
Pick me up

In the world of a mobile gacha game, 'Loki', who was in earth till just now is this mobile game for some unknown reason, He who was once a top-ranked Master, awakens to find himself reincarnated as a lowly Level 1 hero named 'Han Yslat'. Now determined to return to Earth, he must lead a team of novice Masters and heroes through the game's toughest challenges, including conquering the dreaded 100th floor of the Dungeon. Armed with grit, wit, and a refusal to accept defeat, Loki embarks on an epic journey of hard-carrying heroism in Pick Me Up Webtoon.

Jigsaw404 · Fantasy
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210 Chs

Chapter 69: Scorched Ambition

We essentially intensified our training, devoting ourselves from morning till late into the night. No one was exempt. We reduced our sleep time, focusing almost all of our available hours on training.

As usual, we engaged in arrow diversion training.

Initially, I used a shield to block the arrows. However, eventually, I discarded the shield and added additional moving scenarios to the training.

Recently, we have reduced our combat sessions. Our primary focus has shifted towards arrow defense training.

If we had emphasized weapon mastery, I might have reached level 6 in low-level swordsmanship much sooner. However, that wasn't the right path. Awakening new skills proved more beneficial for increasing overall power than merely enhancing the level of the acquired skills alone.

In this journey, there is a skill I must acquire, or rather, a skill I have been striving to acquire for a long time.

Arrows fly from above and below, each changing direction.

The moment they are released, my instincts kick in, allowing me to anticipate their trajectory. Naturally, my sword smoothly turns in the direction that avoids the arrows.

[Han () has acquired the Shot Guard skill!]

[Han ()'s Low-level Swordsmanship has reached Lv. 6!]

Shot Guard.

A skill that greatly improves defense against projectile weapons, including arrows. Acquiring this skill was challenging, but I persevered in training and had proactively mastered its techniques. It could be considered a delayed awakening, rather than a new discovery.

Moreover, since shot guard falls under the category of weapon skills, I can simultaneously advance my proficiency in low-level swordsmanship. By combining a few additional skills, I can elevate my modest weapon mastery to an intermediate level.

"Oppa, you're becoming more impressive every day," Jenna murmured with a hint of frustration in her voice.

"No need for praise. Did you practice your weapon switching?"

"Um, you mean like this?"

Jenna shot an arrow at a wooden dummy 10 meters away, smoothly transitioning to her dagger and swiftly striking down a scarecrow positioned near her. The fluidity of her weapon change was akin to the graceful flow of water.

Checking the status screen, I confirmed that the Switching skill had been successfully acquired.

"For a thief who values versatility in various situations, this skill proves especially useful."

"However, it's undeniable that her leveling speed is nowhere near normal."

Despite having an inherent position of 1, she has immense untapped potential.

"If I had been dragged into this world without knowledge of Shot in the Arm, I would have fallen far behind Jenna. At best, I could have reached the level of a typical position 1, like Aaron. Although he has raised his low-level spear mastery to level 3, that is the extent of his progress."

"Aaron has been absent from the training grounds for some time."

"He is systematically secluded in his room, honing his pain tolerance."

"Eolka, on the other hand, is engrossed in magic training at the specialized facility within the Magic Hall."

"My request to her was to reduce the potency while minimizing the use of magical energy. Using rapid and successive spellcasting proves more sustainable than unleashing singular, powerful bursts."

"As for Party 2, led by Edis, they are currently engaged in formation training, occupying the left half of the training grounds."

"No matter where you go, combat is a familiar concept, much like the force of gravity. Under the experienced guidance of Edis and Roderick, Asher and Dica poured sweat."

"And then, in a corner, there were others training lackadaisically."

"Their formations lacked finesse, and their strength was meager. These were the recently promoted rank 1 individuals. Despite stepping up a few times on the lower floors, their skill levels were still low."

"Should we intervene, guys?"

"Fortunately, there were only two of them."

"Anytng seemed impartial in recruiting new heroes."

"She had expended all the gems to create the Magic Hall."

"Anytng seemed to be fully engaged in preparing for the ascent to the tenth floor."

"With the operation of the equipment creation facility, the party's equipment had significantly improved. The tattered E-rank leather armor had been upgraded to D-rank, with the addition of metal plates. Aaron and I also received daggers as secondary weapons."

"Additionally, the two individuals from the training grounds joined me and Edis' party."

"The rank 1 individual who joined our party was named Shurn. Although we tried to include him in formation training, he often struggled to keep up. He couldn't even acquire the fire resistance skill that I had requested."

"If we had more time, I would have forced him to learn it, but judging by Anytng's actions, our departure to the tenth floor was imminent. Focusing on training the core members during that time would be better."

"Ideally, I maintained that they should level up before we set off."

"Coincidentally, it was the weekend when all the weekly dungeons were open, so I visited the mine, but I couldn't find any rare monsters."

"That evening, Aaron also developed pain tolerance."

"The preparations were complete."

"Seated at the desk in my room, analyzing the dungeons from the sixth to the ninth floor, I was interrupted by the fluttering sound of wings."

"It was Iselle."

"What brings you here? Looking for me?"

"[No! I just wanted to check how the preparations are going. So, Loki, how's it going? Have you finished planning for the mission? Can we ever rush through it?]"

"If that were possible, I'd be a god."

"[You certainly are one!]"

"If I were, I would have conquered the 100th floor long ago."

"Master of Bosses."

"The fact remains that I'm among the top players in Shot in the Arm."

"However, even with that status, I haven't managed to fully clear Shot in the Arm. After two years of struggle, I only reached the 88th floor. Countless parties have been wiped out by unpredictable random patterns and ruthless trap designs."

"In Shot in the Arm, masters grow through defeat. And I'm no exception."

"Anytng still remains undefeated."

"If we were to continue on in the current status, the moment he experiences defeat would be my downfall. The more I think about it, the more it pushes me to the edge. To succeed in every mission without a single failure up to the 100th floor—it's a daunting task."

"Anxiety is a luxury I cannot afford."

"Since the odds are against me doesn't mean I'll give up."

"I cleared my mind, erasing any stray thoughts. I must calm my racing thoughts."

"Based on my assessment, tomorrow is the day we move to the tenth floor."

"Yes, tomorrow."

"It will be the second boss stage we experience since arriving here."



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