
Pick me up

In the world of a mobile gacha game, 'Loki', who was in earth till just now is this mobile game for some unknown reason, He who was once a top-ranked Master, awakens to find himself reincarnated as a lowly Level 1 hero named 'Han Yslat'. Now determined to return to Earth, he must lead a team of novice Masters and heroes through the game's toughest challenges, including conquering the dreaded 100th floor of the Dungeon. Armed with grit, wit, and a refusal to accept defeat, Loki embarks on an epic journey of hard-carrying heroism in Pick Me Up Webtoon.

Jigsaw404 · Fantasy
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210 Chs

Chapter 120: Veil of Deception

I could hear the sound of fabric rustling. Then there is a hint of sobbing.

Is she crying?

She's a princess just by her name.

She's still in her mid-teens. It will not be easy for her to accept that she has suddenly been threatened with an assassination attempt.

When I returned to her living room, Priasis handed her the dress and crown with an indifferent expression. I received the dress and crown.

I went outside and threw it in the trash to avoid setting a trap.

I returned to the living room.

The princess touched her old skirt.

The texture is strange.

That's really strange. Insects laid eggs in it.

Oh my god!

Just kidding.

Please stop making jokes like that!

I grinned and stroked Priasis.

Her silver hair was still noticeable, but it had improved a little. She is petite and if she covers her body well, no one will notice her. I sat on a chair in the living room and talked.

I'm leaving in a few hours. Take a little rest.

How about food?

Are you hungry? There's nothing to eat.

Okay. I'm going to take a little break.

Priasis sat down again, leaning against the wall.

Then she started to sleep. she looked tired.

I looked out the window.

The sky is getting dark. There was almost no moonlight, and it was pitch black both inside and outside. My vision was not affected much. That was thanks to the awakening of the Inner Sight ability that I had acquired before coming here. I could see the outline of objects even in the dark.

And when the house was completely dark, Edith returned.

Edith looked at Priasis, who was sound asleep, and laughed briefly.

Edith, like me, could see in the dark.

She is sleeping well.

Where is the exit?

Found. However, there is a small problem.

Edith began to explain what she had seen and heard.

The specified route could not be crossed. She tried to escape through a gap in the collapsed castle wall, but an invisible barrier blocked her way.

Tricks don't work, right?

It seems you can only pass through the main gate.

The main gate is probably heavily guarded.

Things are starting to get messy.

I would have explored more if I had more time, but I couldn't guarantee how long Aaron would live. There was also the possibility that soldiers would begin searching the area. We had to leave the city at dawn at the latest.

Cannot be changed.

I can't procrastinate any longer.

I pushed the chair and woke up Priasis.

Priasis woke up immediately.

Please wake up. I have now moved.

Ah, I see.

It's getting quite dark outside. Please stay behind me.

Priasis nodded.

The three of us left home together. The streets were shrouded in darkness. Even if you're awake, it's easy to get disoriented if you're not focused. The torch was moved to different locations. Edith whispered in a quiet voice.

These are soldiers on patrol.

Very noticeable.

If you avoid the torches, you won't run into the soldiers.

Following Edith's instructions, we walked down several alleys and finally reached the main street. I hid behind the building, lowered my upper body, and stared ahead.

Torches gathered in the distance, and their yellow light illuminated the surroundings.

The city gate has appeared.

I quickly counted the number of enemies standing near the gate.

[Human Soldier Lv. 11] x 21

[Human Knight Lv. 21]

When recognized, an enemy appearance message was displayed.

There's quite a lot going on there.

Total 22 pieces.

It was too much for both of us. A knight wearing black armor was also standing in front of the gate. His level was suspiciously high. At level 21, he was at least 5 levels higher than the knights he had fought against so far.

Should I try another castle gate?

What a waste of time. It will probably be similar.

There weren't many exits.

And there will be enemies guarding all exits like this.

If you're alone, you can break through, but there's a VIP behind you who needs protection. To meet the mission's success criteria, she had to get out of the gate.

Did I make the wrong choice?

The mission would have been much easier to accomplish if I had abandoned Aaron, invaded, and fled.

I scratched my head nervously. There was no turning back. I had to make the best move with the cards I had.

Edith, do you know where Aaron's party is?

No, not that much.

You understand the layout of the city, right?

Edith nodded.

Geography is the basis of information gathering. Edith must have analyzed the structure of the city before finding the exit. Otherwise, we will not be able to provide accurate instructions.

There's one thing you have to do.

That's right.

I'm going back to the house where we were. The child's dress and crown are in the trash can next to it. Wear these clothes and join Aaron's group. Put them on Jenna.

Are you serious?

I wanted to use it as bait.

The night was deep.

Jenna and Priasis had similar builds. Once she dresses her up, it will be hard to tell unless you look at her up close.

Once Jenna wears that girlfriend's outfit, make as much of a mess as possible so she doesn't get caught. Most of the enemy forces there should retreat. In the meantime, I will take my child and clear the road.

The city may be big, but there are few places to hide. Can you do that?

After a moment's hesitation, Edith nodded and disappeared back to where she had come from.

I placed my shield in the corner of the building and drew my sword from its scabbard. The metal shield had the ability to reflect light.

[Aaron () has been given poison status. Your physical strength will decrease at regular intervals. ]

[The protagonist's addiction is getting worse!]


It seems that the time when I can survive on just one potion is coming to an end.

Attract enemy attention and protect Aaron. It was a little difficult, but she had no choice but to believe in her.

One hour at most.

It will end within this time.



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