
Phoenix University

Meant to be despite the detours they made.

Kent_Kenshin · Urban
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84 Chs

Chapter 61 Sunday Together

The couple woke up on the right side of the bed. They were doing the usual routine as they woke up, making love to each other, it was not just sex. They expressed their love for each other in actions and words. They took a bath together, still deep romance inside. Elle loved the way Andrew expressed his love for her. It was so wonderfully amazing for her and precious thing in her life. After the bath, they dressed themselves into a Sunday outfit. They were going to attend church together. Elle wore a blue checkered knee-length dress, she paired it with her gray doll shoes. While Andrew, wore a black slacks and a plain navy blue polo shirt. Elle almost opened the lipstick but Andrew took it away to plant a tender kiss on her lips and said, "I love you so much, Elle! You always look beautiful everyday." "I love you to the moon and back, Drew!" Elle replied, smiling. After the kiss, she turned to the mirror and fixed herself. The couple went downstairs for quick breakfast that Nanny Ann prepared for them. They went upstairs to brush their teeth, fixed themselves and Elle got her small sling bag. "Nanny Ann, Andrew and I will go to church today. We will eat lunch outside." Elle said as soon as she saw her downstairs. "Okay, Miss Elle. Take care you two." Nanny Ann said. "Thanks, Nanny Ann!" Elle smiled. The couple hopped right in the car of Elle. She gave the keys to him and he started to drive toward the church on a Sunday morning. While inside the car, Elle opened her Facebook and saw messages from her Mom, telling her they arrived safe and sound in Kentucky, that she took care of herself and just enjoy being with Andrew. "Who's that?" Andrew asked glancing a little on her. "Mom." Elle replied. She told him everything that her Mom said in Messenger. "That's what I want, Babe, tell me everything." Andrew said as he swerved to the left and parked the car in front of the church. The worship took two hours. Afterwards, they went to Sunburst for lunch. Elle ordered her favorite Garlic Chicken and Iced Tea combo meal, while Andrew chose Fish Fillet with rice and Apple Juice. The ambiance was quiet and cozy with a background of love songs. There were few couples who dined in. Some of them had children. Andrew and Elle ate happily together. "Where are we going afterwards, Babe?" Elle asked, smiling. "Where do you want, Babe?" Andrew asked. He drank his Apple Juice, waiting for her answer. "Wisconsin Mall." Elle answered. "Okay, Babe, we'll go there after this." Andrew said, calling the waiter for their bill. Andrew fully paid their orders and they went out of the restaurant toward the parking lot. Andrew opened the passenger's door and she entered with a smile. It was a fifteen minutes drive to Wisconsin Mall. While driving, Andrew held her hand, squeezed it and smiled at her. They rested for awhile inside the car as they parked it on the rooftop. Andrew leaned closer to her and kissed her sweetly. "Just kiss this time, Babe. We're in public." Elle said when he almost put his hand inside her femininity. "I don't care, Babe. I want to do this now." Andrew said as he put his hand in her femininity while kissing her. Elle wanted to pull back but he the kiss was too wild that left her breathless. "Babe, later at home." Elle insisted. But she wanted it too as Andrew kept pushing his fingers inside her, making it wet. "Babe aaaaahhh please later, you are making me so hot now. How can we stroll around?" "Open your legs wide Babe, let me lick it." Andrew commanded her. "Oh my gosh Babe, let's go home now and have sex there. You arouse me." Elle blurted out. "You're the one who aroused me since this morning before we went to church. Now, let's go home. Let's continue this. I don't have mood to stroll around. I'm sorry, Babe. I just don't want others to be mesmerized by your beauty as they see you in public. Can't you see the people in the restaurant earlier, they stared at you especially men? I just cannot take those glances, Babe. I'm selfish, Babe, when it comes to you!" Andrew said seriously. "Why you didn't tell me when we're in the parking lot before we went here? You should have told me so we headed home instead. And even they keep on looking at me, I'm not affected because it is you that I love. Remember that, Mr. Andrew Jones!" Elle said, dismayed. "Now, turn on the engine and let's go home." Elle commanded him. She was disappointed because he didn't tell her his feelings. "I'm sorry if I didn't tell you." "You told me to tell everything, to be honest with each other but it's you who don't tell. You are just silent." Elle said, fixing her dress, she straightened the way she seated and looked away. "Next time, I'll tell you my feelings. I'm sorry, Babe." He leaned closer to kiss her but she never looked at him. "I said start the engine and let's go home." Elle said impatiently. He obeyed her. Inside the car, there was silence until they reached home. Elle did not wait for him to open the car door, she hopped out of the car, entered the mansion and said, "We're home, Nanny Ann." Nanny Ann got out of the kitchen to face her. "Nanny Ann, I'll just rest. I'll just call you if I need something. Andrew and I already took our lunch." Elle said. "Okay, Miss Elle. What do you want for snacks today?" Nanny Ann asked. "Just please buy a box of pizza, Nanny around four o'clock. I gotta go upstairs now." Elle said as she heard Andrew entered the mansion. She went inside her room, took a wash and changed into a boxer shorts and a dark loose t-shirt. She did not wear bra anymore because she decided to sleep.