
Pick up a killer as a wife

On a dark and windy night, he picked up a beautiful, charming, sexy and coquettish beauty, so he lived a completely different life through his girlfriend's counter attack on life

lucking_grass1 · Urban
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20 Chs

something big happened

"But I can tell you that now there are two awesome cars in Liaocheng, and the people in the car are looking for you. I just met them in the street." Li Tian suddenly remembered the two cars he had just met and said.After Li Tian suddenly said this, the woman's eyes suddenly became murderous."What are you talking about?""They came so soon?" A word came out strangely from the mysterious woman's mouth.When Litian heard her say this, he thought for a while and said, "do you know them?""Of course." Her voice was full of murderous intent."Is it your friend?" Li Tian asked again.The mysterious woman suddenly turned her face and looked at Li Tian: "what do you care?""You'd better get away from me now, or you'll die." The woman said suddenly.Hearing this woman say so, Li naive was angry and angry. He didn't expect this woman to be so unkind? Curse yourself to death again and again? As if she didn't die and she wasn't happy, shit.He knew there was something else in what women said."Well, since you don't want me to take care of you, this is my room. From last night to now, it's my own bad luck. It's my own love to find trouble. Now you're awake. Should you leave my room?" Li Tian said coldly.When the woman heard Li Tian's expulsion order, she suddenly looked cold and said, "do you think Miss Ben likes living in a broken house like you?"As she said that, she really walked down from the bed and covered her wound step by step towards the outside of the small iron door. It seemed that she really wanted to leave the room in front of her.Just as she was about to reach the door of the room, the woman who had just been cold and gorgeous suddenly fell on the ground with her legs soft.

Li Tian stood aside, watched her fall down and said, "install it, continue to install it?"Li Tian, who stayed for a while, found that the cold and gorgeous woman didn't respond at all. He immediately wondered. His heart quickly turned and said: is it really dizzy?With such a thought, Li Tian hurried to help the woman up.

"Hey, hey, are you okay?" Li Tian looked at her worried way and said.But the cold and gorgeous woman did not respond at all. Her eyes were tightly closed and her face was very pale.Li Tian looked at her wound, but saw that the purple and black color had extended to her body more and more, and the surroundings began to become swollen."What should I do?" Li Tian said sadly.But he finally slowly put the woman on his bed and continued to apply medicine to her."Beat someone, kill someone..."A cry spread in Liaocheng in an instant. Liaocheng was very small. The cry just now spread to almost every corner of the small city.Some people who like to watch the excitement can't help but go out of the house and look at the place where the sound comes from and watch the excitement.Some people ran directly to the accident site.Even Li Tian is no exception. Did you fight in the street? There's a good play.Thinking so, Li Tian hurried out to see who was fighting. There are often three kinds of fights in Liaocheng, one is the fight between his wife and her husband, one is the fight between his mother-in-law and his daughter-in-law, and the other is the fight between neighbors.Every kind of fighting is colorful, so Li Tian wants to go out and see what's going on and who's fighting?When he ran out, there were many people standing outside."Aunt Wang, are you fighting?" Just listen to Li Tian asking a woman in her 30s.The woman called Aunt Wang pointed to the front and said, "front."After hearing this, Li Tian went to watch the excitement. When he came here, he suddenly found that the scene of today's fight was far from the fight of neighbors, let alone the fight between the mother-in-law and her daughter-in-law, but that someone really beat someone in broad daylight.It was a man in a black suit. There were two cars parked next to him, one Land Rover and the other Audi.

When seeing these people, Li Tian was a little stunned. It was them.What about the one who was beaten? It turned out to be Li Tian's original restaurant owner, the dead fat man?It turned out that the gang of guys with unknown origins went to fat Wang Qiang's shop to ask for clues about a woman, but Wang Qiang offended these people with unknown origins. Isn't that right? At the moment, he was beaten on the ground and screamed.The man in the black suit kicked and beat, and the fat Wang Qiang fell to the ground with a black nose and face, without any strength to fight back.None of the neighbors standing around dares to say a word, because everyone can see that these unknown people who suddenly came to Liaocheng are definitely not easy to mess with.Li Tian also stood there, afraid to come forward.He knew in his heart that these unknown people came to look for the woman lying in his room, but he could not say that Li Tian was not stupid. He could hear from the woman's words that the people looking for her in front of him were by no means her friends."Forget it..."Suddenly, a sharp voice came out of the car. Then the door slowly opened and came down from the car. A man who was slightly short but had a pair of poisonous snake cold eyes.The man was pale, injured and wearing a strange poisonous snake ring.This person is the owl poison. After the owl poison came down, a burly man came down from the other side of the car. He was more than 190 cm tall. He had red hair and developed strong muscles, which tightened his clothes.Such a person looks at it and gives people a feeling of oppression. When he comes out, the neighbors around him can't help but step back.