
Recovered Corpses

Darsi was sitting comfortably on a chair outside the Turtle House's backdoor when Nix arrived, nearly an hour after his meeting in the library.

The ponytailed sniper stood up when Nix approached. "Hey, Trip-7. Can you take a look at my armor?"

Darsi slipped off the medium Eidengal armor set. Underneath, she wore a one-piece underarmor bodysuit that had been custom-made by the Inferno Leader. Her lithe figure was a feminine blend of muscle and lean curves. Like many players working at the Gladis hub, she hadn't bothered to change her looks for the Avatar she made for crafting.

Nix glanced at the underarmor; he had placed a number of enhancements on it so that Darsi could use the slots on the Eidengal armor set for something else.

The blonde noticed his glance. "Like what you see, Trip-7?"

"No comment." Nix chuckled at the innuendo. "You have one slot left on this armor."