
Pick up a killer as a wife

On a dark and windy night, he picked up a beautiful, charming, sexy and coquettish beauty, so he lived a completely different life through his girlfriend's counter attack on life

lucking_grass1 · Urban
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20 Chs

mysterious woman sober

But he just took a casual look, and then walked in the direction of the hotel.After coming over, Li Tian suddenly felt something wrong."How can such a luxury car suddenly appear in Liaocheng?""And after he suddenly picked up a mysterious woman, the woman's appearance is definitely rich. Is there any connection between them?"After thinking carefully, Li Tian turned his head and looked at the two cars again.I saw that the two cars had stopped at the door of a small shop.Out of the car, a few tall men in black suits walked towards the small shop."Hey, have you ever seen a wounded woman in her 20s, dressed in a black leather coat, very beautiful and cold?"Four men in black suits walking down from the Audi asked a 30-year-old woman holding a baby in the store with cold faces.The child in the arms of a woman in her 30s did not know that she was frightened by the dangerous smell brought by four men in black suits, nor did she know that she was crying in that shrill voice for other reasons.While coaxing the child in her arms, the woman said to four men in black suits in non-standard Mandarin, "why is the voice so loud? It really scares my child.""Ask you something." Another man in a black suit next to him roared when he heard the woman talking nonsense.The woman was suddenly afraid, and the child in her arms began to cry."No, No." The woman hurriedly said, holding the child in her arms back as if she were impatient.The four men in black suits standing there suddenly turned cold.One of them took a sudden step forward and clenched his fist as if he were going to hit the woman, which made the woman pale and hide behind. The child in his arms cried out loudly."How many brothers are you?"Suddenly a voice came.Four men in black suits turned around and saw a guy looking at them with a smiling face.Isn't this Li Tian? It turned out that Li Tian heard the child crying with fear here and hurried over."Who are you?" A tall and thin man in a suit suddenly gave Li Tian a cold look.Li Tian said with a smile, "I'm from this small city. What's the matter? You guys look like you've just come to Liaocheng. If you need any help, just say it."

Li Tianyi looked like a good man and said there.The tall and thin man asked, "have you ever seen an injured woman in her 20s? She's covered in black leather and looks very beautiful."After the tall and thin man asked coldly, Li Tianxin was stunned and obedient. It turned out that this group of strangers driving luxury cars really had something to do with the woman he picked up.Originally, Li Tian wanted to say he had seen him, but he suddenly felt that the men in black suits opposite him looked ferocious, as if they were not good people.In addition, the relationship between the woman lying in her home and these people has not been clarified yet? It's ok if it's a friend of the mysterious woman at home, but if it's an enemy, it's bad. Don't forget that the woman is still badly hurt.Li Tian, who was thinking about how to answer, only heard the thin man suddenly say coldly, "have you seen it?"Li Tian hurriedly said, "no, No.""But don't worry, elder brothers. If I see you then, I will inform you at the first time." Li Tian said with a smile.Hearing Li Tian's words, the tall and thin man didn't even look at Li Tian again. He suddenly turned his head and walked towards the Land Rover Landrover Freelander 2 parked next to him.The window of the car slowly shook down, and a fierce man with red hair and two eyes like a calf appeared in Li Tian's line of sight.The ferocious face made Li Tian feel a sense of fear.In addition to seeing such characters on TV, Li Tian was the first time he met.The tall and thin man in suit lowered his ears and said a few words to the red haired man. The red haired man nodded slightly and the car window closed again.The other four men in suits just glanced at Li Tian slightly, then got into the car and drove away.Looking at the two far away cars, Li Tian wondered: what are the origins of these people and what is their relationship with the woman lying in his house? No, I have to save the woman quickly and ask him well.When Li Tian went to the hotel to ask for more than half a month's salary, the woman in the room suddenly opened her eyes.Maybe it's because Li Tian's medicine has a good effect, or because the woman has good physical strength, but now you can see that the mysterious woman is really awake.When she opened her eyes, her hands instinctively clenched tightly, and her eyes as bright as autumn water looked around vigilantly.At the same time, he walked down from the bed with difficulty.After cold eyes swept the room in front of them, the mysterious woman could immediately judge who lived here?Looking at the dirty little room, the woman frowned slightly."How could I be in such a place?" The woman muttered to herself.Then I hurried to see her wound. Unexpectedly, the wound was bandaged and covered with medicine. There were several bottles of antibiotics on the table next to her.When seeing these situations, the woman covered her wound and slowly stood up. Her eyes looked out through the muddy small window and didn't speak.