
Pick me up

In the world of a mobile gacha game, 'Loki', who was in earth till just now is this mobile game for some unknown reason, He who was once a top-ranked Master, awakens to find himself reincarnated as a lowly Level 1 hero named 'Han Yslat'. Now determined to return to Earth, he must lead a team of novice Masters and heroes through the game's toughest challenges, including conquering the dreaded 100th floor of the Dungeon. Armed with grit, wit, and a refusal to accept defeat, Loki embarks on an epic journey of hard-carrying heroism in Pick Me Up Webtoon.

Jigsaw404 · Fantasy
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210 Chs

Chapter 54: Clash of Fates

Inevitably, the Fangwolf Mercenary Corps returned.

"Seems like we just dealt with a bunch of sissies!" Zacken energetically licked the blade of his axe.

No losses.

No signs of shock.

They entered and returned as if it were the most normal thing in the world.

Seeing those people tremble out of fear wasn't surprising either.

They were different from the 1-stars, exuding an aura that made one's spine shiver.

"And who might you be?" A man with visible scars in his eyes looked at me and spoke.

It was Avant.

I replied without much concern, "You don't need to worry about me."

"Hey, who do you think you are, speaking so arrogantly?" Zacken yelled.

"Well, you started with familiarity."

"And who is this woman?"

"No more!"

Avant stepped forward and intervened. "Zacken, who had been glaring, fell silent."

"I'm Avant Dezick, the leader of the Fangwolf Mercenary Corps. And you?"


"Ah, you're armed too. Were you a mercenary?"

"No, I was a farmer."

"A farmer?"

A momentary expression of scorn crossed Avant's eyes before quickly disappearing.

Avant kept speaking, addressing me. "Are the people we met before everyone who lives here?"

"Why do you ask?"

"That will do."

"Wait a moment!" Avant, who was heading towards the dormitory, halted his steps.

Iselle quickly made some noise.

"Wait! The expert still has matters to discuss with you."

"Matters to discuss?"

"Regardless, don't act rashly!"

Jenna leaned up front, murmuring into my ear. "Oppa, earlier you asked about those people, right? I've come to a conclusion. It's not a favorable impression."

"Why is that?"

"Their looks are odd. Although Edis seems kind..."

"I see."

"Ace, you're going to initiate a 10-summon. I'm eager to see which heroes will appear!"

A sudden message appeared before my eyes.

Summoning ten heroes at once, during such a critical time.

Ah, I see now.

No, precisely because it's a critical moment that he has decided to call them.

I tightened my grip on the blade's handle, feeling the chilling sensation clinging to my fingertips.

\[Click, tuturu.\]



\[Ace Anytng obtained\]


\[Ace Anytng obtained\]

The summoning hall doors opened up.

Both Iselle and I, along with every member of the Fangwolf Mercenary Corps, directed our gaze towards that specific spot.

Eventually, ten individuals, all sorts of people, emerged into the square, each with their own unique appearance. They seemed to know nothing about the situation that unfolded before them.

\[Ace, initiating synthesis.\]

\[Fuse the hero you wish to sacrifice onto the hero you want to enhance! The sacrificed hero will disappear.\]

"This stubborn-headed guy, he's doing it again!" Iselle, knowing Anytng's intention, frowned, but resisting an order was not feasible. Iselle raised her voice, giving her orders.

"Zacken, Dimaan, Lexigle! Head to the fusion altar!"

"Who are you? How do you know my name? What are you—"

"The expert told you to go in! Quiet down and get inside! Dimaan, Lexigle! Which one of you is it? Hurry up and come out!"

Zacken appeared, snapping his wrist joint with a decisive crack.

Jenna muttered with a harsh expression.

"No way..."

"Oh, but it is."

"Although they've just arrived!"

"Perhaps he thinks there's nothing to be found in these 1-star heroes since it's his first time doing a paid summon."

Anytng was making a grave mistake right now. While it was true that most 1-star heroes were of little worth, there were indeed valuable talents among them. Yet he was attempting to throw in newly summoned 1-star heroes with very little consideration.

"Are you Dimaan? You certainly look like him!"


"Follow me! I said follow me!"

Zacken firmly grasped the man with his sturdy arms and forcefully led him towards the fusion altar.

"There's another person. Who is Lexigle?"

An old man let out a desperate sigh.

Zacken sneered and seized the old man with his other arm. Both of them were dragged towards the fusion altar, unable to put up any resistance. The door closed.

After a brief moment.

\[Amalgamation complete!\]

\[Dimaan () and Lexigle () have transformed into brilliant light and vanished.\]

\[Zacken (), level up!\]

"Hahaha, I feel a surge of strength coursing through me!"

Zacken spun his arms and emerged from the fusion altar.

"Avant, Solior, Danil!"

"What, what's happening? P-Please, spare me!"

"Prevent them from escaping!"

Following Avant's command, the mercenaries unsheathed their weapons. Faces turned pale as they confronted the sharp, gleaming blades. Shaking with fear, the 1-star heroes huddled in a corner of the square, utterly helpless.

The members of the Fangwolf party cornered them with their blades drawn, but Edis remained unmoving.

"What's going on with you? Why aren't you following orders? Aren't you a member of the Fangwolf?" Avant questioned, his longsword drawn, as he looked back at Edis.

Edis, however, remained without drawing her weapon.

Edis bowed her head, biting her lip before finally drawing her blade.

Jenna suddenly stood up, voicing her concern.

"There's something off about this!"

\[Jenna () expresses dissatisfaction with the new action!\]

"What's gotten into you? If you don't want to get hurt, stay out of it!"

"Just give them a chance! Where's the fairness in this? Oppa, what is your take? Do you believe this is right? It's just not!"

I closed my eyes.

Since arriving here, I had witnessed numerous events.

There have been so many incidents. Surely, people can change.

I woke up.

"Iselle, relay a message to the Expert."

\[Certainly, tell me.\]

"Present an idea to the Expert. Tell him that he won't truly understand the potential of any 1-star hero unless he truly uses them."

\[Huh? Well, I didn't know that.\]

"Okay, now you do."

\[Wait, hold on!\]

Iselle, seeming flustered, fluttered her wings and disappeared.

\[Tips/You won't truly grasp the potential of any 1-star hero unless you give them a chance. Instead of rushing into fusion, why not find time to observe?\]

The Expert's control paused.

Eventually, the doors to the fusion chamber closed. The mercenaries, who had worn curses on their faces, froze in an instant. Zacken approached me, a vibrant demeanor on his face.

"What's your plan? Why are you interfering?"

"Interfering? I just offered advice."

"You call that advice?"

"Well, what would you call it?"

"This guy must be insane!"

Zacken, who had

 been swinging his axe, suddenly stopped.

Jenna's sharpened stone was pointed directly at his head.

"Are you trying to pick a fight with us now?"

Avant muttered.

I laughed softly, drawing my sword from its sheath. Then, I pointed it squarely at Avant's face.

"Avant, let's call it quits. Time's slipping away."

"Just shut up!"

Avant forcefully shoved Edis to the side and addressed me.

"Do you even know who we are?"

"I know quite well. You're one of them."

I gestured towards the scattered bones on the square.

"What's that?"

"It's junk."



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