
Pick your Poison!

After discovering her fiancé's infidelity with her own sister, Siyoon faced a tragic demise at their hands, only to awaken 12 years in the past. To her surprise, she finds herself accompanied by Choijoon Yoo, her former love and the man she despised the most. United by a shared desire for vengeance against his family's treachery, the former bully and bullied form an unexpected alliance – a pact of "friends with benefits" bound by the pursuit of revenge.

breadcrumbss · Urban
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

After murmuring curses under my breath, I sunk into the office chair, pulled my laptop open and allowed my fingers to run across the keyboard. As the rhythmic clatter of my keyboard echoed throughout the room, I took a sip of coffee between my work to alleviate my exhaustion. 

From an outside perspective, I looked like a shining, shimmering, splendid corporate employee who worked in one of the legendary consulting companies in Korea. For the past decade, there were four corporations ruling over Korea's consulting industry: Kinglite, MpC, MJ, and JWTG. People dubbed them as Four Kings. Obviously, breaking into Four Kings firm was harder than finding a needle in the haystack. However, I was very fortunate to be here. 

Or not. 

I glared at the unfinished report. The blank slate stared back at me. It was a four person job, but somehow I found myself to be the only one who was doing this. I assumed the others were busy with other projects or called in sick. 

In the midst of my rumination, suddenly a soothing voice called out to my name.

"Siyoon, you are still here?"

My heart skipped a beat. Faint blush bloomed on my pale cheeks. I looked up and beamed at my caller. "Of course Hyuk-Oppa, I'm waiting for you!"

Oppa Joonhyuk fixed his glasses and touched the back of his neck, a small habit he did when he was embarrassed. He giggled. "Keep it down Siyoon. You're too sweet for your own good. Remember to keep it professional in the office?"

Joonhyuk was my fiance and my manager in this department. Experienced in the consulting industry for nearly ten years, Joonhyuk was hired as a manager for the Advisory department at a very young age. 

When I started out as an intern, Joonhyuk patiently guided me through all the consulting shenanigans without judgment. His friendly demeanor and patience made him a role model in the firm. I remembered that a week before my interview to be a full timer, Joonhyuk bought me a Buchae from Jeju Island. He told me that this would bring me a good luck charm and ace the interview. 

Also, he touched the back of his neck and stuttered. "Being around you is like a gentle breeze on a hot day, instantly calming and soothing. It's as if your warmth alone replaces the need for a fan. Would you consider being my personal, everlasting cool breeze that brings comfort to my life?"

If you were familiar with the 'huh' cat meme, it was definitely the face I made that day after his sweet words. Looking at my confused expression, he quickly sauntered away and said "Good luck for the interview!" before he disappeared into the meeting room. 

Safe to say, I passed the interview. I became a full-time staff member at MpC. For someone who had the intelligence of a peanut, this was nothing short of a miracle. A few months after my acceptance, Joonhyuk asked me out and we had been dating ever since. We had been together for nearly five years now. He had always been the shy, warm and caring Oppa I know. There was nothing more that I could ever ask for.

Back to the present, I laughed at Oppa's shy demeanor. He only flashed me a shy grin. "You have been working hard, Siyoon. What about we grab dinner after this? My meeting is ending soon."

My eyes lit up. It had been awhile since we had dinner together! Peak season in consulting firms was indeed the ultimate cockblocker. "I want to eat meat, Oppa! What if we go to that Yakiniku place near the station?"

Joonhyuk nodded. "Sure! Oh by the way, is it okay if Minji is coming along with us? I heard her meeting is finishing soon."

The light on my eyes faded a bit. Guiltily so. The heavy uncomfortable feeling of being upset at my sister's presence was suffocating. I never hated my sister, but it had been awhile since Oppa and I spent time together. However, I decided that there would always be another day.

I nodded. "Sure Oppa. I don't m–"

"I heard my name being mentioned! Care to invite me in?" a cheerful voice laced with honey entered our space.

With a confident stride, Minji walked to our direction. Pink blazer hung gracefully on her bony shoulders. Her white high heels, clicking and clacking demanding attention, decorated her elongated legs. Her wavy and light brown hair was like the reflection of sunset in the evening. When her eyes landed on me, they twinkled in delight.

"Eonni! You're still in the office at this hour! I can't believe it! You're so hardowrking!"

It felt weird seeing Minji so cheerful around me. Usually when she was with me, she was more reserved and distant. I would like to assume something great happened in her meeting. With no hesitation, I voiced my thoughts. "Did something great happen today Minji? You seemed to be in high spirits!

Minji grinned toothily. "I'm just happy to see Eonni in the office at this hour! It's very unusual! Usually, I will always go back home later because of meeting this and that ...."

Joonhyuk replied. "I agree with Minji. You are so hardworking today, Siyoon! Seeing you in the office definitely makes my day less heated."

Before I replied, Minji cut in. She gushed happily. "Awwww! I heard that's your pickup line when you're asking my sister out, right? Referring her as a Bunchae, the cool breeze in my life. That's so sweet!"

Joonhyuk sheepishly grinned. "That's enough, Minji. I should have said better lines!"

Before anyone could say anything, I interjected in a joking tone. "Why do you guys act as if this is the first day I worked hard? And Oppa, aren't you in the middle of the meeting?"

"Right." Joonhyuk said. "Wait before I go! So for dinner, we plan to visit the Yakiniku near the station. But…what about we go to the tteokbokki near the traffic area? I heard they are having a last minute promotion today!"

Tteokbokki? What about my Samgyeopsal?!

I was about to disapprove of Oppa's suggestion until Minji cut in. "Hang Dong Tteokbokki near the office? I still have the voucher coupons. I think they will expire soon. We can use it today then."

"I see." Joonhyuk nodded and casted a solemn look at me. "But hey, don't you want to eat meat, Siyoon? We can just skip the promotion, you know."

The fact that Oppa and Minji knew about the last minute promotion and was very excited about it made me feel guilty of turning them down. Part of me felt sour because it seemed like these two knew something I didn't. I felt kinda left out in a way. Without thinking much, I shrugged. "It's okay, we can go for the tteokbokki. We can have Yakiniku next time."

"Oh you're the best sis!" Minji cheered.

"You're so kind Siyoon!" Joonhyuk's face went instantly bright. "We will go there together next time. I will treat you to all the beef shanks you want next time, just you and me!"

With that, Joonhyuk disappeared into the meeting room. Minji and I were left alone together. I resumed work while Minji played with her cellphone. There was nothing but the sound of my keyboard and Minji's cell phone notifications in the room. 

"Eonnie, Oppa Joonhyuk is very nice, isn't he?"

I was taken aback by her question. Minji very rarely asked me questions - it was always the other way around. When we're together, Minji didn't talk much, but she wasn't rude either. Unlike other typical sisters in our age, we weren't the type to gush around together. We mostly minded our own business, so when Minji suddenly brought this up, I simply froze in front of my laptop.

"Yeah." I answered curtly. "He is."

I was still upset that Oppa wanted to eat tteokbokki instead of yakiniku. The indignation in my tone was very imminent, but Minji resumed talking. "Hang Dong tteokbokki is very delicious, Eonnie! It's a classic office dinner choice! If you never try it, you're missing out!"

I didn't recall anyone in the office ever picking Hang Dong tteokbokki as their classic 'dinner choice' but I'm too tired to argue. "All right, as you wish."

On that day, I thought that Minji and Jeunhyuk knowing about the Hang Dong tteokbokki together was a coincidence. I assumed they went with separate groups or went together after office meetings with the rest of the team. Little did I know that was one of the hints that something wasn't right.



Three of us clanked the beer glass before gulping down in one blow.

I had always preferred soju with a little hint of lemon, but my two companions insisted the beer here was great. To me, they were nothing but cheap beer. However, for their sake, I kept a huge smile on my face.

"So guys, how are your jobs lately?" I asked, trying to keep the mood casual.

Minji sighed and crossed her arms. "I'm so tired! My hands are full with Project Hardy! What about you, sis?"

In our company, we communicated our client work among employees with codenames to cover our client's identity. Keeping our client's information confidential was mandatory.

"I'm at the end of Project Lumiouse. I only have the final report left though."

Three of us were talking about work until my phone rang. I looked at the number and my heart sank. It was Mr Ahyoung, my manager in charge. Also, the least favorite person in the department. 

I excused myself for a while and took the call. "G-good evening sir. Is this about work?"

Ahyoung's voice was as petulant as ever. "Where are you now Minji? Don't you remember you have a final report to submit?"

I sighed. "Forgive me sir, but I already took overtime for the entire week already. I plan to resume my work in the weekend -"

"The report needs to be submitted tonight. No excuses." Ahyoung chided. "What are you doing now by the way? Are you with Joonhyuk and Minji?"

I said. "Yeah. Do you need anything from them?"

Ahyoung was silent for a while before he continued. "Just stop slacking off and go home. Submit your report tonight or I will cut your pay."

"Are you serious?!" I hollered. "The client said we have time until –"

"Who's the boss here?" Ahyoung's voice went cold. "I know Joon Hyuk is the lead manager, but I'm your coach in charge. Just do your work already and I will expect an email from you tonight."

Then the call ended.

I sharply took a breath and huffed. From the beginning of my employment here, Ahyoung had always been a pain in the butt. I got back to the table to announce my departure. Such a shame I couldn't try the steaming tteokbokki that was already on the table.

Then, I walked into Minji feeding Joonhyuk a tteokbokki.

Despite my presence, those two were giggling as if there was no problem. I knew Minji and Joon Hyuk were friends prior to my employment in the office, but now that we were engaged, can these two show me some respect?

To my foolishness, I remained silent. I simply excused myself and left them. 

Seeing my slightly upset expression, Joon Hyuk turned to me. "Hey Siyoon, text me when you reach home okay!"

I waved my hand in acknowledgement, but it was pretty evident that my presence wasn't welcomed there. I thought that was because of me feeling emotional today due to my workload. However, it seemed like…..

Something was terribly wrong. Especially related to Minji and Joonhyuk. I kept denying it because I didn't want to point fingers at my cherished ones (yes, Minji included - we're sisters after all).

If only I took action sooner, I could have avoided the next tragedy to come.

This was just the beginning of the end.