

wake up!! its time. we have to go to a party, remember? we cant reach there if we start late. wake up!! wake up ceaser. now! I will throw in the pool if you do not sit straight young lady!, Zaya yelled at me. yesterday was a long day. I went straight to bed after the bonfire. I was also drunk. I mean, is there any possibility to wake up early after experiencing that kind of day? Man, I don't know if you can. My friend Zaya can. I don't know what cults she has been in. Anyway, let me tell you what am I going to do today: I will take a hot shower, I will wear my cute red dress, I will have makeup done, and I'm gonna go to a kickass paaaarteeyyy and honey, I will slay. And oops!! forgot to tell you something. I'm gonna take you with me too.

After going to the bonfire party last night, I realized how much I missed my life. I mean, honestly, my autopilot mode was on until then. I realized how fun high school can be. You can't deny me when it comes to pranking and school-night parties. Anyways back to the present. so, joey invited us to a party at his house, as his parents are on a business trip. as I have told you about my plan before, I want you to catch up with me.

after having a refreshing bath, I put on my gorgeous red dress, although, it was a bit shorter than I imagined. no issues! once you become the most popular girl in the class let alone a school, no matter what you do or what you wear, doesn't matter how ugly you are that day, it will always be a chic look. so, I got my makeup done with my new kylie 24k gold pallet. it was aww-more. okay, in your words, it is spelt as awesome. so I was on the stairs walking down. my mom gave me a death stare after seeing me in that dress. and yeah of course. she yelled t me. I yelled at her. we argued, I mean, I wore a short dress. for a party! so what? I'm in high school. I'm old enough to decide what to wear right? I got a good score in my semesters I'm a good student. what else does a parent want from their child? I don't care. she always treats me this way. okay, that's enough. let's get going. Zaya came to pick me up from school. I was going down. I yelled at my little sister Izzy cuz she touches my things. people think I always yell at her. nobody touches nobody's things. period.

I went to school and I got compliments for sure. we took some selfies. we did some tiktoks in a lunch break. as we were eating our lunch, Lilly pointed out the dumb girl, ugg she was ugly. I wanted to ask whether she ever combed he hair. no one talks to her. she sits alone. where ever she is. she is believed to be a stroke of bad luck in our class.