

[Glory Bay: 5 miles North of Glory]

Milat led the small procession away from Glory, they stayed close to the ocean floor and used the Seaweeds for cover. They swam quickly until he was directed to stop.

Mina stared at the traitors, Yalta, Benin, Fidai, and Bursk. "This is far enough."

Zhava, Fajii, Milat, and Mina moved away from them, all of the Aquarion leader's Eel-gators were hovering behind her. The left wrist of each captive was bound to the prisoner in front of them.

"You are traitors," Milat said with hatred in his voice. He had lost good friends escaping from the Elder Matriarchs and Nix had saved many of his friends. "The spirit companion bonds that each of you made have been cast off by our human friends."

Yalta bowed his head toward Mina. "We don't deserve your mercy Filamina. Thank you."