
Picking up Girls With My System

[Mature Content] [NO NTR] Arthur got randomly transported to another world. Some people would find that terrifying, but not for him, who was tired of his old life; it was an opportunity. And, after having bad luck all his life, the tide changed. It was a world of magic where wizards fought side-by-side with their familiars. Arthur got summoned to be one of these so-called familiars. He was furious. The thought of becoming a pet was not something he liked. Well, that changed when he saw who his master was. A hot-woman. And, to make everything better, Arthur was inside the Frostpeak Magic Academy, which only had women students. "This is heaven. All familiars are beasts, but I'm different. I'm a good-looking man inside a place filled with hot girls." When he thought his luck could not get better, he unlocked a system that helped him with everything. Of course, he used the system for a greater good, like getting girls. ~~~~~~ The early chapters are not that great. It was my first time writing, also in a different language, but it does get better along the way, so if you endure the start, you will be golden! ~~~~~~ Discord link : https://discord.gg/KWXp7BMq9t ~~~~~~ Yes, he will have a wife harem. Yes, he gets lots of abilities, and a bloodline. Yes, the plot is awesome. Yes, the quality of chapters improved as I became a better writer.

Ryongul · Fantasy
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473 Chs

Vice-Captain Position, and Another Secret Meeting

The number of vampires in the training area was astonishing. Arthur was among the low-ranked soldiers, and their number kept increasing as the night went on, and it was evident that the Von Stein family was increasing the size of its army to conquer the demon continent.

All the low-ranked soldiers ranged from the first to the fourth circle, while Arthur was already at the fifth circle, meaning the upcoming training would be a stroll in the park for him.

"Listen, everyone! We will start with a circuit. Remember, a strong body makes us vampires different from the rest, which can give us many advantages when fighting mages!" the captain said.