
Tying up Loose Ends (conclusion)

Nix yawned and leaned back into the soft chair in his living room. He had two separate huds up, one for a water creature and the other for an air creature. He was struggling a bit to stay awake, but the smell of a cooking roast kept him from calling it a night.

Hyai noticed him nodding off from her seat in the kitchen. Neither her nor Fajii had left Shae's side since she returned. "Thirty minutes Nix."

Nix nodded in reply. "I'll finish this up and grab a quick shower."

Semmi had compiled a list of easy to attain items that were reasonably cheap. All Nix had to do was create two templates, and Inferno would foot the bill while he crafted the puppets.

[Water Creature]

[Queue One: Emperor Turtle Skin]

[Queue Two: Deep Sea Shark Tooth]

[Queue Three: Bulato Cuda Fins]

[Queue Four: Otter Bone]

[Queue Five: Essence Sapphire]