
Pick-Me Girl

In the bustling halls of Orion High School, where privilege and popularity are key, Veronica, a self-proclaimed academic geek, and Austin, the star basketball player with a secret crush on Veronica, find their lives unexpectedly intersecting. As their paths cross, a sweet romance quietly blossoms behind the scenes, away from the prying eyes of their peers. However, when a rumor spreads on social media platforms like Snapchat, TikTok, and Instagram, branding Veronica as a "pick-me girl" who supposedly sought Austin's attention, their budding relationship is thrust into the harsh spotlight of high school gossip. Amidst the whirlwind of teenage drama and societal pressures, Veronica and Austin must navigate the challenges of young love, friendship, and self-discovery. Will they overcome the obstacles in their path, or will the opinions of their peers and the influence of social media drive them apart? Set at Orion High School, known for its affluent student body, "Pick-Me Girl" is a heartfelt story of youthful romance, resilience, and the search for authenticity in a world that often demands conformity. Follow Veronica and Austin as they seek love, true friendships, and their genuine selves in the turbulent landscape of Gen Z adolescence.

DonnaZee · Teen
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Hearts are Breaking

During Math Class—Veronica sat at her desk, feeling all kinds of mixed-up. She couldn't focus on the teacher's lecture as she wrestled with a tough choice.

"I'm so confused. I told Austin yesterday that we should take a break from talking and hanging out until the gossip fades, but now I'm second-guessing myself," Veronica thought, looking unsure.

As the chalkboard numbers turned into a blur, Veronica couldn't shake off the memory of her phone call with Austin last night. She felt guilty for her words, haunted by his quiet reaction and the sadness in his voice.

"I thought avoiding Austin would simplify things, but now I'm not so sure," Veronica pondered quietly, doodling on her notebook, trying to untangle her jumbled thoughts.

Veronica's thoughts were cut short by the bell and Heti tapping her on the shoulder. "Hey, Ron, why are you zoning out?" Heti asked, clueless about what had gone down with Austin.

"Hey, Heti," Veronica began tentatively, waiting until the classroom emptied out before continuing. "I, um, I talked to Austin last night... and I told him we should take a break," she confessed softly.

Heti's eyes widened as she connected the dots, understanding what had prompted Veronica's decision. She realized that Veronica might have doubted Austin's feelings for her.

"Ron, why? Is it because of the photos you saw yesterday?" Heti asked, seeking clarification on her suspicions.

"Oh, for sure, it's more than just that. Honestly, I don't really know Austin all that well. We went on one date, he confessed he's into me, and that's pretty much the whole deal," she sighed, clearly annoyed. Continuing, she shared, "That one date wrecked my rep, my peace, my entire senior year. I sometimes wonder if he orchestrated it all to throw me off so he could snag the top spot at school." Veronica let out all her pent-up doubts and frustrations.

"Is that seriously how you feel, Ron?" Austin spoke out of nowhere, surprising both Veronica and Heti.

He then went on, "Good to know, so I won't be hanging around wasting any more of your time or mine. I think I'm done with this," Austin stated firmly, holding Veronica's gaze before making his exit from the classroom.

"Oh no, Heti, I... I didn't..." Veronica stuttered through her tears. Heti embraced her friend tightly, offering comfort. Overwhelmed, she found herself at a loss for words in that moment.

Meanwhile, Austin impulsively decided to skip the rest of his classes, turning off his phone and not informing anyone of his whereabouts.

Austin's P.O.V. while leaving Orion High—In that moment, I stood there, her words hitting me like a ton of bricks. How could she see me that way? All I wanted was to set things straight, to show her the truth behind those nasty rumors. I never imagined she'd think I was involved in spreading them or that I had some ulterior motive to reclaim my top spot in class.

Her accusations cut deep. The thought that she believed I had messed up her senior year, a time meant for laughter and unforgettable moments, was tough to swallow. Realizing that the girl I was falling for saw me as someone who would betray her trust and wreck things was a harsh reality check.

How could I make her see the real me, to understand that my intentions were pure and my feelings for her were genuine? I really don't know what to do now.

•••At Orion High's Tennis Court•••

Jake stood on the tennis court, the sun hanging high in the sky, casting a warm golden glow over the meticulously maintained courts. The court was surrounded by tall, lush green trees that provided a natural barrier from the outside world, adding to the air of exclusivity and seclusion.

Dressed in a crisp white tennis outfit, Jake moved with fluidity and precision as he practiced his serves, his every movement a testament to the hours of dedication he had poured into perfecting his game. The sound of the tennis ball connecting with the racket echoed through the court, a rhythmic symphony of skill and determination.

As Jake focused on his practice, his concentration was suddenly broken by Zach's arrival.

"Hey, Jake!" Zach called out, jogging towards the court with a look of urgency on his face. "Have you seen Austin anywhere? I've been looking for him everywhere, but I can't find him."

Pausing mid-serve, Jake furrowed his brow in concern at Zach's words. Shaking his head, Jake replied, "No, I haven't seen him. I thought you guys had basketball practice today?" He asked while walking to the bench to get his water bottle and taking a drink.

"No, he skipped basketball practice. Coach was livid and asked me to find him," Zach continued, his tone a mix of concern and curiosity. "Do you think something happened to him and Veronica?"

"Nah, remember he said that they're taking a break from each other. He's probably at home because he doesn't want to face Veronica," Jake said, a hint of amusement in his voice. "You know, because he's still butt hurt about what she said," he added jokingly, a smile playing on his lips as he tried to lighten the mood amidst the uncertainty surrounding Austin's whereabouts.

"Yeah, you're probably right," Zach said, seemingly trying to convince himself as he mulled over Jake's words.

"Did you try calling him?" Jake asked, a note of concern in his voice.

Zach looked at Jake, annoyed by the question, and proceeded to say, "Do you think I'm an idiot? Of course, I called him. His phone is turned off," he replied curtly, frustration evident in his tone.

"Okay, chill, man. Why don't we split up and go look for him. I'll talk to Heti, and you talk to Veronica," Jake suggested, his voice calm and determined.

"I also find it weird that Heti skipped Tennis Club today. I mean, it's Heti; she doesn't skip any classes or club activities," Jake mentioned, trying to stay nonchalant. But Zach could see the worry in Jake's expression, especially regarding Heti rather than Austin, prompting a laugh from Zach. Jake gave him a puzzled look before they both decided to search for the girls.

•••At Orion High's Courtyard•••

Veronica and Heti sat on a stone bench, their expressions somber as they engaged in a heartfelt conversation.

Veronica's eyes were filled with regret as she recounted the hurtful words she had spoken to Austin earlier. "I didn't mean to say those things, Heti. It just came out in the heat of the moment," she explained, her voice tinged with remorse.

Heti, listened attentively, offering a supportive presence in the midst of Veronica's turmoil. "I understand, Veronica. Sometimes words can hurt more than we intend them to," Heti replied, her tone gentle and reassuring.

"I know, Heti. I regret what I said to him. I never meant to hurt him," she whispered, a sense of remorse evident in her words.

Their conversation was interrupted when Jake arrived.

"Oh, I finally found you guys," Jake said as he sat beside Heti, a relieved expression on his face.

"Have you seen Austin? Zach is looking for him, and I'm helping him," Jake said, glancing at Heti. He continued, "By the way, I've been looking for you, Heti. You skipped tennis club, and Mr. Anderson isn't very happy about that," Jake said teasingly, a playful smile dancing on his lips.

Both girls looked at each other, unsure how to tell Jake what had happened and uncertain about how he would react.

"Yeah, tennis club. Um, is Mr. Anderson still there? I have to apologize to him for missing the practice," Heti asked Jake, trying to buy Veronica some time to consider whether to share what had happened earlier.

"Nah, Mr. Anderson already left. By the way, have you guys seen Austin? He skipped basketball practice, and we couldn't reach him on his phone," Jake said with a serious tone in his voice.

Both Veronica and Heti remained silent, their expressions guarded as they exchanged a quick glance.

Jake sensed the tension in the air and said, "Ladies, it's not a difficult question." He probed further, his concern for Austin becoming more apparent.

"I saw him earlier after our math class ended, but I don't know where he went after that," Veronica finally said, breaking the tension.

Jake sensed that something else must have happened. While he was closer to Zach, he had also grown close to Austin, and he knew that Austin wouldn't just ditch school without reason. Despite his desire to probe further, Jake also had a feeling that Veronica was not ready to talk.

"Alright, ladies, that's all I wanted to ask. I'll just let Zach know. You know he's like the 'mom' in our group, always nagging and looking out for us," Jake said jokingly as he stood up and headed to leave to inform Zach.

Veronica felt a pang in her heart. She was not ready to talk about what happened, yet she felt guilty withholding the information from Austin's worried friends. She felt like a bad person, and this made her tear up again.

Meanwhile, amidst all the drama unfolding, another rumor began to circulate.