
Pick me up

In the world of a mobile gacha game, 'Loki', who was in earth till just now is this mobile game for some unknown reason, He who was once a top-ranked Master, awakens to find himself reincarnated as a lowly Level 1 hero named 'Han Yslat'. Now determined to return to Earth, he must lead a team of novice Masters and heroes through the game's toughest challenges, including conquering the dreaded 100th floor of the Dungeon. Armed with grit, wit, and a refusal to accept defeat, Loki embarks on an epic journey of hard-carrying heroism in Pick Me Up Webtoon.

Jigsaw404 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
210 Chs

Chapter 122: Final Hour

Then die.

[Han() went into a big fuss!]

A switch was turned on in my head.

The veins on the arm that held the sword were clearly visible.

He charged forward while swinging his sword powerfully.


The iron plate was badly dented.

The knight hesitated for a moment, but managed to block the second blow aimed at his neck. However, he was unable to prevent the third blow to the thigh. His sword had a powerful anti-recoil mechanism on its hilt.

With an intensity close to 40.

I couldn't penetrate the iron plate, but I was able to destroy it.

Click! Click! Click!

The armor deformed with each blow of the sword. With every move he made, he aimed for the exposed gap in the planks, but the knight desperately defended himself. Still, it won't take more than 10 minutes to defeat him.

Jenna () is bleeding. [Her health is regularly deteriorating.]

Aaron () is in critical condition. [His life is in danger!]

I can't believe it.

[Eorca () has entered Manasurge State.]]

[Hint/Mana Surge is a condition that occurs when a magician uses too much magic.]

He hasn't even been there for 10 minutes yet.

The crack in the knight's visor drew lines like a smile.

The knight did not want to attack. He was afraid to fight back. He was placed at the entrance and blocked only deadly attacks.

Children, run!

I screamed loudly, not caring if the soldiers around me could hear me.

Priasis staggered out into the street. Then she started running.


The clash of swords echoed.

I screamed furiously.

Whatever happens, don't worry. Please exit through the gate. Run along the road!

Priasis ran for his life.

The knight remained motionless in the middle of the gate. He wasn't going to move for me, but he was going to move for Priasis. He will attack without hesitation.

Get out!

I pushed the knight away with all my strength.

The knight raised his greatsword to block him, but his body was pushed back. Priasis jumped into this gap.


With the sound of cutting the air, the great sword was swung down. I quickly turned my body around. I was unsteady on my feet, but I managed to fight it off. A violent shock shook my whole body.

Above the gate, a shadow protruding from the ceiling drew a purple line on Priasis passing through the passage. Assassin.

There was no place to block with a sword. I spun around and picked up the dagger.

A dagger stuck into my left shoulder.

Han () is currently addicted. [Health decreases at regular intervals.]

[The party is in danger of being wiped out!]

[Master, the party's situation is in danger!]

This time, the knight swung his great sword down at me.

Nothing could be felt in his left arm, where the dagger was stuck. He was hit with a great sword. My body succumbed to my weight and crashed into the wall of the hallway.

Han () is bleeding. [Health decreases at regular intervals.]

Han, no!

If you stop, you will die in my hands!

Priasis paused at this point, turned to me, gave a slight nod, and started running again.

I checked his left shoulder. A purple liquid oozed from the half-buried dagger. He grazed it with the edge of his sword, stood up, and raised his sword in the air. The venom from the sword splattered onto the knight's visor.

The knight held his face.

Did it catch your eye?

I laughed weakly.

Edith () is bleeding. [Health decreases at regular intervals.]

I looked around and saw a crossbow aimed at the target.

Target needs no introduction. It was Priasis who escaped through the gate. However, the assassin was too far away to reach him.

I picked up a stone from the ground and threw it.


During flight, a rock collided with the bolt, causing it to veer off course. The assassin looked at me in disbelief.

What are you looking at, punk?

I pulled out the dagger that was stuck in his left shoulder and threw it.

The dagger pierced the assassin's hood. The assassin fell instantly.

Priasis' figure gradually disappeared behind the gate.


I looked down.

The knight held his head and lay on his back in pain.

He seemed to want to take off his helmet, but his arm just twitched slightly outside of it. I lifted the great sword next to the knight with one hand.

With all my strength, I swung the great sword towards the knight's head.


A part of the helmet cracked deeply, and black liquid spewed out from the gap.

The knight froze like a dead insect.

After confirming that the knight and assassin were dead, I leaned against the wall as if I were about to fall.

Blood flowed from a long wound on my body. He blocked the great sword, but his stance was poor, and he was injured.

Han () is in a state of addiction. [Health decreases at regular intervals.]

Poison spreads quickly.

I started coughing.

The blood I spat out was purple.

I felt like I was going to slip and slide against the wall.

How awful.

5th floor, 10th floor, 15th floor.

Every mission pushed my body to its limits.

I'm tired.

I closed my eyes.

My work is finished. Now it was up to the party to hold out until it achieved its goal. Given their condition, Aaron was near death, Edith and Jenna were injured, and Eorka was unable to use her magic.

After a while, a message appeared in the darkness.

[Escort subject has escaped from the city.]

[Stage cleared!]

[Han (), Jenna (), Aaron (), Eorca (), and Edith () level up!]

[Reward 100,000 G, Iron Ore (A) x3]

[MVP Han()]

Is someone dead?

All five people have ascended to heaven.

I smiled weakly.



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