
Pick me up

In the world of a mobile gacha game, 'Loki', who was in earth till just now is this mobile game for some unknown reason, He who was once a top-ranked Master, awakens to find himself reincarnated as a lowly Level 1 hero named 'Han Yslat'. Now determined to return to Earth, he must lead a team of novice Masters and heroes through the game's toughest challenges, including conquering the dreaded 100th floor of the Dungeon. Armed with grit, wit, and a refusal to accept defeat, Loki embarks on an epic journey of hard-carrying heroism in Pick Me Up Webtoon.

Jigsaw404 · Fantasy
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210 Chs

Chapter 37: "Gear Up and Level Up"(4)

We finished our makeshift barriers by stacking objects around us, making small forts. As I looked back, I saw Aaron, Zeeth, and Hanson doing the same.


Finally, the trolls had spotted us.


Here they come.

This mission isn't just about protecting myself. If one side gets broken through, everyone in the open area will be in serious danger.

I have to trust Jenna.

At first, her role might seem the least important, but it's actually very important.

Because of the nature of this mission, we'll inevitably reach our true limits. If Jenna doesn't fill in the gaps, the defenses will collapse instantly.


The trolls started to pour into the alleyway.

I pushed my sword through the holes in the stacked wood, stabbing a troll's neck as I passed. The troll fell, blood flowing from its throat.

"Stack the bodies! Build the wall!" I repeated the instructions so my friends could hear.

"Got it!"

Then I heard Aaron and Zeeth's distant shouts.

And the clash of spears continued.

One strike, one troll.

We should aim for the gold or heads. So I firmly stabbed my sword through the holes.

Ouch, ouch, ouch!

The trolls also pushed their weapons through the holes in the blockade.

I blocked and countered, quickly.

Another fell.

Beyond the back entrance, on the main street, a crowd of trolls had gathered, so many that counting them was pointless. They seemed eager to get ahead, pushing and shoving each other into the narrow streets.

How silly.

Some of the trolls probably realized that the fallen bodies blocked their way. They dragged some bodies out of the alley. Despite the narrow entrance, the trolls' small approaches allowed them to do so.


A troll at the very front pushed its weapon.

It's the same repeated pattern. So I blocked and countered once more.

Meanwhile, a clever troll below me started breaking the barrier. I hit its head with my shield through a hole, and blood splattered from its broken skull.

I looked back.

The other three pushed their weapons through the holes in the barrier, never backing down.

If it gets too tough, let me know!

Jenna yelled from the open area.

"We still have far to go."

I raised my sword and cut, chopping off a troll's arm. The arm flew through the air as the troll with the missing limb swung its other hand with sharp claws, going for the gold and tearing through a leather armguard.

I stabbed my sword into its head.

Right away, the troll behind it dragged away the corpse.

Groan, you dummies, seriously.

If they look dumb, they'll act dumb.

They're gradually learning. When the front troll dies, the others follow and then drag the bodies out of the back entrance. Some even crouched down, slowly pushing stones or wooden boards outside. The path slowly opened up.


I forgot to count the dead trolls after the 10th one.

These guys are weak. They're like kids who just showed up on the ground floor. Their bodies are frail, and their strength is lacking.

But their numbers are overwhelming.

Too overwhelming.

Ouch, ouch!

The tip of my sword tore through a troll's eye, and it let out a desperate cry. The troll staggered, twisting its body as it fell alongside the others behind it.

The trolls gathered on the main street show no sign of decreasing.

Do these animals feel no fear? Reluctantly, they push forward as if they have a death wish.

Most of the barrier has been destroyed.

I quickly pulled my right foot back.

A troll, barely squeezing its body through a hole in the barrier, struck where my right foot had been with a blade. I quickly drove my blade down onto the back of its head.

I looked back.

On the right, Aaron efficiently dealt with the trolls, gripping his spear at a shorter length.

The difference in skill is overwhelming. So far, he's been doing well.

Below, Zeeth was drenched in sweat, gasping for breath.

"Zeeth, switch!"

"Oh, I can still—"

"Calm, switch!"

"You rest! I'll handle it!"

Hanson, who had been waiting, quickly rushed out with his sword and shield.

Zeeth retreated from the dark area, slowing down to rest.

His stamina is still low.

That's why I placed Zeeth and Hanson in the same group. They not only have lower levels but also lack adequate skills. Whether due to battle energy or strain, they apply intense strength with each attack.

They tire easily.

They're still inexperienced, one well-placed sword strike is enough.

One by one.

Relax the body, and swing smoothly.

Maximize efficiency with minimal effort.



Push again.

The rate at which the bodies stack up starts to exceed the trolls' clearing speed.


"Switch again!"


"Yeah, got it!"

Hanson switched with Zeeth.

The barrier they were responsible for below is almost breached. Many tightly packed trolls fill the passage beyond. Some are crushed to death, but there's no sign of concern.

That area is the most dangerous!

I tried to call Jenna.

"One person guards while the other supports the barrier."

Then, suddenly,


Zeeth abruptly held his hand, wriggling miserably.

Two fingers on his left hand had been cut off, and blood sprayed out.



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