
The Greater House of Inferno (part one)

1630 hours, Colonial Virtual Reality Lab, St. Paul, Mn

"That's a good question." Hara sipped her coffee while considering Glory's inquiry. "After the Khione quest has been completed, no matter the outcome, all the campaign quests after that will be instances."

"How will new players gain access to the Khione campaign?" Glory spent two days reading about Cadie, but now she was after more lore knowledge.

"Players will start the Everspire Campaign in the Polar Ice Caps of Colonial. After battling Khione, the campaign will place them in the role of Hero and toss them in the wilderness of Northern Titania."

Glory's face showed her surprise. "So the new version is actually following the trials of Nix and Inferno?"

Hara nodded. "They'll be scaled down quite a bit. It'll be an instance campaign under the guise of [Insert Hero]. In the interest of advancing through the expansion, there will be a solo, group, and guild version."