
Shadow Ranger

Alpha team landed near the med-tent a few minutes later. Two robed clerics snatched the scout from Nix's broom and disappeared inside.

"What happened?" Cyra appeared in the doorway of the med-tent. Closing it behind her, she approached the team.

"There were dozens of them. They attacked the OPs at the same time, almost like they were coordinating with each other." Nix glanced at his team, who were all nodding in agreement. "We did manage to kill the one that wounded this scout. I lost one of my people in the fight."

"Windal?" A broom appeared in Cyra's grasp a moment later. "That scout was in OP Five. Wait for me in your tent."

Nix watched until she was airborne before turning back toward the group. "You heard her."

/Alpha: Semmi: Think she suspects us?

/Alpha: Nix: Hope not. She's too dangerous; we need to take her down.

/Alpha: Pon: Agreed she's smart like Sem.