
Turtle House

"I can take someone with me?"

Scarlett nodded. "Just one person, the Steward Medallion enables travel to any of the eight settlements."

Nix glanced down at the writ in his hand. It was an appointment document signed by Scarlett. On it was a list of the other seven Stewards. There was also an attached land deed.

Jaro: Nescari

Gillian: Sossamon

Pedri: Vathro

Tuno: Beliquisto

Tama: Gothric

Kephart: Raiz

Mellix: Tobanz

Nix: Ionova

"I better check it out then." Nix was hesitant to leave Morti's family until he resummoned the Titan Cub.

"As Steward, you are tasked with the safety and well being of the inhabitants of Ionova." Scarlett placed a hand on his shoulder. "Normally I would have sanctioned a house to be built for you, but this will work out since you have the Turtle artifact."

"Turtle house..." The name didn't instill confidence. Nix could barely say it with a straight face.

Scarlett laughed at his expression. "It'll be fine."