
Phoenix under the Umbrella (Umbrella Academy AU)

I didn't like how the Show ended, it got to the point where I simply decided to write a fanfic about it. So Meet Nathaniel Hargreeves number 8 of the Umbrella Academy, Powers? Possessor of the Phoenix Force! It will be a mix of both of Show and the Dark Horse Comic, with some mix and twists of my own.

Shadow_D_Monarch3 · TV
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33 Chs

Chapter 33: Christine...

⚠️ warning ⚠️ This chapter is extremely dark: Mention of: Rape, Pedophilia, Child murder, Child Abuse, and Torture... Yeah it's one of those chapters...


[Third Person's PoV] 

Location: Canada 

Date: October 1st 1989 

As the beautiful young woman, about 19 years old, wandered through her parents' laboratory, deep within the basement, she absentmindedly crouched down, observing the rats her parents were experimenting on. She smiled as she poked at their cage, unaware that golden particles were slipping through the vents and entering her body.

Her expression changed abruptly as she felt a sharp pain. She looked down, eyes wide in shock, as her belly began to swell rapidly. "MOM! DAD!! HELP!" she screamed, gripping the side of the table and sinking to her knees in agony.

Within moments, her parents, both wearing lab coats, rushed down the stairs. "What did we tell you about coming into the lab without us?" her father, Gerald, yelled angrily. But as he and her mother, Mary, saw their daughter, Isabella, already in labor, they froze.

"What the hell?" Gerald muttered, staring at Isabella's swollen belly.

"She's going into labor!" Mary shouted in panic. "We need to get her to a hospital—"

"No time," Gerald interrupted. "We can't move her now. She's already giving birth. We'll have to do this here." He and Mary hurried to help Isabella to a safer part of the lab.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Isabella screamed, and moments later, the sound of a baby crying filled the room.

All three looked at the newborn in shock.

"You realize what this means, don't you?" Gerald said, his eyes wide with fanaticism as he stared at the baby girl.

Mary shared his look of awe. "Our daughter… may have just given birth to the second coming of Christ."

"Let's name her Christine," Gerald declared, his eyes gleaming with a crazed intensity. "It suits her perfectly."

Isabella, exhausted and lying by the table, was ignored as her parents focused entirely on the newborn.


**Three years later…**

A little blonde girl in a hospital gown stood in a sterile white room, clutching a teddy bear. She stared blankly at the door. Suddenly, it burst open, and Isabella rushed in, bags over her shoulder.

Isabella dropped to her knees, hugging the little girl tightly, tears streaming down her face. "I'm so sorry, baby. I should've taken you away from these monsters sooner. Please forgive me. I'm going to take you away now."

"Mommy?" the little girl asked softly.

"Yes, sweetie, it's your mommy—"


The little girl flinched as blood splattered across her face and hair. She looked down to see her mother, Isabella, slumped on the ground, a bullet hole in her forehead.

"Mommy?" the little girl whispered, confused.

Standing in the doorway was Gerald, a gun in hand, its barrel still smoking. "Honey, you didn't hurt the holy daughter, did you?" Mary asked from behind him.

"Of course not," Gerald replied coldly. "I only killed the heretic who wanted to take her away."

The little girl's hair began to lift, shifting from blonde to a deep, menacing purple, along with her skin. "Mommy?" she repeated, her voice now distorted, filled with rage and sorrow.

A massive wave of energy erupted from the child, an energy of pure destruction. The ground disintegrated into ashes, along with the blood on her skin and the body of Isabella.

Gerald and Mary stood just inches away from the edge of the devastation, both in shock.

As the energy dissipated, the little girl collapsed, her hair and skin returning to normal. Her small body, spent from the outburst, lay limp on the scorched ground.

Gerald's shock morphed into a sinister grin. "Well, this turned out more interesting than I expected."


**Two years later…**

Now five, Christine sat strapped to a chair, staring blankly at a video playing in front of her.

"Are you sure it's wise to control her like this?" Mary asked, her voice uncertain.

Gerald shot her a sharp look. "Are you getting cold feet?"

"No," Mary replied, shaking her head. "I just worry if it'll affect her development."

Gerald smirked. "It'll be fine. The younger they are, the easier it is to control them."


**Five years later…**

Gerald and Mary stood in front of the TV, watching in surprise as Reginald Hargreeves discussed children born with extraordinary abilities.

"So, she isn't special?" Mary asked, her voice full of doubt. "She isn't the Messiah sent to cleanse the world?"

Gerald frowned, his fanatical belief shaken for the first time. "Perhaps not…" he muttered, eyes narrowing as he pondered what this revelation meant for Christine—and for their twisted plans.

"But just because there are others like her, it doesn't mean she isn't special," Gerald muttered, pacing back and forth in front of Mary. "Which means we can delve into developments we haven't dared to explore before… now that we no longer have reservations about harming her."

With this chilling revelation, Gerald and Mary intensified their experiments on Christine. They extracted her blood, bone marrow, spinal fluids—anything they could harvest without killing her. And every time Christine showed resistance, a few commanding words were all it took to suppress her will. 

Her once-bright spirit had been broken.


Christine was now 15 years old, standing in an open field, far from any prying eyes or surveillance. 

"Aim and fire at your target," Gerald ordered coldly.

Christine's eyes turned a glowing, sinister purple as dark energy cracked the skin around them. Floating orbs of the same purple energy formed around her, shooting forward with lethal precision, cutting through the air until they finally dissipated.

"Now, your strongest attack," Gerald commanded.

Without hesitation, Christine rose into the air, her power defying gravity. She raised her hands and conjured a massive sphere of energy that pulsed with destructive force. A moment later, a beam shot from the orb, obliterating everything in its path, turning the landscape to ash and leaving a deep trench in the earth.

Gerald observed her from the distance, a twisted look of satisfaction on his face. "We can make her into the perfect assassin," he mused. "But there's something else that needs to be tested…"


**One year later…**

Gerald, speaking into his journal, recorded his latest transgression. "I have now impregnated her… We will see if any offspring she produces will be as exceptional as she is."

Meanwhile, Christine sat in her sterile, white room, curled into a ball. Emotionlessly, she stared at the door, lifeless eyes blinking slowly. Despite the control exerted over her, a single tear rolled down her cheek.


**Nine months later…**

Christine gave birth to a baby boy. But before she could even hold him, Gerald and Mary ripped him from her arms. They wasted no time in beginning their experiments on the newborn, but with great care, knowing the baby's fragile body could only handle so much before it would perish.

Christine, robbed of motherhood, could do nothing but watch from her prison, her soul crushed further with each passing day.


By the time Christine was 20, the baby had grown into a 4-year-old toddler. Gerald and Mary learned the hard way just how dangerous his powers were.

One day, when Mary grabbed the toddler's hand, her skin began to crack, crumble, and decay. Within moments, she was nothing more than dust. Gerald watched in horror, his mind grappling with the reality of losing his wife in such a grotesque way. 

"A monster…" Gerald muttered, staring at the boy with a mix of terror and disgust.

Despite his fear, Gerald continued the same brutal conditioning on the boy that he had inflicted on Christine, brainwashing him into obedience, ensuring the child would do as he commanded.


**Nine years later…**

Now, Christine was 29, and the little boy, her son, was 11. The years of control, manipulation, and suffering had shaped them both into tools of Gerald's twisted vision. But something was about to change.

Standing before the now 11-year-old boy, an old and broken Gerald aimed a gun at the child's head. His eyes were hollow, his hands shaking. "I thought I could forgive you… for what you did to Mary… but I can't."


Far away, in her cold, sterile room, Christine suddenly froze, her eyes widening as if sensing the shot that had just been fired.

Then, with a loud *snap*, her restraints were shattered—both physical and mental. The weight of years of control began to slip away.

She stood up, trembling, her eyes glowing with a renewed and dangerous energy.

For the first time in years, Christine was free.


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