
Phoenix University

Meant to be despite the detours they made.

Kent_Kenshin · Urban
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84 Chs

Chapter 52 Waking Up Together

Andrew and Elle woke up after lunchtime. Her parents did not disturb them because they knew they had no class that day. They just gave them freedom since Elle's birthday was already done. They gave Nanny Ann an instruction not to disturb their sleep. Elle stood up to go to the bathroom but Andrew pulled her to him. He was still on bed. "Thank you about the early dawn, Babe. I'm so deeply in love with you." Andrew said seriously as he stroked her hair then he touched her face and lips. He quickly planted a long, passionate kiss on her lips after they woke up together. Elle wanted to pull back because she just woke up but the kiss was so strong that suddenly Andrew made her lie down on her bed. He was on top. He raised her nightgown up and sucked her breasts. It was Andrew's second favorite thing to do aside from kissing her lips all the time. He kissed her lips again, while his left hand cupping her breast. His right fingers, inside her femininity. Elle suddenly moaned. It was first time for him to do it with Elle. He kissed her feminine part and removed his pants and underwear, he put his manhood inside her for the second time. She opened her legs so wide, that it was so easy for him to push his manhood so deep in her. He pushed and pushed deeply. And he gave her a deep, hard core that time. She felt so happy. They were both so hot and in love together. Andrew gave his best to satisfy the love of his life. He promised her to love her with all his heart, mind and soul for the rest of his life. "This feels so heaven, Babe! I don't want to see you around girls too. You are mine, Mr. Andrew Jones!" Elle said seriously. Andrew kept on pushing his manhood in her as he cupped her breasts, moaning hard, until fluids came out. "Of course, Babe Elle Smith, I'm always yours forever! Very much heaven with you, Babe!" Andrew responded as he kissed her lips while he was on top of her. "Come on, let's take a bath together, Babe!" He added. The couple went inside the bathroom and they showered together. They soaped each other's bodies and suddenly, Andrew kissed her lips torridly. She responded fully to his kiss. They washed and wiped their bodies with Elle's two towels. Andrew borrowed from her. They went out of the bathroom together. Andrew used his clothes last night. He did not have extra. Elle dressed herself into a boxer shorts and a crop top. Andrew took the comb and suddenly he combed her long brunette hair. Elle smiled at him as she glanced at the mirror. "You are so sweet, loving, caring and romantic, Babe!" Elle said as she faced him and wrapped her arms around his neck. "I'm so lucky to have you, Mr. Andrew Jones!" "I'm much luckier, Miss Elle Smith! I have a girlfriend who is so beautiful, smart, jolly, kind and lovingly romantic. You are my ideal girl ever since, Elle!" Andrew said seriously. He kissed her passionately on her lips and hugged her so tight. "I love you so much, Elle, my Babe!" "I love you more, my Babe Drew!" Elle replied. Andrew faced her and said seriously as he stared deeply into her brown eyes, "I don't want other guys flirt with you even James. I don't want him to invite you during weekend. You are always guarded by me, Elle, now we are officially in a relationship. "Don't worry, Drew, I'm already yours and that's forever. Now we sex together, I couldn't ask for more. I'm with you and I'm happy, Babe." Elle replied him with assurance. She kissed him in a tender loving way and he suddenly became hot that he put his hands inside her crop top, pressed her breasts harder. He slightly bent down to suck them as she stood up. "Another round, Babe?" Elle asked, laughing softly. "Yes Babe. I want to stay with you all the time. I'm really, really happy that my ideal girl has the same feelings for me too! We are really meant to be, Babe." Andrew said as he laid her down on her bed. He kissed her more and more on her lips, sucked her breasts, kissed her again while cupping them. He sweetly smiled at her and said, "Let's go down now and eat. After that I'll help you open those gifts." He helped her stand up and hugged her so tight that he felt her breasts pressed on his chest. "I love you, Elle, truly, madly and deeply!" He said as he faced her. "I love you most, Drew!" Elle replied, smiling at him then she kissed him on his forehead then his cheeks and lastly on his lips. They kissed together for so long. After that, Elle fixed herself in front of the mirror and Andrew did the same way. "Our first time in my own room, Drew! And from that, you are always with me." Elle told him, smiling. "It was my plan to do it here in your room so you are mine always, Elle. I will do my best to be a loving and responsible partner to you because to be honest, I really really love you forever and I don't want to lose you, Elle." Andrew said seriously. "I love you so much, Drew my babe!" "For me you are my first girlfriend and my only last love, I don't want anyone. Just only you, Elle." Andrew seriously said. "I'm so lucky to be with you, Drew. Thank you!" Elle said as she embraced him tight. Andrew responded to her hug and said, "You are safe with me. I will not hurt you. All I want to do is to love you, Elle." They faced each other and smiled together then headed downstairs toward the dining room.