
The Black Gate

The raid force flew inland toward the spot where the original portal to the Necromancer Dark Temple had been located. Inferno had long removed the platform and taken it to Inferno.

/Inferno: Pon: The hell is that?

The rocky landscape should have been completely barren, but instead, a large Arch had been formed. The entryway shimmered darkly like liquid obsidian.

"It's a Chaos Gate Nix," Fey spoke loudly so the entire raid heard her. She glided downward and landed within a few meters of the gate.

"Born from blood and destruction, to make a Chaos Gate requires two things, the gate maker must be a practitioner of Chaos Magic, and they must be willing to use part of their soul to create the gate. Fey stared at Nix. "For the gate to exist, the Chaos Mage must still be inside."

/Inferno: Nix: Kill the Chaos Mage and exit... Pretty straightforward. Prey waits.

Nix drew his sword hilt while running toward the gate, he leaped through just as the emerald flame pushed outward.