
Pick me up

In the world of a mobile gacha game, 'Loki', who was in earth till just now is this mobile game for some unknown reason, He who was once a top-ranked Master, awakens to find himself reincarnated as a lowly Level 1 hero named 'Han Yslat'. Now determined to return to Earth, he must lead a team of novice Masters and heroes through the game's toughest challenges, including conquering the dreaded 100th floor of the Dungeon. Armed with grit, wit, and a refusal to accept defeat, Loki embarks on an epic journey of hard-carrying heroism in Pick Me Up Webtoon.

Jigsaw404 · Fantasy
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210 Chs

Chapter 8: Step-by-Step Guide (5)

Oh, you're not attending?

Why would I attend? I would perish.

It's not death. It's fusion!

It's all the same!

Iselle's cute eyes crinkled. Every time her wings fluttered, glittering dust scattered.

She thought for a moment, then clapped her hands as if recalling something.

If we fuse, you can go back to your original world! Let's see, Han Israt, where you used to reside.

A register appeared beside Iselle. Iselle searched through it and paused at a specific location.

To Townia, where you used to live!


Townia's Heim Peninsula! Your birthplace!

It was an unfamiliar place to me.

I was surprised and replied, My birthplace is Gangseo-gu in Seoul.

Seoul? Gangseo-gu? Such names

The expression on Iselle's face, as she switched between the register and me, hardened.

Well, well? Hold on? Who are you? Why don't you resemble your picture? Han Israt doesn't look like this.

Han Israt, who is that, and where is Townia? I'm Han Seojin, born in Gangseo-gu, Seoul. I don't know who you are, but let's just send me back home while I'm still asking politely, shall we?

Wait, you came from Earth?

I came from Earth. Did you think I came from Mars?

Cold sweat formed on Iselle's forehead.

Iselle searched through the register, her eyes moving rapidly up and down.

How can someone from a higher dimension?

Iselle muttered, pointing to the window at the top of the room.

Can you see that too?

[Now Loading]

I can see it.

Augh, ah! How do I deal with this?! I'm going crazy! I'm going crazy!

Iselle shook her head vigorously. Her braided black hair spun like a windmill.

[Just go in! Go in!]

I don't want to! Why should I? You go in.

[Go in!]

Iselle grabbed my wrist and pushed me forward.

I felt my body rise as if floating and flew into the synthesis chamber.


The door closed behind me.

I tried to open the locked door by kicking and using all my strength, but it didn't budge.

Hey, let me out, you brat! I won't stay here! I'll fight you!

That little fairy was surprisingly strong!

I don't stand a chance.

Quiet down, you're being too loud.

Shay, leaning against the wall, said. There was a complex magic circle on the floor where I stood.

A sudden thought crossed my mind, and I asked, Where are you from?

Me? I'm from Arantia.

Arantia? Which region is that? The USA? Canada?

USA? Canada? What are you talking about? If you're from the Empire, don't you know the Asinis, one of the Four Great Families?

What nonsense is this?

It would be easier to talk to a foreigner than this person.

Wait, what was I just saying?

I closed my mouth tightly. The language I spoke was unfamiliar. It wasn't Korean, English, or Japanese.

It was a language I didn't recognize.

Could something like this really happen?

In a state of disbelief, I asked the crucial question. Once again, unfamiliar words came out of my mouth. It felt like my brain was blocking the words I wanted to say.

Are you from Townia?

Yes, I am.

Not from Earth?

I'm not sure about that.

So, this magician is from Arantia, a part of Townia.

Everything turned completely dark. This exceeded even my wildest dreams.

And most importantly, the nightmare's climax awaited.

[Master, synthesis is commencing.]

Drag and drop the hero you wish to synthesize onto the hero you want to sacrifice. You will gain experience points. The sacrificed hero will vanish.

[Tips: Marking heroes as favorites can prevent synthesis errors.]

Can I go back to my original world?

I remembered how the fairy hesitated for a long time when I refused to enter the synthesis chamber. It was all a deception.

Pick Me Up, the final portal that marks the end of the tutorial.

Named Hero Synthesis. Users can achieve a significant power boost by sacrificing heroes here. I experienced it firsthand.

The issue is, I'm a 1-star hero, and this girl is a 4-star hero.


"What are you talking about?" Shay asked.

Status window!

I exclaimed those words in frustration.

A small window materialized in front of me.

[Han Israt () Lv. 2 (Exp 7/20)]

[Class: Novice]

[Strength: 11/11]

[Intelligence: 11/11]

[Health: 11/11]

[Agility: 11/11]

[Skills: None]

The fairy referred to me as Han Israt.

So, these stats likely represent my current situation.

I glanced at Shay, who gazed at me with inquisitive eyes. This time, I murmured softly, almost inaudible, Status window.

[Shay Radasterry () Lv. 2 (Exp 3/20)]

[Class: Knight]

[Strength: 19/19]

[Intelligence: 10/10]

[Health: 18/18]

[Agility: 22/22]

[Skills: Tactical Logic (Lv.1), Intermediate Swordsmanship (Lv.1), Knights Mindset (Lv.1)]

We were both Level 2, but our stats were vastly different. Shay had three skills, including the remarkable Tactical Logic. Meanwhile, I had none.


I said with a shaky voice.


Is this a dream?

It's a dream, but one you can't wake up from.

Shay smiled gently.

[Do you really want to proceed with the synthesis?]

[Yes (Selected) / No]

A bright light emanated from the magic circle on the summoning chamber floor. A strange sensation enveloped me, like being submerged in water.

So, this is how it ends.

If this is truly the world of Pick Me Up, and if the Master controls this game, I would vanish here as a sacrifice to Shay. All for a few experience points.

The light intensified, and I shut my eyes.

Hoping that when I opened them, I would be back in my living room.

Synthesis complete!

Shay () transformed into light and vanished.


I blinked my eyes open.

Shay, standing across from me in the magic circle, was being consumed by light and fading away.

Shay gave a sad smile.

This is the end.

Why are you disappearing?

I wasn't chosen. That's all.

But, hold on, is this even possible? You're a 4-star, and I'm just a 1-star!

I'll pray for you, Han..



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