
Pick me up

In the world of a mobile gacha game, 'Loki', who was in earth till just now is this mobile game for some unknown reason, He who was once a top-ranked Master, awakens to find himself reincarnated as a lowly Level 1 hero named 'Han Yslat'. Now determined to return to Earth, he must lead a team of novice Masters and heroes through the game's toughest challenges, including conquering the dreaded 100th floor of the Dungeon. Armed with grit, wit, and a refusal to accept defeat, Loki embarks on an epic journey of hard-carrying heroism in Pick Me Up Webtoon.

Jigsaw404 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
210 Chs

Chapter 52: The Master's Trial

It turned out they were considerably later than anticipated, much to everyone's shock.

Assuming that it really depended on me, I would have enlisted them for the party prior to handling the move to the fifth floor. Like that, we might have fortified right all along.

Notwithstanding, in view of the messages we got, each of them five are 3-star characters, which is promising.

In any case, there was a captivating thing underneath those messages, grabbing my eye.


\[A solid association exudes from the called individuals.\]

\[A bond called the Fangwolf Hired soldier Corps has been formed!\]

\[Tips/While performing back to back summons, there is an extremely slim likelihood of gathering legends who have a bond with one another. These people show considerably more prominent battle ability when they have a place with the equivalent party.\]

This idea of bond is very uncommon and extraordinary.

A bond behaves like a set, giving a battle power reward when individuals are gathered in the similar party. It's a somewhat exceptional event, even in sequential order.

We'll see whether Anytng's karma is on the positive or negative side once we meet them face to face.

"All in all, where are these individuals at this moment?" Jenna asked.

"They said they're exploring and taking in the sights."

"You can make a beeline for the kitchen. Don't stress, they won't hurt you. They're just an unconventional bunch."

Chloe nodded, understanding, and advanced back to the residence.

"Do you suppose you're like them, Hyung?" Aaron asked.

"I'm unique," I replied, sheathing my blade and throwing the safeguard over my back. "Our party stays in one piece! The appearance of these unique novices won't change a thing. We'll go on as we have been."

"Thank you for your persistent effort!" Aaron and Dica respectfully bowed before heading into the training grounds.

The court's clock highlighted evening. They were focused people, no doubt.

"Are you planning to check on those people, Oppa?" Jenna asked.

"For the present, yes."

"I'd like to go along with you. In any case, I've been interested."

Inside the sitting area, we had the residence, training grounds, ordnance, and equipment studio. These were the four facilities available.

We decided to start by visiting the nearest dorm.

As we entered the door, there stood a woman we hadn't seen before.

"Hi!" Jenna approached the woman and greeted her cheerfully.

Surprised, the woman, who had been staring at the fireplace, paused before answering.

"Um, hi."

"I'm Jenna Shirai! What's your name, Unni?" Jenna asked respectfully.

"I'm Edis Callen."

"Good to meet you!" Jenna extended her hand.

Edis hesitated for a moment but ultimately shook Jenna's hand.

"And, this handsome Oppa here is Han. He might seem tough, but deep down, he's a friendly guy."

"Quit raising a ruckus," I said, casually thudding down on the couch in the hall.

"Anyway, Edis, right? I'd like to stop to talk with you. Do you have some time?"

As I spoke, my gaze fell upon Edis, carefully examining her features.

She had captivating brown eyes and long, luscious curls that flowed down her back. Wearing sleek, black leather armor, she adorned her belt with two gleaming knives and a compact short bow.

I summoned the Status Window to gain insight into her abilities and background.

\[Edis Callen () Lv.1 (Exp 0/10)\]

\[Class: Thief\]

\[Strength: 13/13\]

\[Knowledge: 10/10\]

\[Endurance: 14/14\]

\[Skill: 17/17\]

\[Abilities: Fledgling Knife Dominance (Lv.3), Beginner Archery (Lv.1), Quick Reflexes (Lv.1)\]

True to her 3-star rating, she emerged with an imposing profession: a Thief. With a balanced mix of agility, her strength and endurance were relatively modest. Among her array of skills were Beginner Knife Dominance, Archery, and Quick Reflexes. While akin to Jenna, her focus seemed more attuned to the art of blade wielding rather than archery.

Jenna returned with two cups of water, smoothly extending one towards Edis.

"For the time being, pull up a chair," she generously suggested.

Without a word, Edis settled onto the opposite couch, her eyes flickering with interest as she took a sip.

Then, curiously, she ventured forth with her inquiries.

"Do you have any information about this place?"

"I have fragments of information, but mysteries still shroud certain aspects," I answered.

Inquisitive about her own understanding, I further asked, "What about you? What do you know? Can you recall how you arrived here?"

She considered thoughtfully, her eyes narrowing as if trying to retrieve elusive memories. Slowly, she began to speak.

"I'm unaware of the exact circumstances. I just sense an unspoken calling to fight," she confessed.

"A calling for battle," I pondered.

"Yes, it feels like there's an inherent need to fulfill," she replied.

Curiosity aroused, I probed further, "Do you find yourself knowing the underlying reason for this impulse?"

"Whenever I strain to remember, a severe headache follows, thwarting my efforts," she revealed.

A heavy sigh escaped my lips as I pondered the implications.

"Are you familiar with the concept of union?" I asked.

"Union?" Edis repeated, her brows furrowing in contemplation.

"It refers to gaining strength through the sacrifice of others," she answered, her voice tinged with a mixture of recognition and uncertainty.

"Indeed, you're acquainted with it," I acknowledged.

Continuing my line of questioning, I sought to gauge her understanding of the masters' presence.

After a prolonged period of contemplation, Edis posed a question, wondering if they held dominion over this realm. While she seemed to grasp the concept, the intricacies of summoning and its associated mechanics remained somewhat elusive to her.

As I considered our conversation, a flood of memories inundated my mind, tracing the impressions had by the individuals summoned from the very first Shay to the present-day Edis.

Jenna, Aaron, and the other 1-star individuals arrived here with no knowledge of why they were summoned or what they needed to do. As for the

 4-star Shay, it seemed she knew why she had to fight.

And before me, Edis, while unsure of why she was summoned, knew precisely what she needed to accomplish. She had an understanding of the concept of Masters and, surprisingly, grasped Union.

"The information gap varies depending on the summoned rank," I concluded momentarily.

"Before coming here, I suppose you were a mercenary?" I inquired.

"I belonged to the Fangwolf Mercenary Corps," she replied.

"Fangwolf? That name has a certain appeal," Jenna remarked, sitting beside me with a playful smile.

"I vaguely remember working as a mercenary in Halsea, but when I regained my senses, I was here," Edis began detailing comprehensively how the Fangwolf Mercenary Corps was formed and what tasks they primarily undertook.

From what I gathered, they seemed to be a rather high-ranking group within the mercenaries. There appeared to be a vast difference between them and Molmont, who was also a mercenary but only a 2-star.

"That's great! It sounds like something out of a legend," Jenna exclaimed.

"Uh, really?" Edis blushed and tactfully cleared her throat before abruptly letting out a deep sigh.

"However, right now—"

"Right now?" I prompted.

"It's nothing."

"Well, if it's nothing, don't say anything."

"Why is your reaction like that, Oppa? Accounts of a lady's past are treasures one can't get even with a fortune," Jenna teased.

"If you say so."

"You're truly thick," she commented.

I rose from the couch.

"I thought there would be something more to hear, but quite evidently not."

"At any rate, I get to hear her account of how they were summoned."

"I want some rest. You can help yourself; this is your home now."

"Come on, just us girls," Jenna was going to say when,

\[Avant, Zacken, Weyf, Veigin, Edis!\]

Iselle's voice resonated through the court.

I paused my steps as I was about to head to the residence.

"I still can't rest yet."

As one of the first high-level heroes acquired since the tutorial, it seemed the Expert wanted to give them a trial.

At the entrance of the dining hall, someone unexpected appeared.

"Who's there? Who's calling out to me?"

The man towered over me, standing a head taller with broad shoulders.

Clad in a leather covering like Edis, he carried a large axe on his back.

As I examined the Status Window, a familiar name surfaced in my mind—Zacken. He was a warrior class, specializing in strength and endurance.

Just by his appearance, one could tell.

"It seems the Expert is calling us," Edis commented, rising from the couch.

"It's been a while since I had meat. I wouldn't mind getting a glimpse of that noble face!" Zacken exclaimed.

Zacken and Edis left for the court together, with a roasted deer hind leg in hand.

They didn't spare a glance for Jenna and me.

"But we should share it together!" Chloe rushed out from the dining hall.

I asked Chloe, "What's the deal?"

"He said he wanted the meat and wandered off with a whole leg. With proper cooking, it could feed all five of us."

"Then, let's ask him to give it back!" Jenna clenched her fist and stood up.

"Wait a second."


"Let's go to the square first."

We stepped out into the court.

An interesting sight unfolded before us.



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