
Pierced Heart

A heart, as soft as a cloud, goes through so much pain and agony. Any smile that lits up his face, later turns into sorrow. He was laughed at, he was mocked and he was tortured. But who could blame him, growing up without not knowing what a motherly love was. Living and being raised by a man was all he knew of, but nature seemed to have smiled at him. This poor little boy has grown to become a handsome successful man, making his father, the only family that he has and knows of, proud. Thinking that is the best nature could do for him, he was proved wrong by this beautiful woman he encountered. This woman who took his breath away, who sealed the hole in his heart and gave him the happiness he could ever wish for. But they start going through their own struggles now. Only one fear keeps eating them up. Can they go through this situation together ? At the end of their troubles, would the bond between them still exist? That is a mystery about to be solved. ******************* ******************* Jessica Montenegro, a wonderful fashion designer but helps her father also in his company, to avoid the practice of her brother misleading others through lies or trickery in the business industry, has all she needs. Money, success, aspirations, love from many. She has all she needs, but has not gotten what she wants yet, a man. Dracardo Lincoln, going through many struggles in life but with the help of his father, makes it. But with all the money, he still lacks happiness.

Pabay · Urban
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42 Chs


Jessica was rushed to a nearby hospital near Montenegro's mansion. Since she was in pain, Drake suggested she should be taken there for fast and safe delivery. There was glamour in the air as both Drake and Alonso were longing to see the new member of the family.

Drake paced back and forth waiting for any news from the doctor if she delivered safely. Once in a while, any doctor he will come across would be asked if he was the one looking after Jessica. He would curse if the answer was No and continue with his pacing.

It feels like it's been years since she had been in there, but the truth is, it's been barely two hours. Drake has never felt so nervous in his life, so scared and frustrated. The time seems to be moving at a slow pace, no one has an idea who it's waiting for.

He noticed some eyes on him and some would even stop and take pictures of him since some rarely saw the prestigious Founder of Lincoln's Paradise in the open.

Alonso could see the anxious father not being steady and thought Drake was just wasting his time because he won't allow him to get even a peek at the baby. He would never allow his grandchild to know a person like Drake, not in his lifetime.

Some hours later, a doctor emerged from the Ward wearing a mask and Drake thought it was just those types of surgeons, but was wrong when the man walked up to him and Alonso and asked if they accompanied the lady.

"Yes, Yes...we brought her here. Please how is she? Is there anything wrong? what is it?." Drake bombarded the young doctor with questions.

The doctor laughed out loud and said "Everything is okay sir. Congratulations, you have a baby boy".... he said and clapped his hands. Drake went cloud nine at that moment and couldn't even move a leg. Regaining his consciousness, he yelled out to everyone in the ward with happiness.

"I have a boy."Everyone clapped and some started adding captions to the pics they took to share the news on the net. Drake couldn't care more or less what they did. All he cared about was him being happy for Jessica and his baby.

"Can I go and see my daughter?". Alonso asked.

"Uhm...no. I suggest you allow her to rest for a few minutes." The doctor said,

"Oh, okay. Then can I go and see my grandson."

"Yes. That you can do. Follow me"... he said and they followed him. Just as they walked out of the view of everyone, Alonso stopped Drake in his tracks.

"Where do you think you are going?" he asked, irritated.

"What do you mean by that, I am going to see my son." Drake replied confused.

"You are not going to lay an eye on my grandson. Stay back before I call security on you." Drake was dumb folded by the sudden change of events. One moment Alonso didn't mind if he was there, the next moment he seemed like someone who had his mind focused on Drake.

"Please, if you want to use something to keep me away from your family, not my child. The child has nothing to do with the issues between both of us" He pleaded but Alonso turned a deaf ear to him.

"I said get back and I am not going to repeat myself again. You can see my daughter but mind you, I will not allow you to put your curse on my grandson with just your eyes, since I know what you can do. Now, retreat before I disgrace you." Alonso said and started walking to catch up with the doctor who was not aware of the scene going back there between the two men.

Drake felt a sting in his heart when Alonso called him a curse. A tear fell down his eye and in order not to break down there, he turned around and walked out of the ward to the car parking lot. He knows himself as a soft hearted person, but he was not going to let everyone know about that, it's one of his weak points. Unfortunately for him, he met Olivia and Jeffrey there.

" Drake, Is everything alright?" Olivia asked, worried. " What is with the tears? Did anything happen to my daughter and grandchild?". she asked with a broken voice.

"No, nothing bad happened. And by the way, you have a grandson, Congratulations." With that , he walked towards his car. He sat in and drove off the hospital without knowing where he was even headed to.

The sight of Drake which Olivia came across worried her. Wasn't he supposed to be happy that he was now a father? But again, she thought that Alonso came with him so he might have gotten into a fight with Alonso. She sighed and walked into the hospital to see her daughter and grandson.



Tears kept falling down his cheeks like a river. His eyes were already moist, his handsome face twisted in pain as he drove through town. The pain was too much for him to endure alone. Plus, with Alonso breaking the wall which held back old memories made it even worse for him.

Finally, after driving for what seemed like hours and miles, he came to where he wanted to come to. Where he grew up with his father. The place where his painful memories dwelt. Where it all started.

The neighbourhood looked exactly how it was when they left the place. It's what he calls a real neighbourhood, with people living where they work. It's dangerous and unclean, but timeless. As he got out and walked across the streets, he noticed that things haven't changed much over the years.

The people enjoy their history and are proud of their accomplishments. They did not care who was far better than them, but what they cared about was that at least they had something to fend for themselves. He kept passing by houses, recognising all of them and the people who lived there but just then, he heard his name.


He turned around and found an old man who looked like he was in his mid sixties. He stared at the man for long before realising who it was.

"Liam"... he said and walked up to him.

"Hahaha...you still remember my name. What a coincidence". Liam said.

Drake took him in a tight hug and asked "Why won't I remember you? You were and still are my best man after all." Drake said.

"Well, after all the money you are making, you should have a new one aside from Eduardo right?". Liam asked.

"You know about me?" Drake asked marvellously.

Liam once again laughed "Oh, who doesn't in this neighbourhood? You had once been the major topic for the few gossips for about almost a year before. Everyone was talking about your achievements and I felt really proud of you." Liam said and Drake gave a small smile.

"Anyway, come let's sit here and talk. You don't have to be standing the whole day." Liam said with enthusiasm. Drake smiled and followed him as they sat on a wooden dusty bench. He didn't care if his dress got dirty as he was familiar with this way of life.

"So tell me, how is life?" Liam asked. The smile on Drake's face began to fade away. How could he tell him everything was well with him when the truth is it was not. Liam has known him for long, he could be different between a happy and a nervous Drake.

"Good." Dracardo lied as tears began to form in his eyes again which did not go unnoticed by Liam. Liam sighed and shook his head. The old man looked down at his hands. Some moments later, he looked back at Drake.

Sighing, he said "You know in life there are ups and downs. Your downs might be many, but that only confirms that the ups coming your way will be uncountable. Drake I held you when you were a child, many times. I used to buy the milk in which was fed to you. So you are like my soul, and if my soul is not happy, I can feel it. So son, tell me what's bothering you?" Liam said.

Drake shrugged his shoulders in defeat, nodded his head and said "My ex- girlfriend gave birth to our son today"

"Oh my God, congratulations." Liam exclaimed as he got up and enveloped Drake in a tight hug. But Drake flinched under his embrace and he pulled away looking into his eyes. He saw tears in them but couldn't understand why.

"Drake...Something is wrong right?". Liam asked with concern.

"Her father....her father won't allow me...to see him."he said as he burst into tears "When will my suffering ever end Liam? When will I also be happy in this life that I am living? Why does the innocent have to suffer while the wicked enjoys it? Nothing that ever comes into my life goes back beautified. Anything that comes into my life turns into a negative because that is what my life is full of. What they said was true Liam, I really am cursed. Even my own mother died after giving birth to me. Why don't I just die Liam? Why don't I also just leave this world to stop inflicting pain in others lives. Why Liam, why?" he asked as he sobbed bitterly in Liam's arms.