
Phone Guy x Pre-T! Reader

1_NeEd_MenT4l_HeLp · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 2

"I'm sorry.." You say. "No! I mean...It's fine..." After sitting in an awkward silence for awhile, PG finally speaks, "I-I like you too.." It was getting a bit late, so you invited PG to stay over at your dorm for the night. "You can sleep up on my bed with me, or on the floor. I don't care, whatever works for you is fine with me." "Uhm...I'll just sleep on the floor." He replies. You and PG had slept together before, but this time it seemed as though PG was too scared to. "You sure?" You asked him. "No, I wanna sleep with you!" He yelled so loudly that William probably heard him for Hell (lmao). "Okay, Okay!" You say as you start to make the bed for the two of you. You two get cozy under the covers and almost fall asleep when PG asks you, "What's your biggest secret?" You hesitantly roll over and ignore him. "Hey, c'mon.." He pokes your shoulder for you to answer. "Tell me yours first." You say to him. "Oh...Okay then.." He stutters for a bit, till he finally answers. "I want you to kiss me." He says. Oh. damn, you thought to yourself. Your biggest secret was that you once put the milk before the cereal. "Wait... So you want me to... kiss you?"