
Phoenix University

Meant to be despite the detours they made.

Kent_Kenshin · Urban
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84 Chs

Chapter 64 The Project By Pair

Andrew and Elle went to school, listened to their Professors, made homeworks and projects together, and at home they made love with each other. They were inseparable. Until one day, Professor Ana Will announced a project by pair. It was not choose his or her own partner. It was Professor Ann Will's choice to choose the pairs. She mentioned Andrew's and Karen's names together as a pair. She announced Elle's name and Professor Ann Will paired her to James Fisher. Elle and James glanced at each other. She was not worried when Andrew and Karen were partners. But as she caught Andrew staring at her, she saw worry in his eyes. She knew that Andrew had an idea about James got a crush on her. "This is a one-week project. After one week, all outputs must be on top of my table. Understand class!" Professor Ana Will said. "Yes, Professor!" The students said in chorus. The project was to make a portfolio by pair about their lessons in the first semester.Professor Ann Will dismissed the class. It was Wednesday in the morning. The students got out of the room. "We'll do it in our free time, Karen." Andrew said. "Okay, tomorrow we'll start it." Karen replied. Elle was quiet. "Don't worry, Elle, I will not get your boyfriend. You know who I love." Karen said, smiling at her. "I'm not thinking that, Karen. I know Andrew is faithful to me." Elle replied, she smiled at him. "I know Andrew is worried about you. You two are inseparable ever since. University life is different. So if you trust Elle, everything will be fine, Andrew." Karen said. They walked in the corridor. "I gotta go, guys." Karen said, waving at them. "Take care, Karen." Elle said. The couple left alone. Elle followed him until they reached the parking lot. "Something to say?" Elle asked. "I told you to tell me your feelings in every situation. Don't just be quiet." Elle said, facing him. "It's my first time that we have different partners. And I'm worried because your partner is James." Andrew said honestly. "Why worry, Babe? James and I will do it this weekend in my house and you're still staying in the house so you don't need to worry. Even if you're not there, I'm behaved Babe. I'm only naughty with you." She said as she kissed him on the lips when they were inside the car. Andrew drove to Diner's Cafe for their lunchbreak. "Okay Babe, I will not worry. I trust you." Andrew said, smiling. Instead of Diner's Cafe, he drove to Elle's home for their lunch. They got two hours vacant time and the drive was just fifteen minutes from the university to the mansion. When they arrived home, they entered the dining room for the lunch that Nanny Ann always prepared. They took the meal quickly. They were both hungry. When they finished, they went upstairs, fixed themselves and suddenly Andrew removed her uniform and laid her on the bed. He was undressed too. He started putting his manhood inside her femininity and pounded it deeply and hard. "You broke the rule, Babe. I said no sex during free time." Elle said, moaning. "You broke the rule too, Babe, you kissed me in the university." Andrew said, pushing it even harder. "Break the rules, Babe. We will make love, we will have sex whenever, wherever we want it." Andrew said, sucking her boobs as he kept on pushing until fluids came out so fast. "Now don't worry about James, okay. We can do this even he's around. Many rooms in here." Elle laughed. "That's my Babe, very naughty! I like that." Andrew said, smiling. They fixed themselves and went back to the university for their two subjects in the afternoon.

Night came, Andrew started to make his English homework in the Library. Elle was inside the bathroom, taking a bubble bath. She missed doing it. Ever since she and Andrew made so much love together, she had no time for herself. She missed her alone time. But what she could do, she was so in love with her boy best friend that she made him her boyfriend now and soon to be her husband. She was ready for bed after dressing into a house dress when Andrew entered the room. He put his things inside the bag. He came near the bed where she was laying down and said, "Oh my beautiful princess as ever!" He kissed her passionately on her kissable lips that was so perfect that every guy wanted to kiss it but unfortunately she was always guarded by Andrew ever since. Even James did not win her heart. As he was kissing her, he did it again for so many times that he fingered her. He raised her dress up and saw nothing underneath it, he smiled naughtily and said, "You really know what I like, Babe, no underwears inside so it's easy for me to do it, I love you so much Babe!" "Of course, Babe, I know you so much, I love you too!" Elle replied, smiling. He kissed and kissed her until he started to put his manhood in her. He pushed in and out of her femininity until Elle's phone rang beside her. She answered it. Andrew slowly pushed it deeply. "Okay, James, this Saturday and Sunday in my house." Elle said, looking at Andrew while he stopped pushing but his manhood was still inside her, he sucked her boobs harder that made her face screaming in silence. Andrew pushed again in a hard way. "Okay be here at one o'clock in the afternoon, James. Bye!" Elle hang up the phone. She put it down and suddenly pulled Andrew closer to her. He held him tight and said, "You are really naughty Babe ha, even James called, you made me so much in cloud nine especially when you sucked my boobs that I wanted to scream." She kissed him wildly that made him pounding so wild too. "Aaaaahh Babe! Wilder please, more, more aaaahhhh Babe!" Elle said as she returned his move. Andrew obeyed, he kept on pounding wildly until many fluids came out. They went to the bathroom and washed their private parts. Ready to sleep together as soon as they finished dressing up. "Good night my baby!" Andrew said, kissing her on the lips. "Sweet dreams, Babe!" Elle said, smiling sweetly at him.