
Su'Dhassi Ranger

"You can't be serious." The Su'Dhassi Ranger stared at the War Council as if they lost their collective minds. "This idea beyond stupid." The woman's dark face was narrow and scarred from a lifetime of battle and hunting. The tip of one pointed ear had been sliced off and replaced with a piece of silver jewelry. Three long scars ran down the side of her shaved head, courtesy of the same creature that took her ear.

"You've met the Inferno Guild Leader; moving forward, the Su'Dhassi aren't properly represented in the Deep Winter War hierarchy."

"Met him? I shot him with my bow while he was assaulting the Aquarion House by himself!" Eri Dale grimaced at the memory. She got the jump on the yellow-eyed intruder only to be charmed by his companion. Those few moments where she wasn't in control of herself still caused her sleepless nights. To make things worse, she lost Silver Fang, a powerful bow that had been given to her by Deidra, the Dragon Master of Solomon City.