
Pierrot: Entertainers of the Gods

Jean Martin wants nothing more than to finally get employed. Already at the age of 30, he goes to various places looking for a job. However, due to an unexpected turn of events, he gets summoned to the realm of the gods. Together with a thousand other humans, Jean must entertain the gods before they murder him.

Campoccino · Horror
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22 Chs

The Innkeeper  

"A man entertains not with dance or jokes,

not with a brush's stroke,

not with song or vanity,

but with love that speaks purely."


"Analyze" Things started to have labels before me again. I can't keep the skill on because it tires me out. I guess stamina is like my mana pool, the more skills I use, the more my body feels tired.

The town actually looks amazing. Houses and buildings are all covered by roots as a tree would always be planted above them. I went near a wall and saw how the roots are supporting the structure. You'd think that these building would crumble down because of the roots, but it actually strengthens the structure altogether.

I kept on walking and looking at the labels provided by my skill. Bar, House, Garden…oh here it is, an inn. I went inside to inquire because the first thing I need is to find a place to settle in. I can worry about the other stuff later.

Heidi-sama gave me enough money to get through my first few weeks in this world. She also explained the currency system so that people wouldn't think that I am weird. "Gol" is the currency system with bronze, silver, and gold coins to help measure the amount.

"Good morning customer! How can I be of service?" The woman on the counter said with a jolly tone.

"Uhm, can I have a room?"

"Of course dear customer! That would be 3 gold coins"

Right now…

This woman is actually ripping me off….

For starters, a gold coin is equivalent to a month's work and she's telling me that 3 gold coins is needed? What the hell?

I used my analyze skill on her to see what is going on. "Name: Mystica" That is on the top of her notice window. Okay let's start with that, if she lies about her name, then I'm going to find another inn.

"Uhm what's your name miss?"


She said it.

She lied to me straight at the face without even blinking! This is an expert, I better get out of here before all my belongings get taken away. I quickly turned but she's even faster. As soon as I saw the door in front of me, she's already there holding it close and panting heavily.

"Where are you going mister?" She said through staggered breaths.

Before answering I used Sei and my skill subconscious at the same time. Subconscious lets me leave the physical realm and enter the world of spirits, here, time moves a hundred times slower so I can take my time talking to Sei. Meanwhile, all that girl can see is me standing straight.

"Sei, what's going on?"


'"Judging by the amount of information master has gathered, I can say that this inn is in a bad shape. There are no customers on the lounge. Furthermore, all the keys for the rooms are still pinned to the wall at the back of the counter."

"Oh...why doesn't she close this place then?"


"The haze makes it difficult for people to remember things. This means that she cannot learn anything new so she is stuck to this job."

This is such a sick and cruel world. SO does it mean that you live and die with the fate that has been handed down to you? No resistance can be made at all! No matter how hard she works, fate wont change if she can't learn! Right now, this woman just wants to earn a living for herself, even if it is through underhanded means.

Ahhh… damn I have such a weak heart for people like this. I see so much of myself in her. Living every day just to get by and smiling even though nothing is going right anymore.


"Yes master?"

"Is there nothing we can do for her?"

For a while Sei did not respond. I feared that she might have just shut down or disappeared but then she spoke again.

"Master. If I may."

"What is it Sei?"

"You must not forget the primary goal. You need to survive. I do not see how helping this girl will be beneficial to that."

Sei is right. Of course she is, she's the voice of wisdom. What I want to do will only hinder my own growth yet...it feels as if I will not be able to sleep soundly at night if I let her be.

"Sei." I wanted to repeat my question again but I know that Sei can also read my mind so she gave the answer immediately.


"A long-term effect is not possible unless you decide to live with her forever. But we can try and teach her how to plant her own food. The inn has a huge front and backyard despite being almost abandoned."

"Ohhhh! Thanks Sei, you're really smart!"

"Hmmp" Sei responded.

I quickly turned off my subconscious skill and time started moving again. I looked at Mystica and now I can clearly see it. Her collar bones are already protruding, her cheeks are all sunken, and her eyes are so dark…probably from all the times she cried to sleep at night.


She was taken aback by what I said. It's only natural because she didn't give me her real name.

"Come with me." I said as I went for the back door.

"Why should I?" She said, still confused with the turn of events.

"I just want to show you something nice." I told her with a grin on my face.


"Ewwww." Mystica said as she found worms on the ground.

"Hey! Be grateful that I am even teaching you." I answered as I hand chopped the top of her head.

The sun has almost set and we've mostly planted all the seeds I found in the forest. I made sure that they are positioned as far away from each other as possible. The trees are placed on the corners of the backyard while on the middle is plowed land. With seeds of edible plants.

Next to me, Mystica has just finished planting the last seed. She learns quite fast. Well, I only taught her the basics so it won't be too difficult for her. She then looked at me, as if contemplating on what to do next.

"Go inside and get cleaned, just pay me back later."

I looked at myself and noticed that I have really created quite a mess with my clothes. This will be troublesome. I have nothing else to wear. Well, that's for later to worry about.

*Alert: Stamina increased +2*

*Alert: Strength increased +5*

Inside, there is a key waiting for me on the counter. The number 2 is engraved on it and so I quickly searched for the room with that number. It wasn't that hard to find really. All rooms are positioned on the second floor of the inn. The first floor is just a huge empty lounge and my room is the close to the stairs.

"Huh?" Something is placed below my door. There's a note on top of a towel and some decent looking clothes.

"You are now an official employee of Sina's Inn. Do your best okay? :)" The note read.

I smiled and went inside my room. "Not bad for my first day" I said to myself.

*Alert: Your exp has raised by 50."

After finishing my bath and changing clothes, I went downstairs to look for Mystica. I wanted to test something out but before that, I needed to eat. My stomach is already rebelling against me.

"Hello? Mystica?"

I went around the inn to look for her but she's nowhere to be found. Luckily, there are traces of dirt which probably came from her so I followed it. There's no way an overly enthusiastic receptionist and owner would miss hearing my voice. I'm a bit worried.

The dirt trail led to what seems to be the kitchen. The door is half open so I snuck a peak at what is happening inside. I couldn't see Mystica anywhere and then, as I lowered my head a little, I saw her lying on the floor.

"Mystica!" I shouted.

I held her body, she's cold and breathing heavily. Not good.

"Do-n't worry abo-ut me." She said as her eyes opened. I could feel how much effort she needed to put just to finish that one sentence.

"Where's your room?"

"I-m fine."

She's so stubborn. Guess I have no choice but to let her stay in my room for now. I carried her on my back and rushed upstairs. It was a bit difficult as my stamina has yet to recover but I have more pressing matters to worry about than that.

Finally inside my room, I placed Mystica on the bed. I removed her clothes slowly so as to not cause her any possible harm. She has a really thin frame. This means that she is not eating enough and yet, she was in the kitchen probably preparing our food.

"Dammit!" I said, pissed at my self for not doing more for her. I continued undressing her and as soon as I saw her breasts, I blushed a little.

"She'd forget about this tomorrow; this is no time to hesitate." I said to myself. After taking off all her clothing, I went back to the kitchen to get some warm water; placing it on a basin.

Her eyes are still closed when I went back to my room. She must have fainted completely by now. This is good, I can take care of her better if she isn't fidgeting or fighting me over things. All that's left is to find a piece of cloth I could use to wash her body by, but there isn't any lying around.

I need to be quicker, and with my hasted thoughts I just removed the shirt she lent me and tore some fabric out of it. I then dipped it on warm water and steadily cleaned her whole body. There's still so much dirt especially on her hands and feet.

After all that, I placed another piece of torn fabric with warm water on her forehead. She must be dehydrated from exhaustion; she needs to drink. Fast. I went and grabbed a glass of water for her, to drink. She couldn't even open her mouth, that's normal because of her situation. But she needs to be able to drink this. Again, I am left without much option to use.

"Hey Mystica, I hope I'm not your first." I took some of the water inside my mouth and forcibly made it pass through hers.

She woke up from the sensation and held strongly to my body. Her nails clawed on my skin but I was thankfully, she was able to take it all in. I did the same thing two more times before finishing the whole glass.

For the whole evening I did nothing but take care of Mystica, I even forgot about my own hunger, but my body did not. So after placing warm cloth on her forehead two more times. My body shut down completely.

III. (Mystica's PoV)

I woke up feeling lightheaded. My body feels heavier than usual but that's strange, no matter how tired I am my body shouldn't weight like this. I tried to move and then I saw it, a half-naked man resting his head on my legs as he slept.



"Get away from me you pervert!" I said throwing the nearest object I found which is a basin full of water. Some of it splashed on my direction so we're both wet, but at least I hit his head!

"Accckk! Crazy woman!"

"Shut it!" I said as I threw the blanket at him next…and everything was too late at this point because it's only then that I realized…

I'm completely naked.