEAAAAAH" he shouted with his arms up [milk bottle symphnoy] roared as the grey and white part of his body became yellow

"i will show you why you don't mess with a milkman. ' milkotaur' smash these pesky kids!" he shouted ,the milk from the large vats floating from the tank and surrounding him

"dammit. soos destroy those vats" wendy said

"no need to tell me twice" he said [funhouse] appearing and throwing two jacks in each tank,they exploding shortly after

" you may have destroyed my source of power,but no matter. i can still drown you pesky kids!"' shouted joe covered in the large milk minotaur charging foward cocking back it's fist,morphing it into a bear's head

'killer maul'

the milk giant thrust it's fist into [counting sheep]. soos eyes widened when the attack just completely went through the side of [counting sheep]. wendy's side bursting with blood almost immediately

"you're done girly" joe said in glee


suddenly a large gash appeared on the chest of the milkotaur,but it was so deep it also slahed joe's chest. making blood spurt of the wound mixing with the milk

"ahhhh,bastard. w-what,my fist went through you stand there should be a whole in your stomach now" joe said alarmed and seeming to struggle to keep the minotaur in one piece

"i use this on rare occasions,but this is a good enough excuse" wendy said

the wool on [counting sheep] started to fall off,revealing another figure inside it

this new stand was slimmer and resembled wendy's own body but older as it had much more muscles and defines features. it was dressed like a tribal warrior with tribal tattoos over the arms and legs,it had long flowing hair and a wolf hat on it's head. the former stand's head now acting as shoulderguards. the stand had long claws and wolf like features invluding a bushy tail from her behind and sharp teeth

"b-but from what i read a person can only have one stand. this -isn't p-possible" joe said in anger

"you're right,that's why it's still one stand,but now this look" she pointed towards the new stand beside her "is how my real stand looks like,say hi [wolf in sheep clothing]" she said with a cocky smile,the stand howling beside her

even in the minotaur,wendy and soos could tell they pushed joe over the edge,meaning they had the upper hand

soos summoned more jacks and threw them,clowns with torches appearing

"let's take some milk away shall we" soos said, the clows let out giggles before putting the torches in front of their faces and blowing,sending stream of fire at joe

"ahhhhh,burns. hothothot" joe screamed as he felt the milk being boiled and his skin burn so much it felt like it could just fall right off

"i'll be burned alive! [milk bottle symphony] undo the milkotaur,now" he shouted, almost instantly the large monster burst into a giant puddle of milk,joe was kneeling on the ground as he had severe burns across his body and his chest was still bleeding

"damn kiiiiids... i will kill you. huh" his heart skipped a beat when he saw wendy in front of him. he tried to do something but it wasn't working

"how?"he asked making wendy raise a eyebrow

"everyone who drinks my milk is immediately hypnotized. then how are you okay?" he asked in desperation

"he only took a sip" she said pointing to soos " and as for me..." she said

"i am lactose intolerant" she said doing a fierce pose as her stand materialized and charged at joe


the stand let out as it attacked joe with a endless barrage of slashes


it howled giving a X slash in joe's chest,blood exploding from his woods as he fell unconscious due to blood loss

'joe stuart and his stand [milk bottle symphony] suffered extreme wounds and severe blood loss. RETIRED'


"and after many months os search, joseph stuart was finally found and arrested by US authorities after experimenting on innocentd and unethical experimentes endangering a entire town. he has been taken to prison after being treated of his major injuries"

on the mystery shack the twins,wendy and soos were on the living room watching the news

"so joe was weird after all. looks like your hunch was right this time wendy" soos said,getting a punch on his shoulder

"in the end it's all well. so i'm fine if my methods may be a bit much at times" she said taking a sip of her soda

the camera zooms to a bottle of milk spalttered on the ground as it moves slightly



stand name-wolf in sheep's clothing: counting sheep

user-wendy corduroy

ability-a ultimate defense of titanium wool,it also hides the real stand









stand name-wolf in sheep's clothing

user-wendy corduroy

ability-a agressive attacker with great speed and clwas that cut through titanium,it's the real stand of wendy









stand name-funhouse

user-soos ramirez

ability-spawns jack in the boxes that can have multiple tools,although it never gives what soos wants it gives what he needs









stand name-bottle milk symphony

user-joe stuart

ability-controls milk,depending on which flavor joe drinks it chnages the power slightly
