
Pick me up

In the world of a mobile gacha game, 'Loki', who was in earth till just now is this mobile game for some unknown reason, He who was once a top-ranked Master, awakens to find himself reincarnated as a lowly Level 1 hero named 'Han Yslat'. Now determined to return to Earth, he must lead a team of novice Masters and heroes through the game's toughest challenges, including conquering the dreaded 100th floor of the Dungeon. Armed with grit, wit, and a refusal to accept defeat, Loki embarks on an epic journey of hard-carrying heroism in Pick Me Up Webtoon.

Jigsaw404 · Fantasy
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210 Chs

Chapter 100: Tactical Transformation

He simply had to get some information about how to take care of the central issue. There was a compelling reason to uncover his own playing records.

There were remarks under the post.

Did you truly play like that? It's incredible. How did you get to the fourteenth floor?

The post is too lengthy. Can you summarize it in one line?

One-line summary: The user above is in critical condition with "Im better than you" disorder. Approach with caution!

Buddy, what were you trying to do climbing 14 stories in a single month? But seriously, you're a lost cause. I'd complain too if I were your hero. Eugh haha.

You really need to reevaluate your approach to playing. At first, it seemed all good, but it got weird from the middle.

Is this serious? You sent them on a mission even though there was a hostile relationship? Did you want to open a stadium?


There were many mocking remarks criticizing Anything.

Although a few users wrote tips, they were mostly buried, and surprisingly, those were mostly inaccurate advice.

But why are the stats of that 2-star like that? It's a bit weird. How many skills does it have?

Did you see that? I bet that hero is the secret of his success!

What a stroke of luck!

I'm not sure where to start helping from. The post could get a bit long. Anyway, make sure to thoroughly read the posts on the strategy board. Start with Loki's post.

Probably, they were telling him to look at the strategy board. It wasn't difficult to understand the reason why this was a task that required a complete overhaul of gameplay.

I checked Iselle out.

She was maintaining her posture, sweat dripping down.

She seems already at her breaking point.

If I had unlimited internet, I would have figured out through comments everything he needed to do on his own, but I don't have much time. I logged into Google Drive with my email and downloaded the file documents that were stored. After the download was complete, I gave them a quick look. Then I returned to the cafe's comments.

Actually, take a look at your mail. That's what I recently read.

I right-clicked on Anything's username and selected Send Message. After sending the message, I clicked on Send Letters. I attached the document file and sent it.

What's up there? Isn't that Loki?

That was fast.

Crazy. Seriously. It's really Loki. I compared the nickname to the post. It's really him.

OMG!!! What were you doing this whole time that you're coming out now!! Loki, please, read my message. Instead of these "Im better than you" people, consider helping me fulfill

Why is Loki giving him advice? I heard you have to pay 1,000,000 for

consultation fees.

The comments started to flood in.

In the comment section, the topic about Anything had disappeared, replaced by irrelevant discussions, mainly related to me. There were even people trying to initiate one-on-one conversations.

Should have made it a private comment.

Only the usernames remain.

Just as I was about to add another comment, Iselle's scream echoed.


It all made sense to me, I got it.

When I closed the web window, Iselle stumbled and fell to the ground.

The window disappeared. This opportunity seemed to have come to an end.

Great job. Thanks to you, it's finished.

[Did it work? Did it really work?]

It depends on how Anything answers.

Iselle wiped her forehead with sweat and asked me.

[It seemed like you sent him a file, what's in it?]

My play records. Among other things.

[Don't tell me it's the Sky Disc!]

What on earth is that?

[There's a rumor. The currently available Loki guide isn't the complete version. The real guide is said to be hidden by Loki. Containing everything about Pik-Me-Up!.] said

Iselle approached, exhaling through her nose.

Her face was as red as a strawberry.

[And you, that's what you sent, the so-called guide, to the Master?]

For now, step back. I'll tell you.

I pushed Iselle away as she tried to get closer.

Iselle nodded her head absentmindedly and then took a few steps back. She then bowed before me with a respectful posture.

[So, the truth! Please, tell me!]

It's somewhat right.

I sighed.

It's true that my guide posted on the official cafe is incomplete. While it includes information about valuing facilities and not discarding lower-grade heroes recklessly, along with other tips, it falls short on practical strategies.

I had become lazy in the process of writing it.

I also didn't want to reveal the results of my analysis and research fully.



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