
Picking up Attributes in Bleach

Homura Katsuki crossed over to the world of Bleach and became an ordinary resident of Karakura Town. However, he had to face the threat of Hollows every day. Fortunately, he possessed an Attributes Picking system. Not only could he pick up attributes dropped by others, but he could also develop various skills. "Ding, you picked up a Reiatsu attribute, Reiatsu +1!" "Ding, you picked up a Shunpo attribute, Shunpo +2!" "Ding, you picked up a Hado attribute, Hado +3!" "Ding, you picked up Hado #90, Kurohitsugi!" Katsuki kept picking up attributes until one day, he picked up "Ryūjin Jakka"!

TheDark_Lord · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 7: Aizen Sosuke

Night had fallen over the entire Seireitei, casting the ancient city in a brilliant light.

Soft moonlight bathed the land, bestowing a gentle, ethereal glow upon everything it touched.

Within the labyrinthine corridors of the 5th Division's barracks, a tall figure strode with an air of casual confidence.

His short, pale purple hair danced in the evening breeze. This enigmatic man had slender, mysterious eyes and a mischievous, fox-like smile that seemed to cloak him in an aura of intrigue.

He wore the standard black Shinigami uniform adorned with a white haori, upon which was emblazoned the number three.

His identity was no secret.

He was none other than Ichimaru Gin, the Captain of the 3rd Division.

From a young age, Gin had displayed extraordinary talents, graduating from the Shin'o Academy in a mere year. His prodigious abilities had earned him the reputation of a once-in-a-century child prodigy, catapulting him to fame within the Soul Society at a remarkably young age.

Following his graduation from the academy, Gin had joined the Gotei 13 and, in a hidden and shocking twist, had assassinated the third seat of the 5th Division, thus becoming the youngest seated officer in the history of the Gotei 13.

He moved through the world like a snake, his demeanor cold and devoid of emotion. When he found suitable prey, he would reveal his menacing fangs, leaving nothing but bones in his wake.

"Ah, it seems I'm running a bit late," he remarked with his distinct Kyoto accent, gazing up at the night sky. His narrow eyes blinked, and a sly smile played on his lips, intensifying the sense of mystery that surrounded him.

While Gin wore a perpetual smile and held the position of the 3rd Division Captain, he remained an enigmatic figure within the Gotei 13. Even during his time at the Shin'o Academy, he had appeared as an inscrutable puzzle to outsiders.

Gin didn't actively seek out personal connections and maintained a consistent distance from those beyond his immediate circle. It seemed nearly impossible for anyone to penetrate the enigma of his true emotions.


Another man, one who also wore a warm smile, possessed a unique charisma that drew Gin toward him willingly.

Sosuke Aizen.

As the Captain of the 5th Division, Aizen projected an image of kindness and benevolence. If there were a popularity poll within the Gotei 13, Aizen would undoubtedly be the most favored figure, his reputation for goodwill having spread throughout the entire Soul Society.

One was gentle and approachable, while the other remained a solitary enigma.

Aizen and Gin were often the subject of discussion among Division members.

"Captain Ichimaru..."

As Gin strolled, 5th Division members continually crossed his path, greeting him respectfully.

"Is Captain Aizen still awake?" Gin continued to wear his amicable smile.

"The lights are still on in the office. Captain Aizen must be diligently attending to Division matters. He truly devotes himself to the Division," one member remarked sincerely.

"If everyone were as benevolent and hard-working as Captain Aizen, the Soul Society would never face turmoil," another member added, their words brimming with admiration.

"Well, I agree," Gin's smile deepened. "Captain Aizen is kind and gentle, approachable despite his rank. His only flaw is perhaps being too lenient; I believe a stricter approach would prevent Division members from making mistakes."

"Captain Ichimaru is absolutely right," the Division members nodded respectfully.

"Well, let's continue our conversation when we have the chance. It's getting late," Gin waved his hand and departed with an air of nonchalance.

He soon arrived at the Captain's office.


Knock, knock, knock.

Gin casually knocked the office door.

"Gin, come in!"

Aizen's voice flowed like a warm breeze, invoking an involuntary sense of goodwill, as if it possessed the power to effortlessly soothe emotions and bridge the gap between individuals.

"Captain Aizen must have been waiting for a while," Gin smiled as he pushed open the door.


The jarring sound disrupted the tranquility.

The moment Gin entered the room, his gaze locked onto the figure seated behind the wooden desk.

Draped in the customary black Shinigami uniform and adorned with a white captain's haori, the man's thick, dark-brown bangs hung over his forehead. The black-framed glasses perched upon his nose added an intellectual touch.

The most beloved captain within the Gotei 13.

Sosuke Aizen!

"Captain Aizen, you're still tending to Division matters at this late hour. Your dedication is truly commendable," Gin's face bore a fox-like smile, and anyone could discern the insincerity in his words.

"Gin, please refrain from such remarks. As captains of the Gotei 13, it is our duty to serve our Division diligently," Aizen placed the paperwork aside and raised his gaze to meet Gin's, a gentle smile gracing his lips.

"Captain Aizen is absolutely correct. As captains, it is our responsibility to prioritize the welfare of the Gotei 13. In that case, I should return to compose a self-reflection," Gin ran his fingers through the locks of hair on either side of his face, wearing an apathetic expression that indicated he was merely playing a role.

"Gin, your comprehension of this matter is exemplary. The Captain-Commander will surely be pleased," Aizen commended.

"Captain Aizen, your words remain as sharp as ever," Gin teasingly remarked. "You summoned me to the 5th Division barracks and are now espousing such righteous sentiments. Is it not a tad predictable?"

"Gin, your impatience is quite apparent," Aizen's smile gradually receded, replaced by an icy indifference.

"How is progress proceeding with the Hollowfication experiments?" If anyone else were present, they would undoubtedly be taken aback. This cold demeanor sharply contrasted with Aizen's customary warmth!

"Ah, Captain Aizen, there's a touch of regret," even though Gin had delivered unfavorable news, his smile remained unaltered. "While we successfully infused a Shinigami's soul into a Hollow's body, the outcome of forced fusion is inherently unstable. In the heat of battle, self-destruction is an inevitable consequence."

"I see, that is indeed regrettable."

Aizen stood from his chair, and beneath his heavy black glasses, his gaze remained unyielding, as if impervious to external influences.

Despite Gin's delivery of unfavorable tidings, Aizen exhibited no signs of concern.

As though he had complete control over every thing!

"Accelerate the experiment's progress further. Now that we've narrowed down Kisuke Urahara's and the others' hiding place, we can utilize the Hollowfication test subjects to lure them out!" When Aizen referred to Kisuke Urahara, his tone took on a weightier note, and there was a trace of deadly intent in his words.

"Captain Aizen, this may sound straightforward, but execution is no simple matter," Gin shook his head, harboring reservations about this plan. "The security of the Living World falls under the purview of the 10th Division, and with Rangiku Matsumoto's meticulous approach, it won't be easy to dispatch the test subjects to the Living World. Furthermore, the self-destruction of the previous test subject has already attracted the attention of the Research and Development Institute."

"Gin, you overestimate Mayuri Kurotsuchi," when referring to the mad scientist, Aizen's words oozed with disdain. "He's solely interested in the scientific experiments of the Research and Development Institute and couldn't care less about matters in the Living World."

"I see, in that case, we have nothing to worry about."

Gin's sapphire eyes became visible through his slightly narrowed eyelids, as if he had transformed into a predatory snake, patiently awaiting the optimal moment to strike.

"Let's expedite the next phase of the experiment and utilize the Hollowfication test subjects to draw out Kisuke Urahara and the others," Aizen instructed, his voice devoid of emotion.

"Captain Aizen, it seems you've meticulously planned every detail!" Gin chuckled lightly.

"Gin, exercise a bit more patience."

Aizen's gaze pierced through the window, fixated on the pitch-black night sky. "They won't remain hidden for long, especially with a group of failed Hollowfication subjects."

The curve of Aizen's lips exuded confidence, as if he held the fate of the Visoreds firmly within his grasp.

"Everything is within our control!"