
Pick-Me Girl

In the bustling halls of Orion High School, where privilege and popularity are key, Veronica, a self-proclaimed academic geek, and Austin, the star basketball player with a secret crush on Veronica, find their lives unexpectedly intersecting. As their paths cross, a sweet romance quietly blossoms behind the scenes, away from the prying eyes of their peers. However, when a rumor spreads on social media platforms like Snapchat, TikTok, and Instagram, branding Veronica as a "pick-me girl" who supposedly sought Austin's attention, their budding relationship is thrust into the harsh spotlight of high school gossip. Amidst the whirlwind of teenage drama and societal pressures, Veronica and Austin must navigate the challenges of young love, friendship, and self-discovery. Will they overcome the obstacles in their path, or will the opinions of their peers and the influence of social media drive them apart? Set at Orion High School, known for its affluent student body, "Pick-Me Girl" is a heartfelt story of youthful romance, resilience, and the search for authenticity in a world that often demands conformity. Follow Veronica and Austin as they seek love, true friendships, and their genuine selves in the turbulent landscape of Gen Z adolescence.

DonnaZee · Teen
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Chess, anyone?

•••At Jake's House•••

Jake lounged in his opulent living room, cradling a glass of aged whiskey, gazing out the window. The gentle radiance of the evening lights enveloped the room in a cozy, amber glow, yet Jake's thoughts strayed far from the scenic beauty beyond. His mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, primarily revolving around the messy situation that had unfolded among his friends.

"Man, what happened to our plan to confront Celine about those rumors she's spreading about Veronica?" Jake muttered to himself, frustration evident in his tone.

"Yeah, that whole situation is a mess," he continued, shaking his head. "I just wanted to stay away from Austin's love drama, but now it's like we're all caught up in it."

His thoughts then drifted to Heti, a bright spot in his otherwise chaotic life. "I've been thinking about Heti a lot lately," Jake said, a hint of longing in his voice. "But I don't think I even stand a chance with someone like her."

Just then, the loud ring of his phone interrupted his musings. It was Zach on the line, eager to come over and discuss the latest developments regarding Austin.

"Hey, Zach. What's up?" Jake answered, curiosity piqued.

"Man, you won't believe what happened to Austin," Zach exclaimed, his voice filled with disbelief. "He got drunk and ended up sleeping with Janice by mistake. And now he's determined to make things right with her."

As Zach recounted the events of that tumultuous night, Jake couldn't help but feel a sense of unease creeping over him. "I don't know, Zach. Something doesn't feel right about Janice," Jake voiced his doubts. "I think she might be playing us all."

When Zach arrived at Jake's lavish abode, the tension in the air was thick. They exchanged knowing glances, silently acknowledging the storm that was brewing beneath the surface of their seemingly perfect lives.

"So, what's your take on all this, Jake?" Zach inquired, his expression serious.

Jake sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I can't shake off the feeling that we're on the verge of uncovering something big. Janice might not be who she appears to be," he admitted, a sense of foreboding in his voice.

As they continued their discussion, the weight of the truth they were about to uncover hung heavy in the air. Zach felt a sense of relief knowing that he wasn't alone in suspecting Janice's involvement in everything.

•••At Janice House•••

In the luxurious confines of her opulent bedroom, Janice lounged on a plush chaise longue, a contented smile gracing her features. The room exuded an air of extravagance, with designer furniture, elegant draperies, and gilded accents that reflected her affluent upbringing as one of the rich kids in town.

Her eyes sparkled with a mix of triumph and satisfaction as she gazed at her reflection in the ornate vanity mirror. Janice had just achieved a major victory in her elaborate game of manipulation and deceit, successfully ensnaring the object of her desire, Austin Marx, in a web of lies and false affection.

With a devious glint in her eye, Janice reached for her phone, her perfectly manicured fingers tapping out a familiar number. As she waited for the call to connect, her mind raced with thoughts of the next move in her carefully crafted scheme.

Finally, the call went through, and Celine's voice floated through the receiver, filled with curiosity and eagerness. "Hey, Queen, what's up?"

"CC, you won't believe it," Janice exclaimed, her tone laced with counterfeit excitement. "Austin and I are official now! He's absolutely infatuated with me. It feels like a dream come true."

"I'm so happy for you and Austin! Finally, the King and Queen are together. You have no idea how much work I did to separate that 'pick-me' from Austin," Celine said, referring to all the social media rumors she had spread about Veronica.

A mischievous smile played on Janice's lips as she continued on into her fabricated narrative, weaving a tale of a whirlwind romance between herself and Austin, each detail embellished to further ensnare her unsuspecting friend.

"Um, CC, you know, I think Veronica is still after Austin," Janice said with a deceptively sweet voice, knowing that Celine would always believe her without question.

Celine, ever the trusting soul, responded naively, "What? How can you tell?" Her tone revealed her innocence, a stark contrast to Janice's cunning ways.

With a calculated air of false concern, Janice continued her web of lies, "The other day, as Austin and I were walking hand in hand in the hallways, she approached me discreetly, wanting to talk..." Her words were carefully crafted to manipulate Celine into doing her bidding without hesitation.

"No way! She did?" Celine's voice held a mixture of shock and sympathy, falling right into Janice's trap. She leaned in closer, eager to hear more of the twisted tale.

"Yep, she pretty much dragged me into the washroom and told me that I'm not worthy to be beside Austin, that it should be her," Janice spun her deceitful yarn, weaving a narrative that Celine would unquestioningly accept.

"I got so freaked out that I just ran out of there and never told anyone aside from you, CC," Janice confessed, knowing that Celine would be her unwitting accomplice in whatever scheme she had in mind. She waited for Celine's response, confident that her gullible friend would play her part perfectly in their dark and twisted game.

"Ugh, that pick-me girl is insufferable! Why hasn't she given up yet? I mean, come on, how much confidence can one person possess? It's beyond irritating," Celine ranted, her frustration palpable in her voice as she vented to Janice.

Listening to Celine's tirade, Janice couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at how effortlessly she could manipulate others to do her bidding. It was like a twisted game to her, and she played it with finesse. In that moment, she couldn't help but revel in her own devious abilities, feeling a surge of pride at her mastery of manipulation. Janice had truly ascended to the throne as the Queen of their intricate social chessboard.