"Tao Long. I trust everything is in order?"
On the other side of the phone, Tao Long stood in front of a tied-up and gagged Dori Ren with a frown.
[Yes, boss. Everything is in order. This girl was a bit of trouble when she woke up but we managed to knock her out for the second time. What do you want us to do with her boss?]
Hans first thought was 'Throw her down a cliff.'
Ah, no. Han didn't need to go that far yet. He calmed down and decided he wouldn't just kill Dori. He might be angry at her father but it would be too cruel, even for him. It was his quick thinking that made him call Tao Long back to City C before Hou Ren could start implementing his plan. Han knew that Dori Ren was the only child Hou Ren really cared about, that was why he took her instead of Fen Ren. If he took Fen Ren, Hou Ren would probably allow him to kill the man and then claim it was a 'necessary sacrifice'.